Wangye, Wangfei is a Cat

Chapter 66: Whose home is deep in the peach forest


"Afraid of me?" Nan Fengchen raised his lips and chuckled, as beautiful as a monster.

"I, I'm afraid of what you're doing..." Mi Xiaoqi almost bit his own tongue, instinctively stepped back, hoping to keep a little distance between himself and Nan Fengchen, so as not to be short of breath.

"Heh, come here." Nan Fengchen suddenly turned around.

Mi Xiaoqi hesitated for a moment, but he still raised his legs to follow. What should I do? I have to bow my head under the low eaves. If I don’t go, I will be pulled over by him. Just be obedient, maybe he will let me go when he is happy .

A little farther away from Nan Fengchen, Mi Xiaoqi noticed his environment. It seemed to be in the suburbs, surrounded by peach blossom trees. Feet, picked a green peach on a short branch, rubbed it in the palm of my hand, took a bite, and frowned...

"I like to eat peaches. I'll bring you here after a while."

"I don't like it." Mi Xiaoqi blurted out his denial.

Nan Fengchen's face darkened in an instant, and there was violence in his eyes...

"Um, I'm just, just hungry..." Well, what a lame excuse, she just had lunch.

"You hate me very much?" Nan Fengchen's exquisite peach eyes dimmed, and the violence dissipated and was replaced by sadness.

Emma, Mi Xiaoqi feels bad all over. A big man is acting pitiful in front of her. The most important thing is that this man, your sister, looks so evil, he clearly knows that he will soften his heart.

"I don't hate it, how could Xiao Qi hate His Highness the Crown Prince?" Mi Xiaoqi said with a hasty smile.

"I don't hate it, I just like it, let's go." Nan Fengchen chuckled, as if he got a big advantage, childish.

Mi Xiaoqi was taken aback by his rapid transformation, completely unaware that her little hand had already fallen into Nan Fengchen's.

There is a small lake in the middle of the peach forest, and exquisite fruit snacks are placed on the stone tables on the shore.

Two people sit down.

"His Royal Highness, did you come to me just to eat and drink?" Mi Xiaoqi asked tentatively.

"Yes, I want to find someone to accompany me today." Picking up the jug, the red sleeves fell on the table, and it turned out to be as pretty as a painting.

"Ah?" Mi Xiaoqi looked bewildered.

"Today is the death day of my mother's mother." Nan Fengchen looked at the depths of the peach forest with a distant expression, a faint sadness appeared on the evildoer's face.

Xiao Qi also became sad, "Yes, I'm sorry, I, I don't know."

"It's okay, Xiao Qi, stay with me until dark, okay?" It was the first time Nan Fengchen didn't call himself Ben Gong in front of Xiao Qi.

Under his expectant gaze, Xiao Qi nodded.

"Nan Fengchen, no one can accompany anyone for a lifetime, but every mother hopes that her son will be successful and healthy. Look at how powerful you are now. You are the prince. I heard that you have a high prestige in Nanye Kingdom. So your mother will be very pleased."

Nan Fengchen stared at Mi Xiaoqi with fixed eyes, "Silly girl."

"Ah? Why are you so stupid..." Mi Xiaoqi asked dissatisfiedly with her mouth pouted.

"Heh, there is a hammock in front, do you want to try it?" Nan Fengchen changed the subject.

"Okay." A certain girl jumped up, completely forgetting that she was kidnapped.

There was a hammock hanging among the four trees not far in front, Xiao Qi lay down on it, Nan Fengchen raised his hand and gently shook it from a distance, after a while Xiao Qi fell asleep in a daze .

The peach grove, the breeze blew by, comfortable as a lover's swipe, although it was afternoon, the sun was only dappled, and it was unusually cool, Nan Fengchen looked at the sleeping Xiao Qi, and felt a layer of never-before-seen warmth.

With a light step, she landed on the hammock, carefully stretched her arms around Xiao Qi's shoulders, and gently brought her into his arms, Xiao Qi was frightened all the way and fell into a deep sleep, unknowingly He fell asleep in Nan Fengchen's arms.

The red is coquettish and light, and the color is clean. The clothes of the two people are stacked together, and there is an indescribable beauty.

Soon Nan Fengchen was breathing evenly and fell asleep.

"Hmm..." When Xiao Qi woke up, the sun was already setting, "Ah!" Seeing Nan Fengchen who was hugging her, Xiao Qi hurriedly bounced off and fell off the hammock. "I, I, I..."

Nan Fengchen naturally woke up too. Seeing Xiao Qi's appearance, his eyes darkened, and with a slight force on his palm, he jumped off the hammock and landed beside Xiao Qi, "What's wrong with you?"

"I..." That's right, what's wrong with me, why am I so nervous, I was the one who fell asleep first, then Nan Fengchen climbed into my bed later! Little Seven's brain returned blood, "You, you, why are you sleeping next to me?"

"The bed belongs to me. You got into my bed, so it's rare that I can't get into my own bed?" Nan Fengchen asked indifferently.

A certain girl spurted blood, her little face turned red.

"Go and prepare dinner." Nan Fengchen's order came naturally.

"..." Mi Xiaoqi stared dissatisfied.

"After eating, I will send you back." The implication is that if you have not eaten, you will not be sent.

Xiaoqi naturally heard it, and grunted, "Where is the kitchen?"

"Go straight and turn right."

The ingredients in the kitchen are all fresh. Xiaoqi chose a few and cooked some vegetarian dishes. In her impression, vegetarians are usually eaten on death days.

