Walking by the Abyss on Thin Ice

Chapter 70: Evil and evil


Su Yun's eyes swept across the magnificent scenery of the Ten Brocade Embroidered Pictures. This spiritual world made him feel relaxed and happy, and even his blood seemed to become unusually lively.

"The twenty strongest ones selected from the thirty thousand scholars!"

He glanced at the girl with twin ponytails beside him and thought, "Nineteen of the strongest! If I kill eighteen of them, I will be the strongest one! I will have completed Zuo Pushe's mission, and Xiao Fanyue'er, Buping and the others can go to school and study peacefully!"

Although there are only four major palaces in Shuofang City, and although Wenchang Palace ranks fourth among the four, having a place to study, a place that is willing to accept the little foxes, is always better than having nothing.

Although Su Yun wanted to choose a better academy to study, Wenchang Academy was still their best choice at the moment.

They came from the uninhabited area of Tianshiyuan and had no identity. Monk Tu Ming and Zuo Pushe Zuo Songyan and others forged identities for them. Other academies could not do such a thing, only Wenchang Academy could do it.

"And they mistakenly thought that I was an envoy sent by the Emperor of Dongdu to investigate the case, even though I don't even know where Dongdu is or who the Emperor of Dongdu is. But as long as they believe me, then I will do my best as an envoy!"

Su Yun smiled, took a step forward and walked onto the long bridge in the lake. His blood and energy moved, and a dragon appeared behind him. It followed him on the bridge for two steps, then suddenly jumped into the lake, creating small waves.

In the Fangyuan Villa scene in the lake, the two scholars, a man and a woman, looked at each other and walked out.

A strong aura emerged from behind each of the two men, transforming into two crocodile dragons.

They are the scholars taught carefully by Qiu Shuijing!

Li Zhuxian quickly jumped up to the floating bridge and caught up with Su Yun. He clenched his fists excitedly and said, "Is this the glory of the top 20? Now I am also in the top 20. My brother always boasted to me that he participated in the top 20 battle..."


The full-blooded dragon jumped out of the water first and landed on the island in the lake. The dragon shook its head and body to shake off the water on its body.

Su Yun and Li Zhuxian lagged behind slightly, but also reached the island and just avoided the lake water shaken off by the dragon.

Li Zhuxian observed this scene and understood something in his heart: "This is what my brother said about the combination of form and spirit in the visualization. Although I know that this dragon is visualized and manifested by qi and blood, there is really such a dragon in Brother Xiaoyun's heart."

Her comprehension was also very high, and she said thoughtfully: "If you want to reach this level of visualization, you need to observe carefully, capturing the subtle details of the dragon's form while also capturing the subtle details of its demeanor."

Su Yun had already stepped into Fangyuan Villa Jing's manor and strode forward, while the dragon climbed over the wall, grabbed the wall with its claws, climbed up the high wall, and walked along the top of the wall with its long body for several feet before jumping down.

Li Zhuxian was about to walk into Fangyuan Villa Scenery when suddenly a dragon roar was heard from the villa scene. The violent turbulence of qi and blood made the girl's eyelids twitch. The qi and blood coming from Fangyuan Villa Scenery were too strong and compressed her eye nerves, causing muscle twitching.

She sensed three extremely powerful energies and blood!

Whether in the city or in the countryside of Shuofang, most of the scholars practiced the Bifang Shenxing Yangqi Pian. This foundation-building method was strong in the variety and agility of its moves, but its attainments in qi and blood were not high.

The Qi and blood of the scholars who practiced Honglu Transmutation and reached the sixth level were many times thicker than those who practiced Bifang Shenxing.

That's why Li Zhuxian felt an unusual sense of oppression because the gap in their qi and blood cultivation was too great.


There was a violent vibration in Fangyuan Villa. Li Zhuxian was worried that Su Yun was besieged by two people, so he was about to rush in, but suddenly stopped in a hurry.

A ferocious and vicious dragon grabbed the door frame with its two front paws and roared at her. The dragon's roar was so loud that the girl's clothes and hair fluttered backwards. It was dark in front of her eyes and she could not see anything.

Li Zhuxian's heart was pounding. At this time, Su Yun's gentle voice came: "Zhuxian, you came too close. I thought it was an invasion by foreign enemies, so I overreacted."

Li Zhuxian's eyes were filled with blood and her vision was restored. Su Yun had already walked past her and left Fangyuan Villa.

