Wangye, Wangfei is a Cat

Chapter 58: Armory Murder


"Let's go." Mi Xiaoqi's eyes flashed, her little head was naturally running fast, and Shui Huangyu was from Nan Fengchen, so naturally they would have their own unique method of collecting information.

Uh, well, Mi Xiao felt uncomfortable for seven minutes. He was a rich man after all, and he had to rely on others to give him the information...

When his restaurant is completed, he must establish his own intelligence system. Xiaoxianrou looks very smart. If he has the opportunity to learn more about it, I hope he can be the leader alone.

Shui Huangyu was completely unaware that he had provoked Miss Seven with his rare kindness, and led the way. The two walked two streets and arrived at the back door of a shop.

"Where is this?" Mi Xiaoqi asked in surprise.

"The back door of the armory."

"Why go through the back door?" Mi Xiaoqi continued to be puzzled.

"Because the front door cannot be entered, there was a murder case here. The fifth prince came to look at it. Now the assistant and the police are checking, and the front door has been sealed." Shui Huangyu explained.

"Murder case?" Mi Xiaoqi frowned slightly, what kind of murder case would make Bei Gongqi follow him in person, "What should we do now?"

"My lord, I will go in later and tell the fifth prince that you are here." Shui Huangyu said.

Mi Xiaoqi nodded.

Not long after, Beigong Qi followed Shui Huangyu to the back door, seeing Mi Xiaoqi for the first time, Beigong Qi was slightly taken aback.

"Bei Gongqi, what's going on inside." Mi Xiaoqi asked excitedly.

"The shopkeeper of the weapons shop was killed. Xiaoqi, why are you dressed like this?" Beigong Qi asked.

"For the sake of convenience, please take me in to have a look. I have studied criminal psychology, so I can help." Mi Xiaoqi grabbed Bei Gongqi's arm, as if he would never let go unless you took me in. .

"This..." Bei Gongqi hesitated, taking her in for that kind of scene.

"Don't worry, if I don't tell you, no one will know, besides, I'm in men's clothing now, let's go, let's go." Mi Xiaoqi said coquettishly.

Well, Bei Gongqi said that he couldn't stand it, nodded, and took Mi Xiaoqi into the weapon shop.

Shui Huangyu, who was following at the back, silently supported her forehead. The former master's gaze really made people cry silently. Such a rambunctious girl, really...

Mi Xiaoqi has Mi Xiaoqi's plan. Bei Gongqi personally intervened in this matter, so it should be something that Bei Gongyan is concerned about. If he can help Bei Gongqi, he is naturally helping Bei Gongyan. Be confident.

When she was young, she loved Sherlock Holmes very much, which made Xiaoqi full of interest in the psychology of criminal investigation and crime. This is why she pestered her third dad to learn criminal psychology and her second dad to learn autopsy by the way.

The three soon arrived at the scene of the crime.

Mi Xiaoqi looked at the policemen who were busy walking around the room, and frowned, "Let everyone come out, don't touch the corpse, don't touch the objects, prepare white wine and rice vinegar."

Beigong Qi was slightly taken aback, and the captor was also taken aback, because the young man who didn't know where the fifth prince brought him back was very rude when he met him.

Everyone looked at Mi Xiaoqi with vigilance and slight disgust.

"Come out and get ready." Bei Gongqi finally chose to trust Mi Xiaoqi. This Xiaoqi had brought him too many shocks and surprises, and he hoped that she would do the same this time.

Soon a policeman brought white wine and rice vinegar. After smelling it, Xiao Qi mixed the two things together, carried a basin into the room, and carefully sprinkled the vinegar around the corpse. Soon, mottled spots appeared on the ground. blood.

Everyone was stunned.

Finally, squatting beside the corpse, he picked up a pair of gloves on the ground and put them on his hands.

"Yellow Fish, I told you to record."

"Yes, young master." Shui Huangyu looked at the eyes of everyone adoring every minute, Emma felt so proud and her master was so powerful, she completely forgot the silent sigh just now.

"The deceased, male, forty years old. The corpse was placed in a kneeling posture." Mi Xiaoqi looked at the teeth of the deceased, "The cause of death was mechanical asphyxiation, also known as strangulation. Before death..." He paused , "There is no sign of any struggle."

"It's strange, most people will instinctively resist when they are strangled. Why did he obey and be strangled to death? Also, he had his tongue cut off before he was alive." Mi Xiaoqi frowned and motioned for him to come over and help turn over the corpse.

There is a strange pattern next to the corpse, like a totem

"Yellow Fish, draw this down."

"There is also a number 3 here, a special symbol plus a number. If we guess this way, this man may be the third person the murderer wants to kill, or the murderer is planning to kill three people." Mi Xiaoqi said slowly.

"Yes, the third person killed by the murderer." Beigong Qi said.

"What about the first two people? The same way of death? Add patterns and corresponding numbers?" Mi Xiaoqi looked up at Bei Gongqi.

"Yes. The first one is Li Boran, governor of Yuedu Prefecture, the second one is Miss Qile from Rouge Building, and the third one is Dong Sancheng, the treasurer of the weapons shop." Bei Gongqi explained.

"What did you find?" Mi Xiaoqi had already walked out of the room, and she basically knew the corpse and the situation at the scene. She shuddered slightly, a little scary.

