Wangye, Wangfei is a Cat

Chapter 28: Change back to cat


There was a white light in front of him.

Mi Xiaoqi on the bed suddenly disappeared!


Suddenly a little white cat appeared on the bed!

Bei Gongyan stared in astonishment at the astonishing scene in front of him...

"pain… "

"Meow... Meow!" Mi Xiaoqi was awakened by her own cat language, raised her little hand, and waved it twice in front of her eyes, Emma!

Why is this white paw again, where is my slender hand!

Emma, could it be that she turned back into a cat again!

"Meow!" Mi Xiaoqi screamed.

"Mi Xiaoqi!" Bei Gongyan picked up Mi Xiaoqi and stared at her, "It's you!"

"Meow." Mi Xiaoqi nodded, "Yes, it's me."

"Why did you turn into a cat? Let me change it back!" Bei Gongyan growled.

"Meow, meow!" Mi Xiaoqi stared at Bei Gongyan, your sister, how do I know why I turned back into a cat, and how do I know how to turn back.

One person and one cat, with big eyes and small eyes.

For a long time, Bei Gongyan sat depressed on the soft couch, struggling to calm down. Could it be because he hurt her that she turned into a cat again!

Why do I feel so sad.

Mi Xiaoqi blinked her big eyes and looked at Bei Gongyan's changing face, and let out a sigh of relief. Could this be what the old man Guixian said, but behind it is that I will turn into a cat from time to time

Mi Xiaoqi is depressed. His teachers are all handsome and unrestrained, right? Their masters cover up their apprentices to cause trouble casually, or train their apprentices into extraordinary talents in minutes with a wave of their hands. My master is good, not only I'm not good at learning, and I kidnapped and sold myself to such a place!

Huh, thrown beside such a domineering lord, being eaten up and wiped out, unable to resist or escape, he almost tormented him to death.

Could it be that this is the legendary same person with different fates! I am the one who is born to suffer... Fortunately, Xiao Qi's father and Xiao Qi's mother know that he is still alive, alas, luck in misfortune.

Bei Gongyan heard Mi Xiaoqi sigh and looked down at her. Could it be that she is also sad about turning into a cat

Mi Xiaoqi fell asleep in Bei Gongyan's arms after a while.

next morning.

Mi Xiaoqi stretched comfortably, opened her watery cat eyes, and saw a certain prince staring at her depressedly.

"Mi Xiaoqi, you must know how to transform back into a human, so you can change back!" Bei Gongyan looked at Mi Xiaoqi with some awkwardness.

Well, Mi Xiaoqi's charming appearance appeared in front of his eyes all night last night. Laughing or crying or angry or angry, the scenes were extremely vivid, and when he looked down, he saw the little white cat in his arms sleeping soundly, extremely depressed.

"Meow..." Mi Xiaoqi stared at the cat's eyes, I don't want to change back, and being bullied by you, it's better to be a cat that eats and drinks.

"Mi Xiaoqi, what are you thinking, talk!"

"Meow!" Mi Xiaoqi looked up arrogantly, I said, I kept saying that you don't understand, and you blame me if you don't understand, hum!

Bei Gongyan was completely depressed.

Mi Xiaoqi was completely happy.

"You change back, this king can promise you three requests that are not excessive, and you can't leave this king." Bei Gongyan's deep eyes flickered.

"Meow!" Mi Xiaoqi's eyes lit up.

Well, with just one expression, Bei Gongyan concluded that Mi Xiaoqi knew how to transform back into a human being, but it just remained the same, hmph, when you transform back, let's see how I deal with you.

"If you come back unchanged, maybe this king will throw you into the backyard. There are many cats and dogs in the backyard. I heard it's the mating season..." Bei Gongyan's voice dropped a few degrees.

"Meow!" Mi Xiaoqi stood up abruptly, your sister, Bei Gongyan! Does it need to be so ruthless, Mi Xiaoqi raised his little paws, and just about to fall, his brain suddenly returned blood, at least he had to rest for a few days.

He jumped to the ground, stepped on the little plum blossom arrogantly, arrived at the table, and pointed to the brush.

Bei Gongyan picked up the pen and dipped it in ink.

Mi Xiaoqi drew three horizontal strokes crookedly on the paper with her two front paws.

"What do you mean, three days?" Bei Gongyan asked tentatively.

Mi Xiaoqi nodded and rested for three days. After three days, I turned back into a human.

Bei Gongyan's eyes darkened. Although he was reluctant, it was better than always being a cat. "For these three days, you will stay in the bedroom obediently for this king, and you are not allowed to go out!"

Mi Xiaoqi tilted her head, why? How boring it is to be imprisoned and not allowed to go out... Meow.

"If you don't obey, throw it in the backyard."

"Meow!" Mi Xiaoqi stared and nodded angrily, your sister, Bei Gongyan, besides threatening, can you use some advanced means.

Bei Gongyan got up, and Mi Xiaoqi stood on the table, looking at him in surprise.

With his hands behind his back, he paced around, as if he was thinking about something, Emma, we can't keep up with the prince's thinking, forget it, it's better to be a well-behaved cat in peace.

Mi Xiaoqi stretched, jumped up, jumped back on the bed in a few steps, turned over, and fell asleep soundly.

Bei Gongyan is depressed. Mi Xiaoqi is a cat and a human. If anyone who cares finds out, it will be troublesome.

Take a few steps.

His own palace is not safe, he frowned.

After a few steps to the bed, he picked up Mi Xiaoqi who was sleeping in the dark, "Meow!"

Mi Xiaoqi opened her cat's eyes depressed.