She quickly looked around the villa, but there was no trace of the two scholars.

There were only traces of battle in the Fangyuan Villa scenery. Two trees had fallen down and there was a big hole on the ground. In addition, there was a human mark on the wall of a palace, half a foot deep.

There are traces of a dragon coiling on the bronze pillar in front of the palace. In addition to the traces of the dragon coiling, there are also fist marks and dragon scratches, as if a dragon strangled a person to the pillar, and another person punched the other person on the head and missed, leaving traces.

Li Zhuxian stuck out her tongue and said, "Perhaps the arrow didn't miss, but when it was about to pierce the scholar's head, Jinxiutu rescued the scholar."

She rushed out of Fangyuan Villa in a hurry, only to see Su Yun had already stepped onto the floating bridge and was walking along the bridge towards another scene in the sky.

His target was the beautiful lights on the next aerial floating bridge.

The blood and energy dragon beside him disappeared, and was replaced by a golden ape, which climbed onto the floating bridge and leaped under the bridge.

Li Zhuxian caught up with Su Yun and whispered, "Were those two scholars ranked in the top 20 just now sent away by you in just a few moves?"

Su Yun nodded: "They should be considered my senior brothers. We all studied under the same teacher. Their moves are still the same as the teacher taught, without any changes. Moreover, they lack several essentials in their cultivation techniques, and they haven't practiced them to perfection. It's already remarkable that they can survive two or three moves under my hands."

At this time, the battle in the sandalwood forest below and the countryside in the forest had ended. The two scholars came to the lake one after another and walked up the bridge.

Li Zhuxian looked forward and saw dots of Chinese lanterns surrounded by clouds and mist. There were also extremely loud thunderous sounds from the duel between masters.

Suddenly, a person fell from the sky while dancing. When he was about to be smashed into mud, his body became transparent and disappeared.

Li Zhuxian frowned, looked behind him, and then looked ahead.

There were scholars in front and behind them, sandwiching them in the middle.

"No problem."

Su Yun said calmly, "They are all my senior brothers. I can't say I can kill others with certainty, but I am the best at killing senior brothers."

He walked forward and came to the long bridge shrouded in mist. The long bridge here was shrouded in fog and the bridge deck could not be seen. Only lanterns indicated that the bridge deck was below.

However, if someone were to do something bad and deliberately move the lantern, then judging the position based on the lantern, the person would definitely die.

Su Yun walked in the clouds and mist, from which came bursts of rumbling thunder sounds.

Li Zhuxian was so nervous that she was shaking a little. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew in the air, making the clouds even thicker.

Li Zhuxian hurriedly stopped and saw that Su Yun had disappeared in the dense clouds. She looked back and saw white mist everywhere, and could not see the long bridge in the sky at all!

The lanterns in the clouds were like eyes glowing red, and behind the eyes there seemed to be a giant beast with its mouth open, quietly waiting for her to fall into its trap.

The sound of monkeys crying came from the clouds and mist, hitting the fog. Li Zhuxian seemed to see a crocodile dragon tumbling in the mist. Its green and slippery body swam past her not far away. On the crocodile dragon's back was a golden violent ape, which was holding the dragon's mouth and beating it violently.

Then, there was the crisp sound of broken bones, and then all the sounds subsided.

Suddenly, a wave of fire rushed past the girl, as if a Bifang bird was flying on fire, at an extremely fast speed.

Li Zhuxian stood there not daring to move, only hearing the rumbling sound of thunder coming from below. The Bifang's startling cry pierced through her mind, leaving her mind blank.

At this time, Su Yun's voice came: "Zhu Xian, it has been resolved. Let's move forward."

Li Zhuxian clearly heard Su Yun's voice, but couldn't see him. Suddenly she realized, "He's under the bridge!"

Li Zhuxian bravely walked forward. She walked on the bridge while Su Yun walked under the bridge. The two of them started and stopped almost at the same time, one with his head up and the other with his head down. Their footsteps overlapped.

Li Zhuxian was so nervous that her palms were covered with cold sweat. She continued to move forward. Suddenly, she saw a scholar in front of her coming out of nowhere. He used the Thirty-Six Hands technique, like a crocodile dragon monster with many heads and claws, and was extremely ferocious!

At this moment, a violent ape jumped up from under the bridge, picked up the scholar and jumped under the bridge.

"Ah—" A long scream came from under the bridge.