Bei Gongqi, Catcher, Mi Xiaoqi, the three stood facing each other.

"We have no idea what the murderer's purpose is. The three people who were killed were a court official, a brothel woman, and a shopkeeper. Three people who had no connection at all." The head catcher said.

"It won't be an indiscriminate killing." Mi Xiaoqi said, "The murderer chose to leave the same pattern with a very special meaning to him on each of the dead, as if doing a ritual, to comfort his soul, So there must be a connection between them."

"At the beginning, this king thought the same way, but after searching for a long time, I couldn't find out the relationship between them." Bei Gongqi took over the words.

"What you found out should be what happened after they arrived in Yuedu, and before they arrived in Yuedu? Or did they have any intersection before that." Mi Xiaoqi analyzed.

"Master Li started to serve as the governor of Yuedu Prefecture three years ago, Qile came to Yanzhilou five years ago, and Dong Sancheng started to work as the shopkeeper of Wei's Arms Shop five years ago." Catcher said.

"Where did Master Li work three years ago? Where were Qi Le and Dong Sancheng five years ago?" Mi Xiaoqi asked.

The head catcher's eyes lit up, "This subordinate will investigate now."

The head catcher left quickly, leaving Mi Xiaoqi and the other three, "By the way, on Mr. Li's body, was there anything that wasn't cut off?"

"Heart." Beigong Qi's face changed slightly when he mentioned it.

"Where's Qile?"

"Down, the lower body was sewn up." Beigong Qi blushed slightly.

"Heart-digging, stitching, tongue-cutting? Such cruel methods, the murderer really hates them." Mi Xiaoqi narrowed his eyes. "When the head arresters find out their past, they will know the reason, and knowing the reason will not be far from finding the murderer."

"hope so."

"Do you have anything else to do later?" Mi Xiaoqi remembered his purpose of looking for Bei Gongqi.

"It's okay, you are looking for me, what's the matter?"

"Well, I would like to ask you to do me a favor. Go and recuperate a friend's mother." Mi Xiaoqi said.


The three of them left the armory and went directly to Wu Yueniang's house.

"Xiao Qi." Wu Yueniang showed a warm smile when she saw Xiao Qi.

"Yue Niang, I'll bring a friend over to help my aunt recuperate." Mi Xiaoqi brought Bei Gong Qi and Shui Huang Yu into the door.

"Thank you, Mr. Wu." Wu Yueniang bowed gracefully.

"No problem." Beigong Qi followed Wu Yueniang into the door to check Mrs. Wu's pulse.

Mi Xiaoqi left Shuihuangyu to look at the yard, while she wandered into Wu Yihang's study in a few steps.

Wu Yihang was reading a book when he heard movement outside and was about to get up when Mi Xiaoqi walked into the room automatically.

"Miss Seven." Wu Yihang bowed respectfully, in his mind Mi Xiaoqi is the savior of the whole family, the person he will be loyal to all his life.

"It's all my own people, so don't be so polite." Mi Xiaoqi sat down on the stool and casually flipped through Wu Yihang's book twice.

"Is there something wrong with Seventh Miss?" Wu Yihang blushed slightly, what he read were biographies and miscellaneous notes, which were not the books of imperial examinations in everyone's eyes.

"You don't want to take the imperial examination?" Mi Xiaoqi asked bluntly.

"Yes, there was a sudden change in the family, and my sister suffered such a big grievance. I am the only man in the family, and I am the one who should bear it." Wu Yihang's eyes flashed with determination.

"Ambition." Mi Xiaoqi gave a thumbs up. "I have a proposal, I wonder if you are interested in participating?"

"Seventh girl, please tell me."

"I want to ask you to do something for me. After the restaurant is built, I will make it the best restaurant in Shikoku." Mi Xiaoqi said grandly.

Wu Yihang's eyes lit up, "Sister from the restaurant can..."

"Some things are not suitable for women to come forward, for example, there must be singing and dancing girls in restaurants, and there must be all kinds of novel projects, the ones that catch people's attention." Mi Xiaoqi pointed out.

"Yi Hang understands."

"It will take at least three months for the restaurant to be built. You have three months to find the right candidate. To sum up, I want my restaurant to be unique. What the guests see and enjoy is unprecedented. , Wu Yihang, can you do it?" Mi Xiaoqi narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Yihang will definitely not disappoint Miss Seven." Wu Yihang said solemnly.

"If you do this properly, I'll do something for you later." Mi Xiaoqi doesn't know much about Wu Yihang, she just thinks he's clever, but how clever he is needs further investigation .

"This is a silver bill of one thousand taels. If it's not enough, you can ask me for it. But I hope you will use the least amount of money to do the best thing." Mi Xiaoqi put down the silver bill.

Wu Yihang took it.

"Can you not tell my sister what happened today, she has always hoped that I can take the imperial examination." Wu Yihang's eyes darkened.

"It's ok, how difficult is an imperial examination, I'll help you with tutoring some time." Mi Xiaoqi patted Wu Yihang on the shoulder.

"Tutoring?" Wu Yihang was slightly taken aback, looking at Mi Xiaoqi in astonishment.

"Well, why don't you believe me? I'm very talented." Mi Xiaoqi said proudly. Back then, Mi Xiaoqi was admitted to the Department of Economics and Management of University A as the number one student in the college entrance examination.