Bei Gongyan has already flown out of the bedroom, Mi Xiaoqi stared in surprise, Emma, this is the legendary flying over the eaves and walls, my lord, where are we going to rob the house! Oh no, it's stealing from the rich and giving to the poor...

The aroma of surrounding herbs inhales.

"Meow..." Mi Xiaoqi raised her eyebrows, where is this

"Third brother." Beigong Qi heard the voice and came out.

"Fifth brother, take care of her for three days. The king will pick her up after three days. Don't get hurt or lose her." Bei Gongyan urged.

Bei Gongqi looked at the little white cat in Bei Gongyan's arms in amazement.

Third Brother, isn't it? Ever since Miss Seven appeared, Third Brother has become more and more weird.

"Okay..." Beigong Qi stretched out his hand to pick up the little white cat.

Mi Xiaoqi looked at Beigong Qi Baibai's long and slender fingers, and smiled kindly, "Meow... Meow!" followed by a scream.

Bei Gongqi watched in astonishment as Bei Gongyan firmly grabbed the little white cat's back with his big hands, and picked it upside down.

"Meow!" Bei Gongyan, your sister! Bei Gongyan, bastard! Bei Gongyan, pervert!

"She can walk, sleep, and take a bath by herself. Don't touch her." The words were naturally addressed to Bei Gongqi.

Uh, well, Bei Gongqi is completely dumbfounded, he let himself take care of it before, but now it is clear that this is a cat that can take care of himself, so what is his use for...

"Look at her, don't lose it."



As soon as Bei Gongyan let go, Mi Xiaoqi was thrown on the ground in all directions.

your sister! Whoops!

Mi Xiaoqi raised her hand and rubbed her little butt, wishing to slap Bei Gongyan, the domineering prince, now Mi Xiaoqi can see that Bei Gongyan is not happy for other men to touch her, even if it is his younger brother, he Not allowed, who made him overbearing, even though he is a cat now.

And last night, doing so exaggeratedly was all because Nan Fengchen gave her a hug, and Mi Xiaoqi decisively connected these together. To sum it up, Bei Gongyan is a jealous jar!

Bei Gongqi looked at Mi Xiaoqi on the ground, with a kitten face full of expression, couldn't help chuckling, "It's really an interesting little thing."

Bei Gongyan's face became more and more gloomy, and he regretted letting Bei Gongqi take care of Mi Xiaoqi.

Somewhat angrily turned and left.

bad guy! Mi Xiaoqi stuck out her tongue towards Bei Gongyan's back... Bei Gongqi's eyes lit up with a vivid expression.

Squatting in front of Mi Xiaoqi.

"Hello, kitty."

"Meow." Hello, Fifth Prince, Mi Xiaoqi waved his little paw.

"It's really a spiritual kitten. No wonder the third brother likes it." Bei Gongqi smiled lightly. He was originally handsome, but he also had a supernatural temperament. Mi Xiaoqi said that he wanted to have a nosebleed...

Are he and Bei Gongyan really brothers? Emma, there is too much difference. Bei Gongqi is a gentleman, and Bei Gongyan is a violent madman! Phew, Mi Xiaoqi sighed silently.

"It's getting late, let's go to bed." Bei Gongqi bent down to pick up Mi Xiaoqi, then remembered what Bei Gongyan said, and stood up, "Come with me."

Mi Xiaoqi pursed her lips, held her head high, and followed Bei Gongqi into a room full of herbs.

This is a greenhouse? Mi Xiaoqi blinked her big eyes and looked around. One person and one cat walked through a large patch of herbs and entered the innermost room.

The room is firm, with a bed, a table, and the window is open. There is a cherry blossom tree outside the window. It is the season when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, and the petals can be seen falling down from time to time.

Wow, so beautiful!

There was not even a guard, Mi Xiaoqi looked around, there was really no one, look at how open-minded he is, unlike Bei Gongyan who is always surrounded by so many people, look at how simple he is, how can he look like Bei Gongyan is so extravagant, hum.

"Meow." Mi Xiaoqi jumped onto the bed and lay on the bed, so sleepy... After becoming a cat, the biggest hobby seems to be sleeping.

Bei Gongqi saw Mi Xiaoqi turned over and closed his eyes, and fell asleep every minute, and couldn't help chuckling, "It's really interesting." He lay down with his clothes.

Nothing to say all night.

At dawn, Mi Xiaoqi stretched her waist, opened a pair of cat eyes, alas, Bei Gongqi, I slept with him last night, hey, hey... sleep together, so ambiguous three words, poof... if Bei Gongyan knew he must be very angry.

Mi Xiaoqi thought of Bei Gongyan's violent jump, stood up decisively, stepped on the little plum blossom, jumped over Bei Gongqi's body, and landed firmly on the ground.

Huh, wander around leisurely.

After leaving the room, there is a large patch of green herbs. It's really good to see how you feel. Mi Xiaoqi dodged her steps and her eyes fell on a few wilted herbs. This should be...

"This is sea bluegrass. I've been raising it for a long time, but I still can't keep it alive." Bei Gongqi's voice sounded, a little regretful.

"Meow!" Mi Xiaoqi looked up at Bei Gongqi, and gestured twice with his little hand.

Bei Gongqi was a little at a loss.

"Meow!" How stupid, Mi Xiaoqi got anxious, raised his little paw, and drew on the ground. After a long time, he wrote two words, crooked and pinched.

"Water, salt?" Bei Gongqi was so surprised that he could hardly speak.

"Meow." Mi Xiaoqi pointed to the salt, then to the water.

"You mean to add salt to the water to irrigate sea bluegrass?" Bei Gongqi asked in surprise.

"Meow." Smart!