Walking by the Abyss on Thin Ice

Chapter 69: Young man's chivalry


Others don't know who donated the Ten Brocade Embroidered Paintings, but Qiu Shuijing knows. He also knows that the person who donated the Ten Brocade Embroidered Paintings is not a so-called senior master at all. That person was a teenager like him back then, and he was not dead.

"Back then, Song Yan and I were young and ignorant. We broke into the Ghost Market of Tianmen in Tianshiyuan and went more than ten miles deep into the Ghost Market. Song Yan was determined to be strong, so he made a bet with me. He accepted the spiritual weapon and trust of an ancient great sage."

Qiu Shuijing recalled the past. Back then, they were classmates and young men. They were full of vigor and enthusiasm, and they were ready to make plans for the country. How could they be like now when they have lost their sharpness and ambition

At that time, Zuo Songyan and he both accepted the entrustment of the ancient sages. What Zuo Songyan received was the Great Holy Spirit Soldiers and the Ten Brocade Embroidered Maps!

After the two accepted the task, they each tried to complete it, otherwise they would be pursued by the spirits of the ancestors. If they could not complete the task, they would naturally die.

Qiu Shuijing completed the task entrusted by the sage, but unexpectedly Zuo Songyan also completed it and became the new owner of the Ten Brocade Embroidery Painting.

But what Qiu Shuijing never expected was that Zuo Songyan donated the Ten Brocade Embroidery Painting to the government of Shuofang in a blink of an eye!

Zuo Songyan had a natural chivalrous spirit, a spirit so strong that Qiu Shuijing felt that his classmate was a little naive.

For Zuo Songyan at that time, the importance of the great holy spirit soldiers like the Ten Brocade Embroidered Painting can be imagined, but he said that it was good for Emperor Yuan to reform education and open official schools, but there needed to be an entrance examination that was relatively fair and just for scholars from poor families, and the Ten Brocade Embroidered Painting was undoubtedly the best examination venue.

That's why he donated the Ten Brocade Embroidered Paintings to the government.

He also fabricated an old senior, and donated the Ten Embroidered Maps of the Great Holy Spirit Soldiers to the government in the name of this old senior who did not want to reveal his name.

At the same time, Zuo Songyan notified the ministers of the three major official schools at that time, Shuofang, Moxia and Jiuyuan, so that the officials would not dare to embezzle and withhold the ten embroidered paintings.

Later, whenever the officials of Shuofang and the ministers of the three academies mentioned the old senior, they were very respectful, and he was secretly happy.

From then on, Shuofang City had a relatively fair entrance examination for scholars.

Qiu Shuijing knew the reason behind this.

Zuo Songyan was born in a poor family. He knew well how difficult it was for a poor family to raise a scholar. He also knew the various injustices that scholars from poor families had to face in the imperial examinations in the past. That was why he was determined to take the treasure like the Ten Brocade Embroidered Painting without hesitation.

It was also for this reason that after studying abroad, he returned to Shuofang and used his connections to open the fourth official school, Wenchang Academy.

Wenchang Academy enshrines the great sage, Wenshenggong Wenchang Emperor.

But now…

Qiu Shuijing stretched out his hand, held down Zuo Songyan who was trying to stand up, and whispered: "Songyan, you should be able to see it! Someone is using the human-demon layout to force out the people who are threatening him in Shuofang City. If you jump out and say that you are the owner of the Ten Brocade Embroidery Picture, you will be in danger!"

Zuo Songyan hesitated for a moment, then silently pushed his hand away: "Twenty scholars will lose their lives because of this. My life is no more precious than theirs."

Qiu Shuijing's forehead was bulging with veins, and he lowered his voice, "That man was able to release a human demon who has lived for who knows how many years to wreak havoc on the world. His strength must be extraordinary. If he attacks you, can you dodge his open spears and hidden arrows?"

Zuo Songyan looked determined and stood up.

