Wangye, Wangfei is a Cat

Chapter 27: Voyeurism


Taking off her dress, Mi Xiaoqi walked into the pool cautiously, hoo, the warm water instantly wrapped her body.

Phew, Bei Gongyan is really a person who can enjoy life, it is comfortable to build a hot spring in his yard! If there is a little more snow and some red wine, life will be more perfect.

Mi Xiaoqi hehe, smiled.

Little hands fiddled with the water surface, and there were layers of small waves.

On the rockery not far away, the man in red squinted his eyes and landed on Mi Xiaoqi's body. Mi Xiaoqi met again.

"Prince Nan Ye still has a habit of voyeurism!" A cold voice sounded.

Mi Xiaoqi shuddered, turned around instinctively, and saw Bei Gongyan and Nan Fengchen 'looking at each other affectionately'.

"Ah." Mi Xiaoqi hurriedly retracted into the water, only showing a small head.

"Xiao Qi, long time no see." Nan Fengchen chuckled, his feet landed on the edge of Yuqing Pond, Bei Gongyan dodged in front of Mi Xiaoqi.

"Um, long time no see." Mi Xiaoqi replied awkwardly.

Bei Gongyan's face became more and more gloomy. A woman was peeped by a man in the shower. Isn't the normal reaction to be angry and ashamed? Why doesn't Mi Xiaoqi show any anger at all, doesn't she mind being seen by Nan Fengchen! Thinking of this, Bei Gongyan's eyes were filled with darkness.

Nan Fengchen chuckled lightly.

"His Royal Highness, can you avoid it for a while, I want to put on clothes." Mi Xiaoqi's voice sounded again.

"I'm here to pick up Miss Qi to leave the Palace tonight. I wonder if Miss Qi is willing?" Nan Fengchen automatically ignored Mi Xiaoqi's previous question and asked with a smile.

Mi Xiaoqi was stunned, alas...why did Mao want to pick me up? No way, this big prince has taken a fancy to me? Go back with him and be his concubine? Afterwards, she marched into the legendary harem and started a series of thrilling palace battles... No, no, she still can't, at least with Bei Gongyan, she got used to it for the time being, and if she changed to a man, uh, she wasn't so open yet.

"His Royal Highness regards the Three Princes Mansion as his own back garden?" Bei Gongyan asked coldly.

"This is the forbidden area of the palace, so the prince's people will naturally not come. This palace and the prince are equally powerful. If Xiao Qi is willing to go with this palace, this palace will naturally have a way to take her away." Nan Fengchen still smiled lightly. , Under the moonlight, it looks even more monstrous and invincible.

Mi Xiaoqi swallowed, Emma, beautiful men are poisonous, "His Royal Highness, I, I live quite well here."

As the sound fell, it was obvious that Bei Gongyan's face softened a little, Nan Fengchen's rare smile froze slightly, and a tyranny flashed in his peach blossom eyes, which disappeared instantly.

"I thought Miss Seven was always thinking of running away."

"Hehe." Mi Xiaoqi smiled awkwardly. I want to run away. Doesn't running away mean leaving the tiger's lair and then entering the snake's lair. The two of you are actually the same. Well, maybe you are not as good as Bei Gongyan, at least, What is written on his face, you are hiding a knife in your smile...

"Miss Xiao Qi rejected Ben Gong, and Ben Gong is really sad." Nan Fengchen said exaggeratedly, then he jumped into Yuqing Pond with a sudden movement of his feet.

"Ah..." Obviously this action frightened Mi Xiaoqi.

Bei Gongyan's palm wind approached, Mi Xiaoqi had already landed in Nan Fengchen's arms, blocking Mi Xiaoqi in front of him, Bei Gongyan had no choice but to slap Mi Xiaoqi on the surface of the water, splashing everywhere.

"Rogue, villain, let me go!" Mi Xiaoqi exclaimed, not caring about offending others, she should be naked!

