Walking by the Abyss on Thin Ice

Chapter 74: The Secret of Longevity


On the platform below the splendid painting, several teachers shouted in panic: "Come and save them!"

The girl Wutong was sent out of the Jinxiutu, her internal organs were on the verge of rupture, and blood kept gushing out of her mouth.

This has never happened in all the previous major examinations. The injuries in Jinxiutu would be superficial at most and it is impossible to cause fatal injuries.

The Ten Brocade Embroidered Painting can protect scholars from fatal injuries, but this girl was fatally injured by the Brocade Embroidered Painting. Is there any scholar who can resist the suppression of the Ten Brocade Embroidered Painting

Teachers looked up at the Ten Splendid Embroidery Painting, their eyes flickering: "The last scholar left in the painting may be the resurrected demon!"

"Seven days ago, I was still a teenager in Tianmen Town. I had four foxes around me. They were my classmates."

Su Yun leaned on the throne on the top floor of Tianlou Xiujing and looked outside the door. There was a long corridor outside the door. At the end of the corridor was the gate of the palace. Outside the door was the tourmaline sky.

"The only thing that bothered me at that time was that there was an old man in the town whom I respected who might not be a human being."

He stood up and walked out, feeling worried: "Only seven days have passed, how come I was involved in all these weird things?"

He staggered across the corridor, came to the palace gate, and placed his hands on the railing.

The world before my eyes was still bright and beautiful. The desert transformed by a mirage hung in the sky, and next to it was a phoenix tree that reached into the sky. A long bridge was like a rainbow, winding down through the clouds and lying on the lake.

Time in the spiritual world seems to not flow, forever fixed at this moment, without worries and sorrows.

“Why is it so difficult for children from the countryside to go to school in the city?”

Su Yun sighed and moved his right arm. His right arm felt burning with pain.

The right arm is disabled again.

He muttered and complained: "I just want to go to the city, and my second brother and I want to study with my younger brothers and sisters..."

Suddenly, the face of the old man Zuo Songyan appeared in the sky. His huge eyes were like two more suns in the sky. He rolled around and finally found Su Yun's figure.

"Zuo Pushe, I did as you wished. I defeated 30,000 scholars and demons and got the first place." Su Yun said calmly, looking up.


Zuo Yansong's face moved across the sky, pushing away the clouds and even pushing the sun aside.

The face drooped down and floated in front of Su Yun. It was larger than the sky tower, and its breath was as fast as the wind and as loud as thunder. "Defeated the human demon? You said you defeated the human demon?"

"There are traces of her blood on the ground of Tianlou Xiujing."

Su Yun looked up at the huge face, still very calm, and said: "You can check it."

Zuo Yansong's left eye suddenly popped out of its socket with a pop, and two legs grew out of it. It walked towards the beautiful scenery of Tianlou. Behind his eyeball were a long optic nerve and rectus oblique muscles.

"The presence of blood doesn't mean anything."

The eyeball with legs walked inside and said, "I just felt a terrible force breaking through the suppression of the Ten Brocade Embroidery Picture. That is obviously not a force you can exert! If you are the human demon, then it was you who broke through the suppression of the Ten Brocade Embroidery Picture and injured Shizi Wutong!"

Having said that, he still walked into the hall and collected some blood samples.

Su Yun remained calm and said, "It was my own strength that broke through the suppression of the Ten Brocade Embroidery Map and injured the human demon. The human demon was none other than the second-ranked scholar Wutong."

Although the scene before him was extremely absurd and bizarre, he was not surprised.

This is the spiritual world inside the Splendid Picture. Anything is possible in the spiritual world. After all, this is a dream, where spirits reside.

The eyeball walked back, leaped back into the eye socket, rubbed left and right, found a comfortable position, and then took root in the eye socket.

Zuo Songyan in the sky winked and looked at each other, and after a moment he returned to normal, sneering, "Lord, are you saying that your own strength is even greater than that of the Ten Brocade Embroidery Painting? Just now you forcibly broke through the suppression of the Ten Brocade Embroidery Painting and injured the human demon Wutong?"

Su Yun nodded helplessly and asked tentatively: "If I say this, will no one believe it?"

"Even I don't believe it!"

Zuo Songyan's old face floating in the sky frowned, "Even though I know you are a scholar of the Tiandao Academy and a messenger sent by the Great Emperor, I still can't believe that you can defeat the human demon, let alone break through the suppression of the Ten Brocade Embroidery Map."

