Wangye, Wangfei is a Cat

Chapter 286: Fanwai, Yeluo, don't talk nonsense


"Ah..." Ye Luo covered her head with her hands and screamed in pain.

Gu Yu looked at Ye Luo who fell on the ground and rolled, and his eyes flashed a little bit of unbearable, but he had to punish her to let her know the seriousness of the problem.

Kunpeng Continent is a land that does not allow the existence of creatures other than human beings. I got here by accident, and naturally I got the tacit approval of the heavens, but the premise is that I can't interfere with human affairs, and I can't change everything about human beings at will. .

As for Ye Luo, a few days ago, she changed Yue Wanrou's memory on her own initiative, and then made a scene with the Zing Chong King. If she didn't punish her at all, the heavens would naturally drop the blame on her.

God's reduction of responsibility must be much heavier than his own punishment.

"It hurts, master, it hurts..." Ye Luo cried pitifully, her face was covered with tears, and she tapped her head vigorously with her fingers.

"Are you aware of your mistake?" Gu Yu's cold voice sounded.

"I got it wrong..." Ye Luo cried.

"Facing the wall in January." Gu Yu turned around and stood with his hands behind his back, his voice entered Ye Luo's ears word for word.

The sharp pain disappeared, and Ye Luo slowly regained her consciousness. Her eyes were filled with tears when she raised her eyes. Master is no longer here... Does he really hate himself

In the past, no matter how big a disaster he caused, he would clean it up for him. Now, he punished himself and made him face the wall.

Yeluo's tears fell down unsatisfactorily, hitting the bluestone board one by one, the sound of patter was extremely dull.

Ye Luo cried for a while, then got up and wiped away her tears, then turned around and strode into the inner room.

The room was surrounded by walls and was empty, except for a futon that could seat one person.

Ye Luo pushed the futon to the corner, sat on it, folded her hands around her knees, and buried her face in her knees.

Gu Yu stood in front of the mirror and watched Ye Luo's every move, and felt sour somewhere in her heart. If it wasn't for her own greed, maybe she wouldn't become what she is now...

A year ago, when she was picked up, she was just a baby in swaddling.

Xiao Qi has been away for a long time, Gu Yu has always been alone, he used to be the same, but people often came to trouble him, he felt that his life became so angry, suddenly no one came to the door, Gu Yu suddenly found that he was idle a little boring.

At this moment, Ye Luo appeared.

It was a dark night, Gu Yu was practicing alone in the cave, when he heard movement outside, he got up to check, and saw a woman covered in blood, holding an infant child, passed out in front of her cave.

Gu Yu was not a nosy person, he turned around and was about to leave.

"Yeah." The baby in the swaddle cried out, the voice was clear and clear, Gu Yu stopped, squatted down and looked at the baby in the swaddle, her skin was very white, her eyes were big, and she blinked very rhythmically. It seemed that he didn't know what life-and-death crisis he had just gone through, seeing Gu Yu's smile was very bright.

That smile was extraordinarily bright under the moonlight, just one look at Gu Yu and he decided to save the baby.

The woman holding her was already out of breath.

With a wave of his hand, Gu Yu buried the woman near the cave and picked up the baby.

Go back to the cave.

She landed in front of his cave at night, and Gu Yu named her Ye Luo.

After all, a baby is a baby, she wants to eat, drink, sleep and sleep, but Gu Yu, a big man who has no experience with her, is reluctant to send him away, so Gu Yu sent her to sleep at night.

Luo was raised in the insect world, and the insects took care of him.

So Ye Luo has lived with bugs since she can remember, and they are part of her life.

A day in the human world is a year in the worm world.

Gu Yu occasionally accompanied Ye Luo in the insect world, and in the blink of an eye fifteen days passed by, and Ye Luo had grown into a decent and generous girl, and Gu Yu brought her back to the world.

About Ye Luo's mother, Gu Yu didn't hide it from Ye Luo. Ye Luo decided to find out her mother-killing enemy herself, so she began to wander around the four countries.

Ye Luo is clever and clever, and Gu Yu gave Ye Luo the Holy Infant Gu, plus he has a telepathic connection with her, and if there is any danger, he will be able to save him in time.

Another year in the blink of an eye.

Gu Yu sighed lightly and retracted his gaze.

Ye Luo huddled in the corner, bitterness spread in her heart, she liked Gu Yu, yes, she liked her master, she told Gu Yu very early on.

Master, will I marry you when I grow up

At that time, Gu Yu just smiled and said, wait until you grow up.

When Ye Luo really grew up, she didn't have the courage to tell Gu Yu what she said when she was a child. Gu Yu was the most beautiful man Ye Luo had ever seen, even more delicate than a woman. Standing in front of him, she always Ashamed of myself, it takes a lot of courage to really open my mouth and confess my love to him again.

Ye Luo somehow remembered the first time he saw Gu Yu since he could remember.

He is still the same as he is now, with white hair, white clothes and red eyes, walking from a distance, like an exile.

At that time, she was not walking very steadily, so she just stood there looking at him, watching him approach step by step, then bent down and hugged herself, "Luo Luo, hello, my name is Gu Yu, and I am your master .”

It was his self-introduction, as his speaking style was very concise.

