Wangye, Wangfei is a Cat

Chapter 60: Fourth homicide


In the morning, the first ray of sunshine falls gently.

Just as Mi Xiaoqi and Bei Gongyan got up, Bai Tie rushed to report, "My lord, something is wrong."

"Why panic?" Bei Gongyan's eyes fell on Bai Tie. Bai Tie had been by Bei Gongyan's side for many years, and he had never been so panic-stricken.

"Report to the lord." Bai Tie stabilized his mind, "Guanglu Temple Minister Tan Fang was killed at home, and the pattern appeared again. At the same time, the layout of the guards in the palace was stolen, and the emperor was furious. Immediately go to investigate and then enter the palace to face the saint."

Bei Gongyan frowned. Guanglu Siqing was an official of the third rank, not a big one, but he was in charge of the palace guards and attendants. It can be said that the distribution of the palace was all through his hands, and things suddenly became complicated.

"My lord, go quickly, protect the scene, don't let anyone destroy it, Xiaoqi will be there soon." Mi Xiaoqi's little head was also spinning rapidly.

"Okay." Bei Gongyan walked out of Mingyue Pavilion quickly.

Xiao Qi also quickly changed her clothes, and left from the secret road, Bei Gongqi was waiting in the house leading to the secret road.

The two got into the carriage together.

"Is the situation serious?" Mi Xiaoqi asked.

"Yes, this time the distribution map of the guards was also stolen, and Longyan was furious." Bei Gongqi replied with some concern.

"Go and have a look first, and only after you have seen it will you know if it was done by the same person."

Neither of them was talking, and the atmosphere in the carriage was a bit depressing.

Soon the car stopped in front of a house.

Bai Tie was already waiting in front of the door.

"Fifth Prince, Mr. Mo, please."

The house is very simple, with three entrances and three exits. There are some flowers and plants planted in the yard, which is not as exquisite as the palace, but it also has a special flavor.

Tan Fang, Minister of Guanglu Temple, died in the study.

Bei Gongyan stood in front of the study door with a gloomy face, and Cui Dongcheng, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, stood beside him.

"My lord." Mi Xiaoqi stepped forward quickly.

"Well, no one has ever gone inside." Bei Gongyan saw that Mi Xiaoqi's expression softened a little.

"I'm going to do the autopsy, please have a co-worker to cooperate with me." He quickly took out the gloves from his small bag. Although Cui Dongcheng didn't know Mi Xiaoqi's identity, he could see the trust of the third prince in him, so he hurriedly arranged for a co-worker to cooperate. .

Xiaoqi entered the room and looked around. There were no obvious signs of fighting in the study. Obviously, there was a big gap in strength or strength between the deceased and the murderer. There was a hidden compartment on the wall that was opened, and the contents inside It was stolen, and only a piece of paper was left, which recorded the distribution of guards on a certain day.

The corpse is sitting on a chair, while the pattern appears on a table with a number 4 written underneath.

Mi Xiaoqi's eyes fell on the pattern, and his brows moved slightly.

Instruct the operator and assistants to carry the body to the side of the open space.

"The black raccoon comes in, I tell you to remember." Mi Xiaoqi told the black raccoon at the door.

"Yes, young master." Hei Li picked up a pen and paper and stood by the door.

"Decedent, male, about twenty-five years old, with obvious strangle marks on the neck." Mi Xiaoqi slowly traced his fingers along the back of the head, and suddenly, his expression changed significantly, "The cause of death was a broken spine. The little finger was cut off after death."

"Young master, from my point of view, it should be strangled." The middle-aged Wuzuo said.

"Mechanical suffocation, which is what you call strangulation, the rope is strangled hard on the neck to death, there will be blood congestion at the tear stains, and the dead, there are only serious strangulation marks on the neck, there is no, obviously False strangulation, if you look at the back of his neck, it is obvious that the spine has been broken. In addition, there is no obvious trace of struggle at the scene, it should be that the murderer hit the neck of the deceased with one blow as soon as he appeared, but accidentally used too much force , directly beat the deceased to death."

Mi Xiaoqi got up.

Wu Zuo blushed, "My son's words are justified."

Mi Xiaoqi is not a proud person, and smiled kindly at Wu Zuo. Walk up to Bei Gongyan.

"My lord, let's take a step to talk." Mi Xiaoqi took off his gloves.

"Dongcheng and Fifth Brother are with me." Bei Gongyan looked at the two of them.

The four of them went to the garden in the backyard together, and Black Fox and Bai Tie personally guarded it.

"It can be said."

"This case and the previous case should not be done by the same person. I need to re-examine the previous two corpses to be sure." Mi Xiaoqi said.

Cui Dongcheng looked at Mi Xiaoqi in astonishment, "My lord, do you have evidence?"

"First of all, the cause of death, the first three cases were strangled, this one is not, second, the death posture, the previous three cases were all kneeling, I have seen Dong Sancheng's body in the weapon shop, the first two are listening to the fifth prince That’s right. This posture is very unique to the murderer. He asked each of the deceased to maintain this posture, which is actually an apology. They must have done something to the murderer or someone the murderer cared about. Pursuit, the murderer will not change easily."

"The cause of death, is it possible that the murderer accidentally beat Mr. Tan to death... As for the posture, could there be something that disturbed the murderer." Bei Gongqi analyzed.