Su Yun was silent for a moment, and then said, "If you don't believe it, no one else will believe it either."

Zuo Songyan nodded: "That's right."

Su Yun sighed, mobilized his qi and blood, which flowed into his eyes, stimulating the Eight-sided Sky-facing Gate, and immediately the Heavenly Gate opened again.


The spiritual world in the Ten Brocade Embroidered Picture suddenly shook violently, colliding with the power of Tianmen, causing the entire spiritual world in the picture to be shaky and it seemed that it could be destroyed at any time!

Su Yun dissipated his vital energy, the Sky Gate closed, and the horrifying impact slowly stopped.

Zuo Songyan's face changed drastically, and he looked at Su Yun with some awe in his eyes: "How old are you, senior?"

Su Yun was stunned.

Zuo Songyan said solemnly, "I didn't expect that you have the same ability to maintain your youth as Qiu Shuijing. I mistook you for a young boy, but you turned out to be an old monster from Tiandaoyuan... Old senior! No wonder you can defeat the human demon! Senior, please be patient, let me think of an idea."

Su Yun hurriedly said: "Pu She, you misunderstood! Pushe, Pushe—, you run so fast!"

In the brocade painting, Zuo Songyan woke up slowly and hurried to Qiu Shuijing. Qiu Shuijing looked as if he didn't want strangers to approach him, so Tong Qingyun and others didn't dare to approach him to talk.

Zuo Songyan didn't care about much else and whispered, "Shui Jing, which senior from your Tiandao Academy is Su Yun in the picture?"

Qiu Shuijing was shocked and turned to look at him with a puzzled look.

"You don't have to hide it from me, haha!"

Zuo Songyan sneered, "You are the envoys and imperial envoys of the Emperor of Dongdu. You have come to my Shuofang to investigate openly and secretly. You are in the open, and Su Yun is in the dark! That senior Su Yun must be an old monster from the Tiandao Academy. His cultivation is extremely terrifying. Even the spiritual weapon of Wen Shenggong cannot suppress him..."

Qiu Shuijing raised his eyebrows and raised his hand, saying, "Wait a moment, my thoughts are a little confused, let me sort them out."

Zuo Songyan walked back and forth patiently. It took Qiu Shuijing a while to sort out the cause and effect. He asked tentatively, "I am the imperial envoy sent by the emperor to Shuofang. Am I in the open? Su Yun is the secret envoy sent by the emperor to Shuofang to assist me. Is he in the dark?"

Zuo Songyan sneered: "Pretend, keep pretending!"

Qiu Shuijing calmed down and said, "You just said that Su Yun broke through the suppression of Wen Shenggong's Ten Brocade Embroidery Map, so you called him a senior. Do you think he is a monster older than the two of us?"

Zuo Songyan's heart skipped a beat and he had a bad feeling.

Qiu Shuijing said: "He is not. I taught him."

Zuo Songyan groaned, and his originally short body suddenly became much shorter: "Oh no, my generation has dropped two generations in an instant!"

Qiu Shuijing showed a faint smile, which he then hid, and said lightly: "You don't have to treat me as your predecessor's predecessor. I won't take advantage of you."

Zuo Songyan blew his beard and glared, gritted his teeth and said: "You are already taking it! Let's not talk about this, what is going on with Su Yun?"

"There's something in his eyes."

Qiu Shuijing hesitated for a moment, but still told the truth: "What he saw was extremely important, and it was related to the last step of immortality. Emperor Ping ordered people to go to Tianmen Town in Tianshiyuan in order to study this thing."

Zuo Songyan was alert and said in a hoarse voice: "Is it this power that makes even the Ten Brocade Embroidered Map, a saint's treasure, unable to suppress it, and the human demons unable to invade it?"

Qiu Shuijing nodded: "You should know the dramatic changes in Tianmen Town seven years ago. In Su Yun's eyes, it is the research results of Tianmen Town."

Zuo Songyan looked solemn, exhaled a breath of foul air, and murmured: "The secret of immortality is hidden in his eyes... What kind of monsters are those in Tiandaoyuan..."

Qiu Shuijing looked at him strangely, but did not point out his mistake.

"The only problem now is how to clear him of the suspicion of being a demon."

