Wangye, Wangfei is a Cat

Chapter 297: Extra episode, Anle is different from Xiaomo


"I like little brother more." Dongfang Anle said seriously.

Xiaoguai curled her lips and chuckled, apparently satisfied with her answer.

At this time, Mo Xiaomo ran all the way out of Dongfang's house, and saw a luxurious carriage heading out of the city from afar...

"Achen!" Mo Xiaomo shouted after chasing the carriage in the direction of departure...

Nan Fengchen's hearing was much higher than that of ordinary people. When he heard Mo Xiaomo's voice, he frowned slightly, "Stop the car."

The guard immediately stopped the car, Nan Fengchen lifted the curtain, and Mo Xiaomo ran over panting all the way.


"Xiaomo, what's the matter?"

"You, you, why did you leave?" Mo Xiaomo managed to catch her breath and asked anxiously.

"I am the emperor of Nanye, so I naturally want to go back to Nanye." Nan Fengchen said slowly.

"But...but..." Mo Xiaomo blinked her eyes, her eyes were reddish with indescribable sadness in her heart.

"Xiaomo, you are welcome to visit Nanye when you have time." Nan Fengchen said.

"Achen, I don't want you to leave..." Mo Xiaomo sobbed softly.

"There's always a feast that never ends, Xiaomo, I'm leaving." Nan Fengchen looked at Mo Xiaomo, who was a little taller, and felt a bit of reluctance in his heart.

"Ah Chen, take care, I, I will visit you soon." Mo Xiaomo looked up at Nan Fengchen and said seriously.

Nan Fengchen smiled lightly, turned around and got into the car, and the car drove away again in Mo Xiaomo's sight.

Mo Xiaomo stood where she was, and took a long time to look away, feeling extremely disappointed.

Mo Xiaomo was walking casually in the market by herself, and the more she walked, the quieter she realized that she had gone the wrong way. Mo Xiaomo sighed, "It's really not a beautiful day." Turning around, she was about to go to Dongfang Jinyu's house Find Xiao Qi.

Two big men came across, and when they saw Mo Xiaomo alone, their eyes lit up.

"Little girl, are you lost?" One of them asked with a smile that he thought was kind.

"No." Mo Xiaomo was in a bad mood and naturally didn't want to talk to this person.

"Little girl, it's dangerous for you to walk alone on the road. If you encounter a human trafficker, you will be tricked away. Why don't we take you home?" The other said with a smile.

"Aren't you all human traffickers? Take me home, my house is in the Prince's Mansion, so please send me." Mo Xiaomo said coolly.

Both of them were taken aback for a moment, and then showed a fierce look on their faces.

"Hmph, I still want to fool people. Your house is in the Prince's Mansion, while mine is still in the palace. Be sensible and follow us, or we will knock you unconscious!"

"Let's go." Mo Xiaomo glanced at the two of them contemptuously. Since he is a human trafficker, he must have deceived some children. Anyway, Ah Chen is gone, and he has nothing to do. Why don't he just be a good person and take these human traffickers who are cheating him? It's all in one pot.

The two of them were stunned again, completely confused about Mo Xiaomo's tricks!

After hesitating for a while, he took Mo Xiaomo one by one to the nearest alley. There was a carriage parked inside. Two children were thrown there in the carriage. Their mouths were stuffed with cloth and their hands were tied. , the two children looked four or five years old, about the same height as Mo Xiaomo, sobbing silently, very pitiful.

"If you are disobedient, I will tie you up!"

"Fifth, get in the car and watch them." The man who was about to drive the car said to the man standing on the ground.

"Understood." Lao Wu responded and got into the car.

"If you tie them up like this, they will be overly frightened, and they might die before you sell them. Then you have to dispose of the corpses, and you have no money to make. It's not worth it.

. "Mo Xiaomo looked at Lao Wu and said seriously.

"You, what do you think?" Lao Wu frowned and thought about it, Mo Xiaomo made sense.

"Untie them, I'll coax them, don't worry, I promise I won't cry." Mo Xiaomo said lightly.

"If you can't coax them well, I'll tie you up too." Lao Wu threatened, signaling Mo Xiaomo to untie the children.

Mo Xiaomo looked at the two children, "Listen well, you will definitely not be able to escape if you run away, one in the car drives the other, we can't beat them yet, so you better be obedient and don't cry now, or else you will be killed." Suffering, nod when you understand, I will untie you, otherwise I will tie you up."

The two children froze for a while before nodding.

Mo Xiaomo untied them, and the three children sat in the corner.

The human trafficker named Lao Wu looked at Mo Xiaomo with surprise in his eyes, Emma, where did this little savior come from! Even a few words managed to get those two kids...

The twilight is all in one.

Xiaoqi stretched and woke up.

After tidying up my clothes, I went to find Dongfang Jinyu.

"wake up?"

"Well, where's Xiaomo?"

"I'm done with Anle and the others, Dougu, go invite the princess." Dongfang Jinyu ordered.

Dou Gu left at the sound, and hurried back after a while.

"Master, the young master said that the princess went to chase Nanyehuang... and never came back."

Mi Xiaoqi frowned and looked at Dongfang Jinyu.

"Before I had time to say it, Ah Chen said he was gone."

"Let's go..." Xiaoqi was a little bit disappointed in her heart, but she quickly accepted the fact that people always get together and leave.

"I'm going back too."

"Don't you need to send someone to find the princess?" Dongfang Jinyu asked with concern.

