Wangye, Wangfei is a Cat

Chapter 57: A wonderful way to ask for a dowry


Dexuan Restaurant.

Mi Xiaoqi and Shui Huangyu chose a good seat to sit down, and the person sitting opposite was naturally Wu Yueniang, but it was a completely new Wu Yueniang, Xiaoqi made her own hand and painted a delicate makeup for Yueniang She doesn't know how to comb her hair so difficult. Yueniang tied a simple crescent moon bun, a colorful golden step swaying and shining, and Mi Xiaoqi wore a crescent-colored smoke skirt on her body.

Due to the huge difference from yesterday's image, the waiter in the restaurant naturally didn't recognize her, she just regarded her as the wife of a wealthy family, and respectfully welcomed her into the hall.

Mi Xiaoqi proudly ordered all the signature dishes of Dexuan Restaurant. Don’t think that Miss Qi has changed her sex. This is called tasting dishes.

The food and drink have just been served.

There was a commotion outside the door, Mi Xiaoqi bit her lips and chuckled, and looked over with everyone.

I saw twenty young men standing in front of the door, each holding a stack of papers in their hands. The leading man shouted one, two, three, and everyone started shouting together.

"Dexuan Liu Yichuan, the example of a scum is unmatched. As a virtuous and good wife, she would rather dye her hat green! A shameless scum is a model! He won't return the dowry and refuse to change it!"


Although the words were designed by Mi Xiaoqi himself, the effect on the spot was so explosive that it really made people unable to hold back their laughter.

"Who, who is making trouble, get out!" Liu Yichuan's face turned green when he heard the news, and rushed out with a group of thugs to beat them.

When this group of people saw someone coming, they immediately scattered, and at the same time threw out the paper in their hands vigorously while running. What was written on the paper was what they had just said.

Seeing people running so fast and so many people, Liu Yichuan was so overwhelmed that he almost suffered an internal injury.

There was a flash of pain in Wu Yueniang's eyes, how could she not see that he was such a man before, his real face was probably even more shameless than what she knew.

Liu Yichuan returned to the restaurant aggressively, and the diners who were eating naturally all looked at him.

"Liu Yichuan!" Mi Xiaoqi's voice was loud, and immediately attracted everyone's attention. Naturally, Liu Yichuan was also looking at Mi Xiaoqi, and even noticed that Wu Yueniang was sitting on that table!

He rushed over angrily and stared at Wu Yueniang, but she seemed to have completely changed overnight, and the two men at the same table, one couldn't see the appearance, the other was very handsome, I didn't want to The next daughter-in-law unexpectedly met two people who seemed to have a lot of background, and her chest felt sore.

"Wu Yueniang, you are really shameless, why didn't the man on your bed satisfy you before, and now you have found two!" Liu Yichuan said fiercely.


Shui Huangyu slapped Liu Yichuan on the face, "A dog can't spit out ivory!"

"Yellow Fish, I have to wash my hands a few more times when I get back, it's too dirty." Mi Xiaoqi said slowly, making up his mind, and the people around couldn't help but chuckled.

Seeing that his boss was being beaten, all the thugs behind him surrounded him.

"Call me!" Liu Yichuan yelled indistinctly while covering half of his face that was instantly red and swollen.

Mi Xiaoqi blinked and signaled Shui Huangyu to wait for them to make a move before making a move. In this way, uh, well, Mi Xiaoqi's little abacus made a lot of noise, so that he would not have to compensate for any losses, saving money!

The thug's stick fell, Shui Huangyu got up quickly, and beat with crackling, naturally, all the table chairs and people eating were affected, the scene was once chaotic and very lively.

Mi Xiaoqi protects Wu Yueniang, throwing a little zombie powder when anyone approaches.

In the time of a stick of incense, Dexuan Restaurant will basically not be able to open in the short term.

"You, you..." Liu Yichuan pointed at the three with trembling fingers.

Shui Huangyu clapped his hands and sat down gracefully, he fell down everywhere except his own table of food, picked up his chopsticks and started to eat.

"Liu Yichuan, to put it simply, our purpose today is to get back Yueniang's dowry. If you are sensible, you can obediently move out all the dowry. If you are not sensible, I promise that you will not hold on to your ex-wife's dowry." The matter of repayment will definitely spread in Yuedu within three days, and see if your Dexuan Restaurant can't open by then." Mi Xiaoqi said calmly.

Liu Yichuan rolled his eyes angrily, his heart ached, Wu Yueniang's dowry included two Zhuangzi, three shophouses, and several boxes of jewelry, he was naturally reluctant to part with it.

"Of course, if you pay back the dowry, those people won't bring up this matter again. They will give you time to think and prepare for a meal. We've eaten and we have everything, so let's forget about it." Mi Xiaoqi picked up the chopsticks , I picked up a piece of meat for Wu Yueniang.

Wu Yueniang smiled gratefully.

This smile fell into Liu Yichuan's eyes and became a coquettish smile. He planned that Wu Yueniang could do it, but when he thought that she really found a man, he felt that the man's face would not be worth it.

The shopkeeper of the restaurant hurriedly dragged Liu Yichuan inside, carefully persuading, "Boss, these two people seem to have a background, and we can't catch the person they are looking for. If things really get serious, we are the ones who are responsible for it." It doesn't make sense, why don't you return Madam... Miss Wu's things to her, and the matter will be over."

Naturally, Liu Yichuan also considered what the shopkeeper said, but he was a little unwilling to pay for things like this.