Qiu Shuijing said: "Now almost everyone thinks he is a human demon. That little demon girl knows how to manipulate people's hearts."

Zuo Songyan breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "How difficult is this? You are the senior who donated the Ten Brocade Embroidery Map, and you are also the previous emperor's teacher, the teacher of the Great Emperor. Just now you fought against the rebellion in the Old No Man's Land and put down a catastrophe. Now your prestige, as long as you stir up public opinion and add fuel to the flames, I am afraid you can be compared with the saints of Shuofang! You said Su Yun is not a human demon, who dares to question it?"

Qiu Shuijing suddenly realized that this was the people's support!

His prestige now is so high that he can even decide life and death with just a single word!

Su Yun stayed in the Tianlou and waited quietly. He was always very patient.

After a long time, the sky around him gradually became dark. Su Yun looked carefully and saw that he had landed on the platform again, surrounded by scholars.

—Ordinary scholars knew nothing about the human-demon thing. They only knew that demons and monsters were attacking the old no-man’s land and the whole city was searching for them.

"These 30,000 scholars had no idea what a dangerous night they had spent."

Su Yun looked around and thought, "Sometimes ignorance is a kind of bliss. They are so happy."

He thought he would be interrogated severely, but what he didn't expect was that several people who claimed to be the head teachers of Wenchang Academy, Jiuyuan Academy and Moxia Academy came to persuade Su Yun to apply for their academies.

"Go away!"

Monk Tu Ming and Taoist Xianyun came forward, and Taoist Xianyun pushed the head teachers aside in an arrogant manner.

Monk Tu Ming had a kind and dignified look on his face. He put his hands together and asked sincerely, "Young donor, you have won the first place in the exam. Congratulations. Our Wenchang Academy is the leader among the four major academies. Would you like to come to our Wenchang Academy?"

The chief teachers of the other three academies sneered, waiting to see the joke.


Su Yun was overjoyed and said loudly: "I have heard for a long time that Wenchang Academy has inherited the mantle of Emperor Wenchang, teaching and educating people, persuading people to be good, and cultivating the pillars of the country. It is a model for official schools in the world. Today, the scholar Su Yun can be favored by Wenchang Academy, which is enough to bring honor to the family!"

There was an uproar on the platform.

Thirty thousand scholars were whispering to each other, and the scholar who ranked first in this examination was actually going to apply for Wenchang Academy

The teachers of the various universities were even more shocked, and then turned into anger: "Wenchang Academy is so shameless, flattering itself and deceiving the scholars!"

Immediately, several gentlemen wanted to step forward and argue with Xianyun Tuming.

At this time, the Saint Prince Bai Yuelou came over and bowed, saying, "Master Tu Ming, I also want to study at Wenchang Academy. I beg you to help me."

There was an uproar all around, and the chief teachers of several academies almost fainted. When did Wenchang Academy become so popular

Even the saint's disciples have to go to Wenchang Academy to study!

Li Zhuxian squeezed into the crowd, glared at Su Yun fiercely, and said to Taoist Xianyun: "Master, I also want to apply for the Wenchang Academy!"

There was an uproar and noise all at once on the platform.

There is no need to mention the Saint Prince Bai Yuelou, but Li Zhuxian from the Shuofang Li family is ranked among the top 20 scholars. The Li family is a local aristocratic family and knows the ins and outs of Wenchang Academy very well, and they even want to apply for admission to Wenchang Academy!

"I heard that Li Muge, the eldest son of the Li family, also applied for the Wenchang Academy. Could it be that the Wenchang Academy is not ranked fourth among the four major academies, but first?" a scholar commented.

The girl Wutong was lying on a stretcher and was carried over. She said with a weak breath, "Master, I also want to be enrolled in Wenchang Academy."

The surroundings were even more noisy. Even the second place in this exam was going to apply for the Wenchang Academy? Was the Wenchang Academy going to go to heaven

At this moment, Master Ye Luo squeezed into the crowd and shouted, "I want to apply for the Wenchang Academy, too!"

The crowd was in an uproar, but suddenly quieted down after hearing the words, and countless pairs of eyes fell on Young Master Ye Luo.

Then, everyone looked away and continued to make an uproar and discuss the matter.

Zhaizhu: Linyuanxing Shangsanjiang has recommended it, and it’s Monday again, it’s time for me to covet you guys… Bah, it’s time for me to covet your recommendation votes! Please vote for me!!