"Heh." The smile on the corners of Nan Fengchen's lips grew stronger, "Interesting, Mi Xiaoqi, I'm getting more and more interested in you, what should I do?"

Bei Gongyan had also fallen into the water. He raised his hand and sent a signal in the air.

"Nan Fengchen, if you want to stay in the Three Princes' Mansion, I don't mind letting you go!" He gritted his teeth and stared at the arm that was holding Mi Xiaoqi.

"The beauty is in my arms, under the peonies, my lord, my trip tonight is worthwhile." Nan Fengchen cast a wink at Bei Gongyan, and pushed forward with his big hand in the water, Mi Xiaoqi was pushed out.



Then a red dress fell, blocking Mi Xiaoqi's body, and at the same time twelve black lights fell around Yuqing Pool.

"Close your eyes!" Bei Gongyan roared coldly.

As soon as he raised his hand, the red dress turned into a bunch of rags, falling slowly, and Mi Xiaoqi huddled in Bei Gongyan's arms, not daring to move, for fear of losing himself.

Pulling off the clothes on the shore, Bei Gongyan hugged Mi Xiaoqi almost roughly, and returned to Mingyue Pavilion after a few ups and downs.

The maids are about to step forward.

"Go away!"

Everyone backed out with a clatter.


"It hurts!" Mi Xiaoqi was thrown on the bed by Bei Gongyan, her bright eyes were instantly covered with mist, her small mouth was pouting, she was naked, her skin on her back was as white as porcelain, and there were plum blossoms on her chest. .

Bei Gongyan's eyes became deeper and deeper, and the flame in his chest became hotter.

"Bei Gongyan..."

"Well… "

One night, Bei Gongyan tossed Mi Xiaoqi to death, thinking of her being hugged by Nan Fengchen, Bei Gongyan couldn't restrain his anger, even though she said she would not leave.

Bei Gongyan also knew that she just felt that the timing was wrong and she couldn't leave. If she could, she would definitely leave without hesitation, and her attitude towards Nan Fengchen was so ambiguous!

"Pain..." Mi Xiaoqi's consciousness gradually began to blur. "Bei hurts..."

The tyrannical Bei Gongyan didn't notice Mi Xiaoqi's reaction at all. It wasn't until she stopped moving that she suddenly came back to her senses and got up quickly, "Go invite Bei Gongqi!"

Bai Tie outside the house hurriedly responded and flew away.

Bei Gongyan looked at the pale Mi Xiaoqi with annoyance, feeling a stuffy feeling somewhere in his chest.

After looking for a piece of clothing for a while, I dressed Mi Xiaoqi herself.

Bei Gongqi and Bei Gongmo arrived at the same time.

"Third Brother, what's wrong with Miss Seven?" Beigong Mo asked anxiously as soon as he entered the door.

Bei Gongyan's face was gloomy, and Bei Gongmo wanted to ask, but Bei Gongqi stopped him with a look, "Let me see." He raised his hand to take a pulse, and his complicated expression lingered on Bei Gongyan's face.

"What's going on?" asked some bluntly.

"Tired, exhausted, third brother, girls are more delicate..." Bei Gongqi blushed slightly.

In a word, Bei Gongmo naturally understood, "Oh, third brother, this is not your style. There are many beauties in your house, how could it be..."

Bei Gongyan glanced over with knife-like eyes, Bei Gongmo consciously swallowed back the last half of the sentence, speaking quickly, he would be exhausted to death by the third brother...

"Prescribe some medicine, and then two medicated diets, and remember to apply some snow muscle ointment to her afterward, which can relieve the pain." Bei Gongqi got up and prescribed the medicine.

And Mi Xiaoqi was still in a coma, and showed no signs of waking up.

"When will she wake up?" Bei Gongyan asked awkwardly, although he felt a little remorse in his heart, he would never show it.

"When you rest, you will wake up."

