Wangye, Wangfei is a Cat

Chapter 118: A big reversal in the courtroom


"This, this, the other masters, the seventh girl often goes there too, it's just that my master's heart is too high, and he has never been wronged like this, that's why he can't bear to commit suicide..." Liu Ye obviously paused After a while, he spoke again.

"Oh..." Xiao Qi looked suddenly enlightened.

"Your name is Ju'er?" Xiao Qi's eyes fell on another girl.

"Yes, the slave girl Ju'er is Madam Ying's maid." Ju'er's gaze was much firmer than Liu Ye's.

"Same question, when was the last time I saw your wife?" Xiao Qi asked.

"The last time Seventh Miss saw my wife was the morning before she took the poison. Seventh Miss spoke rudely to Madam. Recently, Madam was feeling sad and lost, but in the end, unexpectedly..." Ju'er shed tears again as she spoke.

On the side, Lord You Jinwuwei King was almost in tears, staring at Mi Xiaoqi fiercely.

"About what time?" Xiao Qi asked.

"Sishi." Ju'er was slightly taken aback, and said quickly.

"You are Mei Hong?" Xiao Qi turned to the third maid.

"The servant girl is Mei Hong, the maidservant of Master Xue. The girl met my master at the same day and spoke rudely to the master. The master couldn't bear the humiliation and refuted a few words, but the girl pushed her directly into the water..." Mei Hong suddenly cried and accused.

"It turned out that you killed Xue'er!" Yan Yun made Feng Da's hands tremble in anger.

"Did you see it with your own eyes?" Xiao Qi asked calmly.

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes."

"Then why didn't you tell me when the adults were interrogating?" Xiao Qi asked.

"Because, because the servant girl was worried that the girl would have someone to back her up, in order to avoid being charged with murder, she concealed the truth." Mei Hong said.

"There is some truth in saying that." Xiao Qi then turned to the fourth servant girl, "It's your turn."

"Slave Baiyu, the maidservant of the side concubine, the girl met her in the garden at Sishi three days ago in the morning. Afterwards, the girl taunted her, and she was always depressed. The servant's repeated counseling was of no avail, and she finally committed suicide by cutting her wrist." Bai Yu said with a sad expression.

Xiao Qi glanced at the four of them, they were all calm, and the answers to the questions were all watertight. While Liu Ye was answering, they were actually thinking about how to deal with their own problems. In terms of time, they took care of each other.

"Second question, when did I start harassing your masters continuously?" Xiao Qi asked after a little thought.

"Since, half a month ago, when the girl first arrived at the palace, she didn't show up very often. After the matter of Concubine Yue, you started to run amok in the palace with your toes high and high." Liu Ye said, with a smile on her face. It's all helpless.

"Yes, half a month ago." The other three quickly agreed with this time.

"Beginning half a month ago, I often appear in the yards of your masters or meet your masters in the garden by chance." Xiao Qi narrowed her eyes slightly. "You guys have already thought about it, is there anything you want to change?"

"No." The four looked at each other and said through gritted teeth.

"Okay, then Xiao Qi will first prove that he was wronged in terms of time. Liu Ye said that I went to Luofeng Garden the afternoon before Wanmei committed suicide, that is, the afternoon of seven days ago, Xiao Qi and Bai Mufan were together. Went to the ironware factory of the Wei family, accompanied by Wei Ziyi, the eldest daughter of the Wei family, and Wei Zhengnian, the son of Wei." Xiao Qi said.

"Yes, Ziyi can testify for Xiaoqi. That day Xiaoqi went to see what she asked my factory to make. There are not only Ziyi and brother in the factory, but also many workers. If Lord Sima and other adults don't believe it, you can send me Someone to check it out." Wei Ziyi said.

"The two girls said that I met the two masters at Chenshi and Sishi six days ago, pushed one of them into the water, insulted the other, and caused him to commit suicide by taking poison. Zhaixing Building, lead everyone to cap the sixth floor together. In addition to Xiao Qi's bodyguard, Yue Niang, the shopkeeper of the Zhaixing Building, and Li Mu, the nurse, there are many workers who can testify. I left with His Royal Highness the Crown Prince in the afternoon, and never left in the middle..." Xiao Qi continued.

"I also passed by the Zhaixing Tower that day, and I didn't see Seventh Girl there!" Master Li of the Imperial Academy said.

"My lord, can you see a man in a white gown wearing a jade mask who is a little taller than Xiao Qi?" Xiao Qi asked.

"Yes, that is Young Master Mo Qi." Lord Li replied.

"Mo Qi is Xiao Qi disguised as a man." Lu Luo from the hall came up in time with a tray.

"The mask and shoes are padded. Mo Qi's identity has been concealed from the outside world. The prince knows it, His Royal Highness knows it, Young Master Wei Lan knows it, and Hua Rongxuan of Wanhua Villa knows it." Xiao Qi picked up the mask and gestured.

Everyone was shocked into a cold sweat...

Mi Xiaoqi turned out to be the young master Mo Qi who won the tea art competition, Sima Xuze's heart, he was fooled for a while, this time it was completely planted.

"Finally, this Baiyu girl, nine days ago, at Chenshi, Xiao Qi asked Mr. Wei Lan to discuss matters related to the purchase. Mr. Wei Lan can testify." Xiao Qi looked at Wei Lan.