Looking at the vegetarian dishes on the table, Nan Fengchen smiled warmly, it was rare that he was not charming, extremely elegant, well, good-looking is nothing to compare to, no matter how you do it, it is so beautiful.

After dinner, Nan Fengchen took Xiao Qi's hand and walked out. A certain girl instinctively wanted to break free, but was grabbed by a certain prince. Well, in order to keep her arm from being torn, Xiao Qi The girl resolutely stopped struggling.

After walking for a while, a carriage stopped in front of the door.

The two got into the carriage.

Soon arrived at the Three Kings Mansion.

"thank you for be my side."

"Uh, you're welcome, I'm leaving, goodbye." Xiao Qi lifted the curtain, seeing that Nan Fengchen didn't stop her, she quickly got out of the carriage, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Just as he was about to enter the door, Bei Gongyan flew from another direction and landed in front of Xiao Qi.

"Xiaoqi! Is there anything wrong?"

"It's okay." Xiao Qi held Bei Gongyan's hand, "He didn't hurt me."

Bei Gongyan's eyes fell coldly on the carriage.

"Let's go." Nan Fengchen's indifferent voice sounded.

"Nan Fengchen, you can leave if you want!" Bei Gongyan's indifferent voice had a hint of murderous intent, and when the tone fell, dozens of guards landed beside the carriage.

"Bei Gongyan, let him go." Xiao Qi hastily pulled Bei Gongyan back. If today wasn't the anniversary of Nan Fengchen's mother's death, she certainly wouldn't mind the battle between Bei Gongyan and Nan Fengchen, but today, she somewhat sympathized with that Lonely man standing high.

Bei Gongyan took a cool look at Mi Xiaoqi, he didn't understand why she pleaded with Nan Fengchen, they were only together for an afternoon, and he made her look at him differently? Feeling sore in my heart, I flicked my sleeves and walked quickly into the palace.

Xiao Qi hurriedly followed, but Bei Gongyan's steps were much bigger than hers, and she walked extremely fast, she couldn't keep up at all.

Mingyue Pavilion.

Bei Gongyan sat in the study with an angry face.

When Xiao Qi arrived, she was out of breath, holding on to the door frame, "Bei Gongyan, you, why are you walking so fast..."

"Who walks slowly, Nan Fengchen?"

"Oh, you're jealous again." Mi Xiaoqi stepped forward with a light smile, hanging her little hands around Bei Gongyan's neck and sitting on his lap regardless of his objection, "Today is Nan Fengchen's mother's death day, so I let you let him go."

"It's the anniversary of his mother's death. Why did you arrest me?" Bei Gongyan asked back.

"I think it may be too lonely. You are all desperately fighting for that high position. If you really sit on it, what can you do? I don't know who you can trust along the way. There are more and more people who should be on guard against you. There are too many things to deal with, and life is becoming less and less free, what is it for?" Mi Xiaoqi looked at Bei Gongyan with clear eyes without any impurities.

For a long time, Bei Gongyan didn't know how to answer Xiao Qi's question, yes, what is the purpose of working so hard

"You care about Nan Fengchen's feelings." Bei Gongyan said sullenly.

"He just saved my life today, and he has helped me before, so..." Miss Xiaoqi explained.

"Stay away from him, he's dangerous."

"Got it. How about entering the palace today?" Xiao Qi remembered the matter of the flowers under the moon.

"Father is naturally furious. He has sent people to take back all the flowers under the moon and destroy them. At the same time, he asked the imperial doctor in the palace to formulate a medicine that can cleanse the toxins from the flowers under the moon."

"Where's Bai Mufan?"

"It has been taken into custody, and the emperor ordered that it will be executed in three days."

"No way, Bai Mufan is such an exquisite person, what a pity to kill him, what a pity." Mi Xiaoqi expressed reluctance.

"Are you very interested in Bai Mufan?" Bei Gongyan lowered his voice twice.

"No, no... just, I just think, look at his martial arts skills and intelligence, such a good person should be used for himself, and the most important thing is that I am short of people now." Mi Xiaoqi hurriedly explained, for fear of a certain prince. Turn all dissatisfaction into strength, ahem.

"Do you have a plan?" Bei Gongyan was immediately alert, looking at her little fox eyes, turning and turning, he knew that she must be planning a ghost.

"Hehe, my lord, how can you be so wise and observant? Xiao Qi really admires you." Mi Xiaoqi smiled doggedly.


"I want to save him with the death-prevention gold medal and let him work for me."

Silence, oppressive silence.

After a while, Mi Xiaoqi dared to take a small glance at Bei Gongyan, and sure enough his face was as black as coal in a stove...

"You can use any of my king's people."

"I have to rely on myself and be independent." Mi Xiaoqi immediately retorted, well, there are some matters of principle, and we can't be sloppy at all.

The final result was that Bei Gongyan agreed to Xiao Qi's proposal, and then went directly to Yuqing Pool with a certain girl...

In the early morning of the next day, Xiao Qi dragged his tired body and glared at the man beside him. He was such a cheapskate, and was about to reach out to do something bad, when Bei Gongyan opened his eyes.

Mi Xiaoqi hastily smiled ingratiatingly, "Morning, my lord, are we going to try Liu Mu today?"

Liu Mu, Li Boran's housekeeper, that day Xiaoqi felt that it was inappropriate to ask the black raccoon to go back to check, and happened to meet Liu Mu and Li Boran's new widow, so Liu Mu was directly caught by the black raccoon to the palace and locked in the dungeon.

"Bai Tie has already asked. He knows that Li Boran has an upper family that he secretly contacts, but he doesn't know who it is."