After the prescription was finished, Bei Gongqi and Bei Gongmo were naturally driven out by Bei Gongyan without hesitation.

"Fifth brother, do you think the third brother is very different from Xiao Qi?" Bei Gongmo asked tentatively.

"Even you can see it, but the third brother still doesn't know it." Bei Gongqi sighed softly.

"I think it's good for Xiaoqi to be the third sister-in-law. She is different from those ladies from famous families. She is really straightforward."

"I hope the third brother won't see his own mind clearly after hurting someone."

The two brothers sighed for a while, and went back to their respective palaces.

Mingyue Pavilion.

Bei Gongyan stayed by Mi Xiaoqi's bed all the time, never leaving her. When the medicine came, Mi Xiaoqi still didn't wake up, so Bei Gongyan fed the medicine one mouthful at a time in his own way.

At the beginning of the Huadeng.

"My lord, the dinner is ready. Please have your meal. The maidservant is watching over the young lady. She will notify you as soon as she wakes up." Luluo said carefully. She didn't know why Mi Xiaoqi was unconscious, but she knew that the lord had already passed out. No water or rice has been eaten all day.

"Just use it here." Bei Gongyan said slowly.

"Yes." Luluo directed the maids and brought the table in.

Bei Gongyan waved his hand.

I took a bite of vegetables.

It's still the same cook, but I don't know why the taste of this dish is not as good as the original one. In the past few days, Bei Gongyan's food was cooked by Mi Xiaoqi himself.

Bei Gongyan took two deep breaths, Mi Xiaoqi, you are a poison that poisoned me!

Mi Xiaoqi on the bed is wandering in space.

Where is this

A vast expanse of whiteness, could it be that he died

Uh, no, if you die, it should be in the Palace of the King of Hades, it should be eerie and dark, huh, it’s good if you don’t die, Mi Xiaoqi rubbed her eyes, wanting to take a closer look at the surrounding scenery.

I saw two familiar figures approaching.

Getting closer…

A pair of big eyes, instantly foggy.

"Xiao Qi's father, Xiao Qi's mother..."

"Xiao Qi! It's really Xiao Qi." Xiao Qi's mother's big eyes were tearing.

"Xiao Qi's mother." She threw herself into Xiao Qi's mother's arms, and Xiao Qi's mother and daughter cried bitterly.

"Okay, dear, we haven't met for a long time, talk well, don't patronize and cry." Xiao Qi's father patted Xiao Qi's mother on the shoulder distressedly.

"Xiaoqi, listen to your mother telling you that we know that you have been swept into another time and space. If you can gather four pieces of spirit jade and combine them into a key with the concentric lock of the Mo family, you will be able to open the door of time and return to us." Come here." Xiao Qi's mother tightly held Xiao Qi's hand. "If it's dangerous to collect Qi Lingyu, then don't take the risk. Your father and I know that you are safe. Just find a good man, get married and have children safely."

"Xiao Qi's mother!" Xiao Qi's heart is warm, and in the hearts of her parents, her own life is the most important thing, which is completely different from her superb master.

"Xiao Qi, without parents by your side, be careful in everything, remember that people are evil, don't trust people easily, you know?" Xiao Qi's father knelt down and looked at Xiao Qi.

Xiao Qi nodded vigorously.

"Xiao Qi's father, Xiao Qi's mother, Xiao Qi misses you very much."

"Xiao child." Xiao Qi's mother broke down in tears.

An old voice said "It's time..."

"Xiao Qi, my mother and I are going back, take care of yourself." Xiao Qi's father picked up Xiao Qi's mother who was crying so hard, and ran towards the direction they came from.

"I will, I will." Xiao Qi wiped away her tears vigorously.

Bei Gongyan heard movement on the bed, got up hurriedly and came to the bedside, and heard Mi Xiaoqi muttering to Xiao Qi's father and Xiao Qi's mother... her chest was congested, and she was about to wake her up, when suddenly...