Wangye, Wangfei is a Cat

Chapter 287: Fanwai, a teacher for a day and a father for life


"Master... Master..." Ye Luo stared at Gu Yu with wide eyes.

"Ye Luo, I will be a teacher for a day and a father for the rest of my life. I only regard you as an apprentice, nothing else, and nothing else." Gu Yu looked at Ye Luo, paused every word, and said slowly.

Ye Luo staggered back a few steps.

"I don't want you to be my master, I want you to be my husband!" Ye Luo shouted at Gu Yu.

Guyu stood among the bamboo forests, his white brocade robe whistling in the wind, his silvery white hair rose and fell with the wind, his beautiful face showed no expression, he just looked at the night with indifference. Luo, it seems that everything about her has nothing to do with him, and it no longer has anything to do with him.

"I will not be your husband. If you insist on doing so, today will be the day when you and I will end our relationship between master and apprentice."

Ye Luo looked at Gu Yu, and his words rang clearly in his ears. He said that if he insisted on being his wife, he would break up the relationship between master and apprentice today, and break it up! If the master-student relationship is broken, can the relationship between husband and wife be continued

"From now on, I won't see you again." Gu Yu's voice sounded again, shattering all Ye Luo's hopes.

"Why? Why won't you accept me?" Ye Luo shouted at Gu Yu.

"I said that you are my apprentice..."

"Gu Yu, you can like me." Ye Luo refused to admit defeat and ran to Gu Yu, hugging his waist tightly.

Gu Yu's body froze slightly.

"Lolo, let go."

"If you don't let it go, don't let it go!" Ye Luo said angrily, "Didn't you say that you can talk about you marrying me when I grow up? Now that I have grown up, why can't I?"

Xu Shi was dizzy from burning, Ye Luo didn't care about Gu Yu's expression at all.

"When you grow up, I will still not marry you. I live as long as the sky. You are just a mortal. There is no fate between me and you." Guyu frowned and looked at Ye Luo.

"I..." Ye Luo's brain went blank for an instant. He lived as long as the sky, and he was just a mortal. Yes, he would never change his appearance no matter how many years, and he would always grow old as time went by. Ugly, how can they become husband and wife.

The hand holding Gu Yu tightly loosened slowly, Ye Luo turned around with difficulty, not knowing where her destination was, she walked forward step by step, looking at the front with empty eyes...

From now on, she can't come back here again, she can't get along with him like before, treat him as a master, she kissed him.

At that time, the master didn't hide, did it mean that he actually liked him somewhat, Ye Luo didn't know what was chaotic in his mind, and kept walking on his feet.

Guyu stood in the bamboo grove and looked at the little man going away, feeling a strange emotion in his heart, a little sour, a little sad, a little reluctance, in short, it wasn't a very serious emotion, but it was a gentle one that disturbed his heart .

He thought that after thousands of years of cultivation, he could see through everything in the world and the pain of love, but he was inexplicably caught up in Ye Luo's emotions. He thought that they could be masters and apprentices forever, and his life would be more fun, but , but she fell in love with himself.

After Ye Luo walked away, Gu Yu returned to the cave and stood in front of the mirror.

Xiaoguai crawled out from the corner, looked at Gu Yu in surprise, today is not the time to look in the mirror, why is Gu King standing there

Xiaoguai crawled over, looked at Gu Yu, and asked about Ye Luo's situation.

"She has already left. If you want to go with her, I will see you off." Gu Yu said slowly.

Xiaoguai stared at the small eyes, tried hard to digest the information given by Gu Yu, Ye Luo left

up? Where did you go? How can there be such a strange atmosphere? The Gu King is also weird...

"She won't come back here again, you, are you going?" Gu Yu asked again.

Xiaoguai nodded quickly. It was cultivated by Yeluo's blood. Although it also has a part of Guyu's blood, every spirit gu likes the person who gives spiritual power. It can grow rapidly by their side, and , Xiaoguai is used to being with Yeluo.

Gu Yu waved his hand, and Xiao Guai disappeared.

Ye Luo staggered and staggered, she didn't know how far she had walked, fell to the ground, and cried bitterly, her heart was very painful, her master didn't want her anymore, if the master didn't want her to go, she couldn't get out of the bamboo forest at all, he didn't By preventing himself from leaving, he was allowing himself never to go back.

Xiao Guai touched Ye Luo's hand, and looked at the crying Ye Luo in astonishment.

Ye Luo looked at Xiao Guai with tears in her eyes, "Xiao Guai, Master doesn't want me anymore."

Xiao Guai was stunned by Ye Luo's crying at first, and then startled by her words, completely at a loss.

Ye Luo watched Xiaoguai cry and cry, big tears fell on Xiaoguai's body.

Xiaoguai was depressed, and every minute he felt that he was going to drown, suddenly a bright light flashed, and Xiaoguai suddenly turned into a child of about two years old, looking at Yeluo with his bare buttocks.

"Little, darling..." Ye Luo was so shocked that she forgot to cry.

And Gu Yu, standing in front of the mirror, after the strong light flashed, the mirror went dark, and there was no image of Ye Luo, Gu Yu's eyebrows were slightly frowned, and he moved his fingers to feel Ye Luo's position, But no information about Yeluo could be found.

Gu Yu turned around quickly, flew out of the cave, and chased after Ye Luo where he left.