At this moment, Qiu Shuijing suddenly stood up and said in a loud voice: "Gentlemen, to be honest, I handed over the Ten Brocade Embroidery Painting to the government back then."

As soon as he said this, everyone's eyes turned to him involuntarily, and everyone showed surprise.

Zuo Songyan also looked at him in disbelief and said, "Water Mirror..."

Qiu Shuijing raised his hand to stop him from speaking, and said leisurely: "My name is Qiu Shuijing. Fifty years ago, I was a scholar from Shuofang, and later I was admitted to Tiandao Academy. When I was in Shuofang, I got the Ten Brocade Embroidery Painting. Because I thought I didn't have the ability to let the treasure be covered in dust, I donated it to the government to support education. I can control this Ten Brocade Embroidery Painting to suppress the human demon, so that the human demon cannot complete the third wave of blood sacrifice and successfully revive."

Zuo Songyan opened his mouth but didn't say anything.

Tong Qingyun stood up and asked doubtfully, "You said you are the senior who donated the map. What proof do you have?"

Qiu Shuijing glanced at him and said calmly, "I am Qiu Shuijing, the former imperial teacher of Tiandao Academy, the teacher of the Great Emperor. Why should I lie? Zuo Songyan was my classmate at that time, and he can testify. If Tong Pushe doesn't believe it, you can ask Tian Pushe of the Moxia Academy, and he can also testify."

Tong Qingyun looked at Tian Wuji, who was puzzled and said, "It was indeed Mr. Shuijing who donated the map. I know this. He does not seek fame or wealth and has a broad mind. I helped him keep it a secret for fifty years, and it was very painful for me..."

Tong Qingyun frowned.

Qiu Shuijing said calmly: "Or Tong Pushe can write a letter to ask the old immortal of your Tong family in the capital. Even if he meets me, he has to call me Sir respectfully, and the emperor has to call me Teacher. Who do you think you are? How dare you question me?"

Tong Qingyun bowed hurriedly: "Senior, this matter is of great importance. I have to act cautiously to avoid releasing the human demon."

He straightened up and said, "Since Senior Shui Jing has shown up, please help me and suppress the demon in the picture."

Qiu Shuijing walked out: "Tian Wuji is my old friend, Zuo Songyan is my classmate, I need them to protect the law. Everyone else, please stay back and don't get close."

Tian Wuji was stunned for a moment, then followed him reluctantly.

Zuo Songyan also followed.

The three of them came to the Tianlin Scenery Map. Qiu Shuijing looked at Zuo Songyan and said with a smile, "Songyan, do you remember the game of main car and auxiliary car that we played when we were little?"

Zuo Songyan nodded.

Qiu Shuijing smiled and said, "Then I ask the two of you to protect me. My life and death safety is entirely in your hands."

Qiu Shuijing sat cross-legged on the Tianlin Shangjing picture. His spirit emerged and his supernatural powers were summoned. Suddenly, a bright mirror hung high in the sky, covering an area of several acres and transparent from top to bottom.

The bright mirror above receives the light from the sun, moon and stars, and the rays of light from thousands of miles away converge together in a mighty manner, while the mysterious light shines through from below, illuminating the scene in the sky.

This scene could be seen clearly by everyone in Shuofang City. It was truly a magnificent celestial phenomenon that connected the sky and the earth, and it was breathtaking!

"You two, my skills are connected to the sun, moon and stars. At night, when the sun sets, my skills are at their weakest."

Qiu Shuijing closed his eyes and said loudly: "I hope you two will remember this when you protect me."

"Why did Mr. Shui Jing also point out the shortcomings of his own martial arts?" Tian Wuji suppressed the doubts in his heart and nodded in agreement with Zuo Songyan.

Qiu Shuijing said in a deep voice: "I'm going to put together the ten embroidered paintings!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the other nine embroidered paintings immediately rose into the air, flew from between the other buildings, and flew towards this side.

The Ten Embroidered Maps are ten huge continents, each containing a spiritual world. It is truly dizzying when it flies over.