"It's nothing, it's possible that we can actually meet human traffickers, even if we do, it's their bad luck." Xiao Qi smiled lightly, turned and left.

Prince's House.

into the night.

Mo Xiaomo still hasn't come back.

Mi Xiaoqi ordered someone to go to the gate of the city to ask twice, to be sure that Mo Xiaomo hadn't left the city, but where did the people go

"Xiaoqi, I'll send someone to look for it, don't worry."

"I'm not worried. I'm just worried for the person who caused trouble for Xiaomo. She is in a bad mood now. If she doesn't make trouble, she will be fine. If she makes trouble, she will definitely not be small..." Xiao Qi looked at Bei Gongyan.

Bei Gongyan's lips moved, but he didn't say anything. This mother and daughter are really...

Mo Xiaomo didn't return all night, and the news quickly spread to Dongfang Jinyu's house.

"Daddy, did you say sister Xiaomo was lost?" Dongfang Anle asked with her big eyes blinking, extremely worried.

"I heard that children have been lost frequently in the past few days. I'm worried that she has met a human trafficker." Dongfang Jinyu said worriedly.

"Then what should we do?" Dongfang Anle's eyes turned red immediately.

"Don't worry, with her abilities, no one can take her away unless she wants to." Xiaoguai answered the words coolly, and raised his hand to wipe the tears from the corners of Dongfang Anle's eyes.

"Really, sister Xiaomo won't be in danger?" Dongfang Anle asked.

"No, don't worry." Xiaoguai said, Mo Xiaomo's whole body is poisonous, Xiaoguai could tell at a glance, that's why she didn't want Dongfang Anle and Mo Xiaomo to be together. If the An Le belt is broken, it will be a disaster.

Dongfang Anle didn't speak anymore, but she never let go of her hanging heart. When it was time for a nap, Xiaoguai went back to her yard.

Dongfang Anle couldn't fall asleep anyway, she was worried about Mo Xiaomo, so she took advantage of no one's attention

When she was in a hurry, she ran out of the mansion secretly. This was the first time she left the mansion alone. She didn't know where she was, so she just walked around indiscriminately.

She wanted to find Mo Xiaomo.

As a result, I completely lost my way while walking...

Dongfang Anle has been living under Xiaoguai's care, and has never gone out alone. She is alone, Dongfang Anle is scared, and stands by the roadside sobbing.

At this time, a carriage passed by, and a strong man on the carriage rushed down quickly, grabbed Dongfang Anle's arm, and carried her directly to the carriage.

Dongfang Anle was thrown into the corner of the car with force, her petite body hit the car board with a bang, and she passed out.

"Fifth, we are really lucky today. The little girl just now looks really juicy, similar to the one caught yesterday, and can be bought at a good price."

"Haha, yes, brother."

The two men laughed, they were the two who took Mo Xiaomo away yesterday.

When Dongfang Anle was taking a nap, Xiaoguai was meditating and doing exercises, and when the time was almost up, Xiaoguai would go to Dongfang Anle.

When Xiaoguai walked into the Oriental Anle courtyard, he immediately felt that something was wrong.

"Where's Miss?" Xiaoguai asked the maid in the yard.

"Young master, the lady hasn't woken up from her nap yet."

"Nonsense! He's gone." Xiaoguai pushed open the door, and the quilt was neatly arranged on the bed without any trace of sleeping.

"Oops!" Xiaoguai turned around and ran out.

The maid was also frightened, and hurriedly told Dongfang Jinyu.

Liu Qianqian was just pregnant with her second child, and the two were talking in the yard.

Hearing that Dongfang Anle was missing, Liu Qianqian almost lost her temper...

"Qianqian, don't be nervous, Xiaoguai has already gone to look for it, and I will also look for someone right away. The news of Zhaixinglou spreads all over the four countries, and I will definitely find Anle soon." Dongfang Jinyu hurriedly comforted her and was out of breath. Liu Qianqian.

"An Le has never gone out alone. If she meets a bad person, she will definitely be terrified. Jinyu, you go to her quickly, don't worry about me, go quickly." As he spoke, he pushed Dongfang Jinyu away with difficulty.

Dongfang Jinyu ordered someone to take care of Liu Qianqian, and hurried out of the house.

Hearing that Dongfang Anle was missing, Bai Mufan immediately sent someone to look for him.

Gu Yu and Ye Luo, who were guests at the Prince's Mansion, naturally also received the news.

"I'll go too..." As soon as Ye Luo got up, Guyu grabbed her little hand.

"Little boy can do it by himself."

"But..." Ye Luo looked at Gu Yu, still a little worried.

"Look at Xiao Qi, her daughter has been missing for almost two days and one night, and she still seems to be okay." Gu Yu nodded to Xiao Qi and said to Ye Luo.

"Xiaoqi is quite big-hearted..."

The corner of Xiaoqi's mouth twitched slightly, is it really okay for you two to talk about me in front of me

"Trust the child." Xiao Qi said with a smile.

"An Le is different from Xiao Mo. She has been well protected by Xiao Gua since she was a child. Now that she is lost alone, she will definitely be scared." Ye Luo frowned slightly. The relationship between them has always been good.

"There is a little boy." Gu Yu concluded the topic with three words.

And at this time.

In a courtyard in the western suburbs, in the corner of a dilapidated house, more than a dozen children were curled up.

There are more than a dozen people in this group of traffickers. They come back every three or five days to put together the children they have tricked or stolen.

Mo Xiaomo has been waiting for them to gather together.


The door was pushed open, and the children cried softly in fright.