Ye Luo hugged Xiaoguai, and the two of them stared at each other.

"You're a little boy, are you really a little boy?" Ye Luo asked in confusion.

"Mother, it's my little boy." Xiaoguai responded, and called mother crisply. It's true, he was raised by Yeluo, so naturally he is her child.

The corners of Ye Luo's mouth twitched slightly and looked at Xiao Guai, a naked little guy with fair and tender skin, picked him up, took off his outer clothes and wrapped him up.

"Mother, why aren't we at Gu King's place anymore?" Xiaoguai asked with her big eyes blinking.

"No reason." Ye Luo didn't answer Xiaoguai's question directly, "Let's go to Yuedu first."

"Oh, listen to mother."

Ye Luo carried Xiao Guai to the side of the road.

It so happened that a carriage passed by.

Seeing the two people in a panic, the owner of the carriage asked the driver to stop.

"What's the matter, girl, do you need help?" asked the owner of the carriage.

"I don't know where your Excellency is going?" Ye Luo asked.

"Moon capital."

"I'm going to Yuedu too, I wonder if I can take your car." Ye Luo was overjoyed, finally she didn't have to carry Xiao Guai on her way.

"Of course, please get in the car."

The coachman hurriedly got out of the car and set up a stool. Ye Luo hugged Xiaoguai and got into the car. A handsome young man was sitting in the car with delicate features and delicate features. He was a little surprised when he saw Ye Luo.

"Are you okay, miss?"

"It's okay, I, I was going to go to a friend with my child. I met a liar on the way, cheated me of all my money, and wanted to rob my child. I spent a lot of energy to rob the child. When I came back, his clothes were too dirty so I threw them away." Ye Luo said with downcast eyes.

The corner of Xiaoguai's mouth twitched slightly, mother, is it really okay to lie like this in front of children

"Girl don't worry

Heart, I will send the girl to the destination safely. "The boy hastily comforted him.

"Thank you son." Ye Luo thanked.

Xiaoguai rubbed against Ye Luo's arms and found a comfortable position, "Mother, I'm hungry."

Ye Luo looked at the boy with a little embarrassment.

"I don't know if children like to eat some food here." The boy took out several plates of snacks from the drawer beside the car.

"I like it." Xiaoguai replied crisply.

Ye Luo helplessly gave Xiao Guai a sneaky look, which means that you can't do anything good when you are out of the house.

Xiaoguai struggled to sit up by himself.

Ye Luo had no choice but to resign herself to helping Xiao Gua straighten her clothes so that he could show his hands. Xiao Gua took the snack and ate it by herself, and said to Ye Luo while eating, "Mother, this is delicious, do you want to eat it?" a little?"

Ye Luo looked at it and shook her head, she really didn't have much appetite.

"Girl, you should eat a little too, or your body won't be able to bear it." The boy persuaded.

"No appetite." Ye Luo said, "I haven't asked you how to address the young master yet."

"At the end of the next leaf. What's the girl's name?"

"My name is Ye Luo, and his name is Xiaoguai." Ye Luo introduced aloud.

"We are our family." Ye Mo said with a smile.

"I am the night of the night."

"That's not it anymore, the leaves below are the leaves of the leaves." Ye Mo said.

Ye Luo was not very energetic, she responded to what Ye Mo said, there was almost no extra words, Ye Mo thought that she was frightened, so she didn't mind, and continued to talk lively alone.

Xiaoguai looked at Ye Mo, he felt that this man seemed to be too enthusiastic about Ye Luo.

"Mother, hug." Xiaoguai stretched out his hand to hug Ye Luo. In his consciousness, his body was bleeding from two people, one was Ye Luo and the other was Guyu. Therefore, Ye Luo could only hug her. It is ancient jade.

Well, this is Xiaoguai's own pure thought.

In fact, Gu Yu has very strict restrictions on Ye Luo, especially when it comes to interacting with other men...

It was already dusk when the carriage arrived at Moon Capital.

"Miss Ye, where are you going, I will see you off." Ye Mo said, obviously reluctant to part.

"I'll go..." Ye Luo just uttered two words, his eyes darkened, and he fell forward. Ye Mo was startled and hurriedly reached out to catch Ye Luo, who fell into his arms.

"Mother!" Xiaoguai was terrified, wearing loose clothes, it was very inconvenient for him to move around, his foot stepped on the robe underneath, and he fell to the ground.

"Xiaoguai!" Ye Mo hurriedly called out, he thought Xiaoguai would burst into tears.

However, the child in front of him got up stupidly by himself, "Please ask a doctor to see my mother."

"Yan Yi, go back to Bibo Garden, and ask the doctor to come over."

"Yes, my lord." The coachman outside responded, and the car drove towards Bibo Garden quickly.

After getting off the car, Ye Mo hugged Ye Luo, Yan Yi picked up Xiao Guai, and entered the room.

"Mother." The little girl ran up to Ye Luo in a clumsy and cautious manner, and nervously grabbed her hand, which was scalding hot.

"Yan Yi prepares some clothes that fit Xiaoguai."

"Yes, young master." Yan Yi took the order and left.

Xiao Guai focused all her attention on Ye Luo, so she naturally didn't notice Ye Mo's concern for her.

Soon, the doctor was also brought in, and after carefully examining the pulse, he opened his mouth and said, "A cold caused by wind, high fever, stagnation in the heart, and over-excited emotions lead to coma."