But I saw these ten beautiful pictures merged one after another, and soon, the ten pictures, ten pieces of land, and ten spiritual worlds merged into one!

The sun was setting in the west, and the cold sunlight shone on the snow in Shuofang City, sparkling brightly.

Around Shenxianju, Tong Qingyun, Wen Lifang and a group of teachers from various universities looked at Qiu Shuijing, each of them feeling uneasy.

Tong Qingyun's eyes flickered, and he whispered, "Wen Pushe, what do you think of this Senior Shui Jing?"

Wen Lifang whispered, "I think there's something strange. This senior Shui Jing has been living in Shenxianju and has been in close contact with Tian Pushe. I heard that he has been in Shuofang for a year. If he and Zuo Pushe were classmates, why hasn't he ever looked for Zuo Pushe in the past year?"

Tong Qingyun said, "I also know about the former imperial tutor Qiu Shuijing. The old immortal in my family in Dongdu wrote to me and told me that he was a radical who failed in the struggle in the court of Dongdu and was demoted. The old immortal told me to keep an eye on him and make sure he didn't cause any trouble."

"What's going on?"

Wen Lifang frowned and suddenly shuddered: "Could it be that he created this demon?"

Tong Qingyun's pupils suddenly shrank.

Wen Lifang said: "If he hadn't come, there would have been no human demons. He has been here for only a year, and poisonous dragons and human demons have appeared in Shuofang. This cannot but make people suspicious..."

"Stop talking!" Tong Qingyun raised his hand to stop her.

Wen Lifang could not help but say, "I can't help but say it! Think about it, if he left behind the Ten Embroidered Paintings sixty years ago, and released the human demon at this critical time, and he controlled the Ten Embroidered Paintings to allow the human demon to be born smoothly and bring disaster to the world, who can resist? Tong Pushe, please ask the saint to come and take charge!"

The corners of Tong Qingyun's eyes twitched violently.

At the same time, the merger of the Ten Brocade Pictures was completed.

In the Ten Brocade Embroidered Painting, Su Yun looked around in surprise, and saw that the sun, moon, stars, mountains and rivers around them were changing rapidly!

At some point, sandalwood forests appeared by the lake, the trees looked like blue clouds, and a long bridge appeared on the lake, dividing the water like Tai Chi.

An island in the lake grew green tiles and white walls, which surrounded the island, making it square, with many palaces and deep imperial enclosures.

Clouds gather and disperse in the sky, rolling and unrolling. There is a mountain like a dragon standing on the top of the clouds in the distance. There is a tall building standing on the top of the cloud. There is a long bridge lying on the waves, rising from the lake, stretching for many miles and connecting with the tall building in the clouds.

There are also colorful lanterns hung on both sides of the Cloud Bridge, going in and out of the clouds.

Pastoral scenery can be vaguely seen among the mountains and forests, and there is a tall sycamore tree standing outside the countryside. There is a huge bird's nest on the tree, and there is a palace in the bird's nest.

And in the sky connected to the Phoenix Nest Palace, there was a mirage, an image of a vast desert of yellow sand. Above the mirage there was a faint waning moon.

The ten embroidered pictures are integrated into one, and the colors become extremely rich, just like a real world, making it difficult to distinguish what is virtual and what is real!

In the square villa scene in the lake, a woman and a young man appeared at the two ends of the palace, looking out from afar.

In the sandalwood forest, a shrewd and capable young scholar walked out of the forest, holding a wooden sword carved from sandalwood. There was also a scholar in the forest who used the Crocodile Dragon Roar to pull up a sandalwood tree, cut off the roots and the crown, and carried the tree towards him.

The figures of scholars appeared on the bridge, in the clouds, on Longpan Mountain, in the Tianlou, in the countryside, on the branches of the phoenix trees, and even in the desert like a mirage in the sky.

The twenty strongest scholars selected from thirty thousand scholars all appeared!