Li Zhuxian's forehead was covered with sweat. He forced himself to walk out of the foggy area. Looking up, he saw a long bridge coming to the Phoenix Nest of Fengqi Yuejing.

The clouds dissipated.

The sycamore tree in the Ten Brocade Embroidery Painting is incredibly tall, and its branches are like thick roads, with long bridges shuttling between the treetops and branches.

The phoenix's nest is in the tree canopy, and there is a palace in the nest. Su Yun walked from under the bridge to the bridge, and once again walked in front of Li Zhuxian.

Li Zhuxian felt relieved and looked back, only to see that the phoenix tree was about a hundred or two hundred feet tall. Looking down, the lake seemed small.

Next to the Phoenix Nest, there is a rainbow bridge, which is a colorful rainbow. One end is on the edge of the Phoenix Nest, and the other end is connected to the mirage.

That mirage was exactly the desert scenery outside the Great Wall in the Ten Embroidered Paintings!

You can enter the desert scenery outside the Saiwai through this rainbow bridge, and if you want to enter the Longpan Mountain scenery, you need to jump from the desert scenery outside the Saiwai to Longpan Mountain.

On Longpan Mountain, a tall building rises into the sky.

Su Yun and Li Zhuxian came from Tianlin Shangjing, and passed through Fangyuan Shujing, Xingyuntianjing, Huadenglijing and other places. Several scholars from Tianyuan Fengjing and Tanxiang Yujing followed them and were also eliminated by Su Yun.

Now, all that remains are the scenery of Fengqi Yue, the desert outside the Saiwai, the Longpan Mountain and the beautiful scenery of Tianlou.

Su Yun walked around the Phoenix Palace in Fengqi Yuejing and shook his head, saying, "There's no one inside."

Li Zhuxian followed him and jumped onto the Rainbow Bridge. The bridge was made of colors and it felt soft and amazing to walk on.

In reality, you certainly cannot walk on a rainbow, but this is the spiritual world formed by the Ten Brocade Embroidery Pattern. People’s dreams are things that happen in the spiritual world, so it is not surprising to walk on the Rainbow Bridge.

The two walked across the rainbow bridge and entered the desert. There were endless sand dunes in front of them and the red sun was setting in the west, hanging above the sand dunes.

Su Yun stopped, picked up a strand of sand, and thought about something.

"Zhuxian, have you ever tried to control sand with qi and blood?" he suddenly asked.

Li Zhuxian was slightly startled: "Using Qi and blood to control the sand?"

Su Yun stood up, his blood and qi turned into a dragon, and the yellow sand was also drawn into it. Grains of yellow sand merged with the blood and qi dragon and turned into a yellow dragon!

Li Zhuxian stepped forward to take a look, and poked it hard with her hand. Grains of sand floating in the air under the influence of qi and blood shrank inward along with her fingers, and then bounced back.

Li Zhuxian was surprised and said, "It seems to be stronger than pure blood! Although pure blood has strong attack power, it can be easily broken."

Su Yun nodded, somewhat excited: "Using yellow sand or running water should have the effect of strengthening the manifestation of Qi and blood. However, the consumption of Qi and blood is also a little more than usual, which is acceptable to me."

Li Zhuxian tried it out. She had not practiced Honglu Transmutation and did not have as strong Qi and blood as Su Yun. Therefore, she felt that her Qi and blood were being consumed rapidly.

"Isn't this equivalent to a half-spiritual divine weapon?"

The girl was suddenly stunned, and clapped her hands suddenly, which scared Su Yun. She said excitedly: "Brother Xiaoyun, the spiritual weapon is made based on the spiritual supernatural power and is made of various treasure-refining materials. Using yellow sand is equivalent to having half a spiritual weapon!"

The girl walked back and forth excitedly: "Or you can store some poisoned sand or something like that, and use it when fighting with others. If you can't kill your opponent, you can poison him! Oh, and you can also set fire!"

Her eyes sparkled. "Blood and fire mixed together will increase the power of the moves! And, we can also grind the Qinghong coins into blades and mix them in the yellow sand, making it hard to defend against!"

The more she talked, the more excited she became. All her tricks were shady and mean, and they were getting more and more despicable.

Su Yun blinked and thought, "Mu Ge's sister seems to be a bit evil..."

Suddenly, the yellow sand behind the two men began to move, and a crocodile dragon made of yellow sand swam in the desert and approached them.


There was a roar of thunder and the crocodile dragon jumped up!