After struggling for a long time, I finally had to prepare all of Wu Yueniang's dowry and carry it out.

"Yueniang check the things to see if they are missing." Mi Xiaoqi said leisurely while drinking tea.

Wu Yueniang was not too polite, in her heart Liu Yichuan was extremely miserable, checked all the items to make sure they were not missing, and hired a carriage to take them away.

Liu Yichuan stomped his feet angrily, and secretly sent out two people to follow Wu Yueniang. After a while, the people who were sent out were tied up and thrown at the door of the restaurant. Throughout the day, Dexuan Restaurant existed like a joke.

Mi Xiaoqi followed Wu Yueniang to their temporary house.

"Whose are the three houses opposite Dexuan Restaurant?" Mi Xiaoqi asked after sitting down.

"There are three shops opposite Dexuan Restaurant, one belongs to the Zong family, the other belongs to Wanhua Villa, and the other belongs to Wei Mansion." Wu Yueniang replied.

"Oh." Coincidentally, she has acquaintances in all three families. Needless to say, the Zong family and Wanhua Villa, the Wei family is Wei Ziyi's family. Miss, the Wei family is in charge of Beiyue Kingdom's weapon manufacturing, so the Wei family's status is very high, but the Wei family never allows its own children to serve as officials in the court.

They will not get close to any prince, they have always maintained a very good neutral attitude, and because of this, even if the dynasty changes, their status will not be affected.

The road where Dexuan Restaurant is located is called Beiping Street, which is one of the main roads in Yuedu. There are many shops around it, and the traffic is heavy, so the shops are naturally more valuable.

Beiping Street is a street from east to west, and Dexuan Restaurant is to the north.

An idea slowly emerged in Mi Xiaoqi's mind, but the premise of the idea was naturally to take down these three shops.

"Xiao Qi..." Wu Yueniang called softly.

"Well, Yue Niang, I'm thinking about something. I want to open a restaurant. It's just opposite Dexuan Restaurant. They only have two floors. We built a six-story one and bought the three shops opposite. In this way, from sunrise to moon If it falls, it can completely block the sunlight of Dexuan Restaurant, and at that time, Liu Yichuan will be able to go after closing the door!" Mi Xiaoqi said.

"Xiaoqi." Wu Yueniang was very calm, although she couldn't wait to bring down Liu Yichuan to avenge her father, "Let's not talk about how difficult it is to build a six-story building, it is the shop of the three great families opposite, It's not easy for us to cash it... "

"Don't worry, leave these things to me. You start planning now. After the restaurant is built, how to operate and manage it, calculate how many people you need to recruit." Mi Xiaoqi got up, very firm.

In an instant, Wu Yueniang believed her words. There is a kind of person who easily wins the trust of others, and obviously Mi Xiaoqi is such a person.

Leaving from the house, Mi Xiaoqi first went to Zong Heyun to discuss with him about buying a shop, Zong Heyun hardly hesitated, offered 500 taels of price, and signed a contract with Mi Xiaoqi.

Then Mi Xiaoqi made an appointment with Hua Rongxuan.

The location, of course, is Yuewu Tea House.

Hua Rongxuan was taken aback when he saw Mi Xiaoqi who had changed his outfit, and then came back to his senses, "Mr. Mo Qi."

"Rongxuan, you're very smart." The two sat down, and Xiaoqi straight to the point said that he wanted to buy a shop. Hua Rongxuan was not as easy to deal with as Zong Heyun, so he had to ask why he insisted on buying his shop.

"To vent my anger on Yueniang." Mi Xiaoqi told Hua Rongxuan about Wu Yueniang in the blink of an eye.

Hua Rongxuan supported his forehead silently. He had heard about the incident at Dexuan Restaurant at noon. At the beginning, he was still wondering who came up with such a weird idea. Now he knew that Mi Xiaoqi was involved. I don't think it's strange anymore.

"Sell it or not?" Mi Xiaoqi asked numbly.

"Buy, two thousand taels!"

"Two thousand taels, why don't you grab Hua Rongxuan!" Mi Xiaoqi stared wide-eyed, wanting to strangle Hua Rongxuan every minute.

"Heh, no business, no cheating. You must want this place. Naturally, I will not give you a low price. Besides, you don't know how much effort I have put into this place. I am actually reluctant to sell it like this." Hua Rongxuan's eyes are full of sly eyes, it's rare to be able to count Mi Xiaoqi once, don't be in a good mood, even though it's only a few hundred taels of silver, they don't care.

"Hmph, Hua Rongxuan, there is a saying that it is better to offend a villain than a woman." Mi Xiaoqi gritted his teeth and signed the contract with Hua Rongxuan.

Hua Rongxuan laughed amusedly at her puffy appearance, and told her a few words about the tea art competition, then got up and left.

Mi Xiaoqi and Shui Huangyu did not return directly to the Three Princes' Mansion, but went to the Five Princes' Mansion to find Bei Gongqi.

Bei Gongqi will stay in the palace if there is no special matter, but the two of them are in vain. Does that mean that Bei Gongqi is busy? Could it be something that busy Bei Gongyan refused to tell him

Mi Xiaoqi frowned slightly.

"Ahem, miss, do you want to find the Fifth Prince?" Shui Huangyu asked in a low voice.

Mi Xiaoqi nodded decadently.

"This subordinate knows where they are." Shui Huangyu's brisk voice sounded.