"As Xiao Qi said, I entrusted Xiao Qi with the full authority to purchase the business of the Sea Dynasty. We met to discuss some details that day, and Xiao Qi didn't leave until after lunch." Wei Lan said.

"Half a month ago, Xiao Qi started to be busy with the construction of the Zhaixing Building, and later helped Master Weilan to purchase, how much energy does Xiao Qi have to harass your masters?"

"Girls, why are you lying?" Xiao Qi looked at the four of them and asked indifferently.

"We, we..." The four of them were visibly flustered and didn't know how to respond. How could they have thought that Xiao Qi would ask such a detailed question as soon as he came up. They hadn't discussed it before, so they could only act on the spot, but they didn't want to jump into Xiao Qi completely. Seven's trap! Now, how to deal with it

"Xiao Qi knows that being instigated by others, taking money from others, and being loyal to others." Xiao Qi looked at the four people calmly, "Master Sima, first put these four people in prison separately, and be careful not to be silenced." Xiaoqi looked at Sima Xuze.

"Yes, come here, take it down." Sima Xuze ordered.

"Who knows who was instigated by whom, maybe what they said after going to court is all lies!" Lord Youjinwuwei Wang said coldly, he could see that Xiaoqi's background was great, but thinking of his daughter who died tragically, he still argued dissatisfiedly.

"Lord Wang, if you don't believe in Xiao Qi, you can be forgiven. After all, anyone can bribe a maid who is full of lies, and it may be arranged by Xiao Qi." Xiao Qi did not shy away from Lord Wang.

"You admitted it yourself!" Mr. Wang said fiercely.

"My lord, what Xiao Qi said might be true. Since you don't believe me, then use more direct proof that your daughters were not forced to death by Xiao Qi." Xiao Qi raised her eyes, shining brightly, full of confidence .

The adults who were watching felt that such a woman would not do that kind of thing at the same time...

"The corpse is the most direct evidence. First of all, the first Wanmei who was found dead did not hang herself. She was strangled to death by hanging on the beam after being knocked out. Her maid was fed Psychedelic nerve drugs are the only way to go mad and hit your head. Wanmei was imprisoned before, and the marks on her arms are the best proof. The traces of dust on the beams can also prove that she was hung up by someone, not I hung it up by myself." Xiao Qi motioned for Zuo to show the trace pattern to several adults.

"I saw Feng Xue'er's body this morning. She didn't drown in the pond. There are many koi and lotus mud in the pond. If she drowned in the pond, her throat and stomach would be filthy, but her No, that is to say, she was actually thrown into the pond after being drowned elsewhere."

"Mrs. Ying's body was bruised and purple after taking the poison, including the face. However, if you look closely, it is not difficult to find the position of the lower jaw. There are traces of someone pinching it with their hands, which means that Mrs. Ying was actually killed by forcibly pouring poison. dead."

"Hou side concubine, Xiaoqi has seen her wrist, her left wrist was cut, it looks like she committed suicide by cutting her wrist, but the wound is the same depth from the beginning to the end. For a normal person who commits suicide by cutting his wrist, it will be difficult for him to cut his wrist at the beginning. It is relatively heavy, and because of the fear of bleeding and the weakness of the body, the wound at the back will be obviously shallower, and there is only one situation where the depth of the wound can be the same, and that is that someone else cut it by hand."

Xiaoqi paused, looked at Sima Xuze and then at the four adults, they were obviously shocked.

"You, you mean, they were all killed!"

"You, you, it's you!"

Xiao Qi silently raised his forehead, it is possible that he has a murderous and arsonous face, and he has already proved so much that he still doubts himself, "Several adults think that Xiao Qi will be so smart that after killing someone, he will forge a suicide note to correct himself ?”

The four of them fell silent and thought about it calmly. Indeed, if their own daughter committed suicide and pointed the finger at Mi Xiaoqi uniformly, she couldn't have killed him. Moreover, with the love of the third prince for her, since she entered the palace It's almost a special pet, the prince will do it for whoever she wants to kill, there is no need to cause such a big commotion.

"Miss Seven was really wronged." Cui Dongcheng looked at Sima Xuze.

"Yes, since His Royal Highness, Mr. Weilan and Miss Wei have testified for Seventh Miss, I believe that Seventh Miss has been wronged. If there is any offense, please ask Miss Haihan." Sima Xuze said wisely, the matter has reached this point To the point where he still can't see that this matter has nothing to do with Xiao Qi, his official position is completely useless.

"Thank you, my lord, for returning Xiaoqi's innocence." The corners of Xiaoqi's lips rose slightly, "I heard that your lord still has a few witnesses, so you might as well call them up and ask them together, maybe there will be some unexpected gains."

Sima Xuze was stunned for a moment, completely unaware of what kind of medicine was sold in Xiaoqi's gourd, "Okay, okay, come here and bring a witness."

Not long.

Mrs. May, Mrs. Fleur, and Lady Dan were brought up.

These few maids may be different from the previous ones, they are the prince's women after all, so naturally they don't have to bow down to Sima Xuze, they just stood under the hall after slightly blessing their bodies.

"Madams, are you also going to correct Miss Seven?" Cui Dongcheng's first Sima Xuze asked.