"I can't rule out this possibility." Mi Xiaoqi paused, "The last doubt is the pattern on the table. The pattern looks very similar to the previous pattern, but it is not exactly the same. The previous pattern was used by the murderer. A very special spice printed the pattern, but the pattern on Mr. Tan's table is not the same spice."


"It still needs to be confirmed. I will go to the scene of the previous two deaths to see, and then I can check the corpses to be sure." Mi Xiaoqi said.

"Fifth brother goes with Mr. Mo, followed by Bai Tie and Hei Li, and this king and Master Cui enter the palace to face the saint. If this case is really not done by that person, the matter will become clear." Bei Gongyan's eagle eyes flashed. ruthless.

"Yes." Mi Xiaoqi and Bei Gongqi left together.

The four of them first arrived at the mansion of Li Boran, Yin of the Yuedu Prefecture. Li Boran was found dead in the bedroom by a servant girl.

The butler, Liu Mu, dressed in white, respectfully brought them in.

"Fifth Prince, according to Lord Cui's instructions, no one has ever entered into Lord Cui's room, and the person guarding the door was also arranged by Lord Cui himself."

"lead the way."

The smell of blood could still be vaguely smelled in the room. The location painted on the ground should be the location where Li Boran was found. He was kneeling facing west.

On the ground next to the corpse, the pattern was still clear. Mi Xiaoqi squatted on the ground, took out a piece of white transparent paper from her bag, spread it on the ground, took out a small watering can, and sprayed it a few times, Pick up the white paper, and the pattern is printed on the white paper.

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them in surprise.

"Let's go." Without giving everyone a chance to ask questions, Mi Xiaoqi hurried out of the room.

"Butler, how long have you been with Master Li?" Mi Xiaoqi asked suddenly.

Liu Mu's body visibly stiffened, "Back, if you go back to the adults, the younger one has been with the adults since he was fifteen years old, and it should have been twenty years."

"It's been twenty years. The housekeeper must know where Lord Li worked before he came to Yuedu." Mi Xiaoqi changed the topic.

"I know, before my lord was the county magistrate in Liucheng, who was in charge of paying tribute to high-quality tea every year, and Long Yan was very happy, so my lord was transferred to Yuedu." Liu Mu said.

"Willow City."

"Liucheng is the famous hometown of tea in Beiyue Kingdom. Li Boran is not the only official who was promoted because of tea tribute." Beigong Qi whispered in Mi Xiaoqi's ear.

"I don't know that the fifth lord is far away to welcome me, so I ask the lord to forgive me." A soft voice sounded, and not far away, a woman in filial piety bowed down.

"Madam Li, you don't need to be too polite." Beigong Qi said calmly.

"Thank you, my lord. My lord died so badly. Please, my lord, must avenge my lord." The woman stepped forward a few steps, obviously staggering, and she was about to fall, and Liu Mu hurried forward to help her.

"My concubine is disrespectful." The woman wept softly with her veil on her face.

"Madam Li, please mourn." Bei Gongqi ignored the woman and turned around to leave.

A playful flash of Mi Xiaoqi's eyes, followed quickly, and whispered something in Hei Li's ear, Hei Li left first.

In the carriage.

"Fifth Prince, that new widow is obviously interested in you." Mi Xiaoqi blinked and smiled cheerfully.

Successfully seeing Beigong Qi's face flushed, his mood also improved a bit.

"Xiao Qi, you are a woman, don't talk nonsense." Bei Gong Qi said a little embarrassed.

"Haha, girl, it's the one who loves to gossip. Look at your face is turning red like a monkey's butt, could it be possible that you also fell in love with her?" Mi Xiaoqi joked persistently.

"Don't talk nonsense, why would I fall in love with that kind of woman." Bei Gongqi was completely helpless when asked by Mi Xiaoqi.

"Haha." Finally Miss Seven stopped bullying the honest man, "I heard that Mr. Li is already forty years old, and his wife looks like she is only in her twenties, and she must be a woman who is restless. "

"you mean!"

"Yes, I guessed, so let the black raccoon go over and have a look. If there is really something, we can get some inside information from his mouth." Mi Xiaoqi's eyes sparkled.

Beigong Qi looked dazed, her self-confidence always makes people unable to take their eyes off.

"Looking at my mask like this, isn't it beautiful? If you like it, I can give you one." Mi Xiaoqi raised his hand and touched his white jade mask proudly.

Bei Gongqi hurriedly avoided his eyes, "It's really good, and when I want to venture into the rivers and lakes, I will definitely bring one with me."

"Crossing the rivers and lakes, you still have such an idea, I want to go too, can you take me with you?" Mi Xiaoqi grabbed Bei Gongqi's sleeve, a little excited.

It was Xiaoqi's childhood dream to be a chivalrous hero who robs the rich and helps the poor.

"Xiaoqi..." Beigong Qi silently supported his forehead, he just made a metaphor, this girl really listens to the wind and rain, but at this moment, the sound of white iron driving a car came.

"My lord, Mr. Mo, the Rouge Building is here."

Mi Xiaoqi quickly let go of her hand and got out of the car. Bei Gong Qi took a deep breath and got out of the car too.

As soon as a few people entered the door, a woman in a dark green coquettish long dress rushed over, "My lord, you are finally here. Look, Qi Le has been dead for several days, and my Rouge Building is still sealed off!" , although we are all very sad, we can’t let the other girls starve to death just because Qi Le is gone.” While talking, he tried to live by Bei Gong Qi’s side, and the white iron long sword was drawn out of its sheath, um, okay Well, the woman had to take two steps back.