"Master..." At that time, the first word I would say was Master.

A trace of bitterness flashed across Ye Luo's eyes, Master, yes, Master, he is just his master, nothing else, Ye Luo's consciousness gradually became chaotic, and later, he fainted.

Gu Yu's heart jumped suddenly, and he dodged and landed in front of Ye Luo.

"Luoluo!" Guyu hurriedly bent down to pick up Yeluo, walked quickly through the cave, and arrived at a spacious place, which was a bamboo building. After all, Yeluo is a person who cannot live in a cave for a long time. Yu personally built it for Yeluo.

"Luo Luo, how are you?" Gu Yu's hand fell on Ye Luo's forehead, it was astonishingly hot. "This kid."

"Master..." Ye Luo murmured.

Seeing her pitiful appearance, Gu Yu felt uncomfortable, raised his hand and landed on her cheek, Ye Luo held Gu Yu's wrist tightly with two small hands, and said softly, "I like you, Master..."

Gu Yu's body trembled slightly, I like you, Master, she was saying that she likes...

Gu Yu hurriedly pulled out her hand, and staggered back a few steps, how could it be possible between them, he is a Gu king, and she is a human being, worthy of the name, even though she has lived in the insect world for fifteen years.

Ye Luo rolled over and fell into a drowsy sleep.

It took a long time for Gu Yu to stabilize his emotions. He got up and picked some herbs on the mountain, and lit a fire outside the bamboo building to boil the medicine for Ye Luo. Alas, Gu Yu sighed softly. He and Ye Luo must be regarded as a bad relationship.

The medicine was ready soon, Gu Yu came into the room with the medicine, Ye Luo was still asleep in a drowsy state, calling out "Master" from time to time, and saying "like you" from time to time.

Gu Yujun's face was slightly hot.

"Lolo, get up and drink your medicine."

Gu Yu called him several times in a row before Ye Luo woke up. She blinked her big eyes and looked at Gu Yu, "I'm dreaming, Master is with me."

Gu Yu's heart felt a little sour, and suddenly remembered that she had spent most of these years alone in the world, maybe his time here passed quickly, but she really lived every day in a down-to-earth manner.

"It's rare to dream of Master, give me a kiss." Ye Luo raised her head, her lips fell on Gu Yu's.

Gu Yu's brain seemed to be electrified, he stared at her with wide eyes, but she seemed to be tasting some kind of delicious food, her dexterous little tongue rolled over it with a chuckle.

"Luoluo." Gu Yu's eyes darkened, and she pushed Ye Luo away.

Ye Luo fell on the bed and continued to sleep in a daze. Gu Yu couldn't lose his temper even if he wanted to. After all, she was in a daze...

Sighing a few times, when Gu Yu raised his hand, Ye Luo's body floated up, and with a wave of his hand, the medicine bowl reached her lips, and the medicine was easily poured down.

Perhaps the medicine was too bitter, Ye Luo's delicate brows were tightly frowned, anyone could feel that she was in a bad mood at the moment, after taking the medicine, she lay on the pillow with her mouth curled up, "Bitter, master, dear."

Gu Yujun blushed, who did this kid meet outside!

Gu Yu flung his sleeves out of the bamboo building and took a few steps, but he couldn't move. There was a telepathy between them. He could feel her accident, but after all, he only felt it when she had an accident. Yes, he doesn't know the rest of the time.

After hesitating for a while, Gu Yu turned around and went back to the bamboo building, sitting on the soft couch in the room to meditate, quietly accompanying Ye Luo.

Luo was talking in his sleep all night long, and the most common thing was talking about ancient jade.

In the early morning of the next day, the sun slowly shone into the room, Ye Luo woke up with a frown, hey, why is it bright here, no, isn't he facing the wall? Ye Luo turned over and got up, not knowing why her whole body was sore.

"Master..." Ye Luo was a little surprised when he saw Gu Yu sitting on the soft couch.

"You have a fever, take good care of yourself." Gu Yu got up and left without saying a word.

The consciousness in Ye Luo's brain slowly came back. Yesterday, it was the master who took care of him, so yesterday he remembered that he kissed the master in a dream. Could it be that it was not a dream, but real

Ye Luo pinched herself hard, and gritted her teeth in pain.

Sure enough, still dizzy, she was braver and even kissed the master. Ye Luo was in a state of excitement, and the previous disappointment and unwillingness disappeared without a trace. She got up hurriedly, tidied her clothes, and Chased towards the cave.

Gu Yu entered the cave with his front foot, and she arrived with his back foot.


"Why did you get off the ground, isn't it uncomfortable?" Gu Yu frowned slightly.

"Master was taking care of me last night, right?" Ye Luo asked cautiously.

Gu Yu didn't think much, and nodded.

"Master, did I really kiss you yesterday?" Ye Luo looked at Gu Yu shyly,

Gu Yujun blushed.

"So it's true!" Ye Luo was so excited that she almost jumped up, "Master, I like you, I liked you a long time ago, Master, do you like me?"

Ye Luo looked at Gu Yu's expectant face, and twisted her little hands together tightly.

"Ye Luo, don't talk nonsense." Gu Yu's voice was slightly cold, as if a gust of cold wind swept across Ye Luo's face directly, making her refreshed instantly.