Wangye, Wangfei is a Cat

Chapter 3: Accompany the prince to dine


"Come here, change clothes." The decibels subconsciously dropped a little.

The maids walked in with Bei Gongyan's clothes carefully, and carefully waited for him to change.

Well, if Mi Xiaoqi is awake, she must exclaim, "Emma, my lord, you are not shy because you have been stared at by so many women."

It's a pity that the cat is asleep now.


Mi Xiaoqi took a glance, and sucked her little nose. The smell was so delicious... She tried her best to open her cat's eyes.

His gaze fell on a table of delicacies not far away.

"Meow!" His big eyes lit up in an instant, with a look of surprise on his face, he got up and ran to the table in a few steps.

Well, I didn't realize until I got on the table that the man sitting in front of the table was Bei Gongyan.

The maids behind all looked at Mi Xiaoqi in horror, mourning in silence.

"Hungry?" Bei Gongyan asked with a hint of a smile.

"Meow." Mi Xiaoqi sat on the table and nodded.

"What do you want to eat?" Bei Gongyan asked.

Mi Xiaoqi walked on the table unceremoniously, raised her hand and ordered some soup and dishes she wanted...

All the maids behind were too shocked to speak.

"All blind?" Bei Gongyan's cold voice sounded.

The maid hurriedly stepped forward to serve Mi Xiaoqi's meal, carefully holding the bowl, and delivered the food that Mi Xiaoqi ordered to her in a very respectful manner.

"Meow, meow." Spoon spoon, Mi Xiaoqi waved his little hand.

"Want this king to feed you?" Bei Gongyan would be wrong.

Mi Xiaoqi raised his forehead, Emma, why is this prince so stupid

"Come here." Who knew Bei Gongyan spoke again.

Mi Xiaoqi looked at him, at least he was a cat living under the fence now, he was obedient, so he could have food and a bed to sleep in...

Standing up awkwardly, stepping on the small plum blossoms, she walked up to Bei Gongyan.

The maid immediately carefully delivered the food ordered by Mi Xiaoqi to Bei Gongyan.

Bei Gongyan picked up a small spoon, filled a spoonful of soup and brought it to Mi Xiaoqi's lips.


Mi Xiaoqi opened her small mouth, blew lightly, and then carefully stuck out her tongue and took a sip, um, it was delicious, the cooks of the ancients were really good.

He narrowed his eyes happily.

Bei Gongyan's heart trembled slightly, he was really a contented little guy.

"Everyone back down."

"Yes, my lord." The maids behind him filed out.

Bei Gongyan continued to feed, and Mi Xiaoqi was satisfied.


I'm full, thank you, you can eat.

Mi Xiaoqi waved her little hand, and in order to let Bei Gongyan understand what she meant, she patted her stomach, indicating that he was full, and then pointed to the dishes on the table for him to eat.

"You care about me." Bei Gongyan's eyes were full of smiles.

Mi Xiaoqi nodded. I don't want to care about you. If you don't care about you, you want to strangle me. Er, being strangled to death is really sad and painful...

Bei Gongyan, who got an affirmative answer, was in a good mood and started to eat by himself.

Mi Xiaoqi was about to jump on the stool, but was pulled back by a big hand, "Sit here and have dinner with me."

Well, okay.

Mi Xiaoqi obediently sat on the table, staring at Bei Gongyan with a pair of bright eyes, I look at you, won't you hiccup

Mi Xiaoqi is curious...

Bei Gongyan ate very fast, and finished eating in less than a stick of incense.

Standing up, Mi Xiaoqi also stood up.

A big hand fell on her body at once, holding her in his arms, "Meow." Hooligan, where are your hands

Mi Xiaoqi instinctively wanted to protect his front, um, okay, little hand, oh no, the little paw waved it, and then remembered that he no longer has a proud body, and the rest is just a small tablet.

"What's wrong?" Bei Gongyan lowered his eyes, and his eyes fell on Mi Xiaoqi.

Mi Xiaoqi shook her head hastily, expressing that she was fine, with a flattering smile on her little face.

Bei Gongyan chuckled, he likes obedient things.

Carrying Mi Xiaoqi to the study, the maid outside the natural door quickly went in to clean up the mess.

Bei Gongyan sat on the seat and put Mi Xiaoqi on his lap. At this moment, Bei Gongyan was wearing a black robe, and his already handsome face was set off to make it even more charming.

Mi Xiaoqi narrowed her eyes, she looks so handsome and has such a bad temper, how did God create people

Bei Gongyan flipped open the folder on the table and looked at it. Mi Xiaoqi looked at him quietly, well, besides this, Mi Xiaoqi didn't know what else he could do now.

Always find a way to escape from here.

You can't be this man's pet forever.

A person who looks very cold, the woman who was hot with him in bed just now, can be grounded when she turns around. Alas, men in ancient times were ruthless, and women were just tools to them.

Meow, Mi Xiaoqi sighed silently in his heart, fortunately he is just a cat, otherwise would his fate be even more bleak

But how did he become a cat

Only the sound of Bei Gongyan flipping through the papers could be heard, and Mi Xiaoqi began to recall what happened before she became a cat.

Alas, I obviously attended a class reunion, how could I become a cat