Wangye, Wangfei is a Cat

Chapter 72: Seventh girl fell into a coma



Xiao Qi opened his eyes and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Severe pain spread from her chest to her limbs, "Hei Fu..." Consciousness gradually became blurred, she called Hei Fu with difficulty, and fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Miss!" Hei Li had been guarding outside, and when he heard the movement, he rushed in and saw Mi Xiaoqi lying on the ground and vomited blood. Go to the bedroom.

"Miss!" Seeing Mi Xiaoqi's pale face, Lu Luo shed tears of heartache, "How could it be, what's wrong with Miss..."

"Miss Take Care, I'll go invite the Fifth Prince." Hei Li put Xiao Qi on the bed, and flew to find Bei Gongqi after a few words of advice.

Luluo took care of Mi Xiaoqi in a panic, and forgot to find someone to inform Bei Gongyan of Xiaoqi's vomiting of blood.

Fragrant Garden.

Bei Gongyan sat there with a gloomy face, and Mrs. Fu Rong, who was kneeling on the ground with a pale face, looked at Bei Gongyan carefully. She couldn't understand what Bei Gongyan meant. Do something, but now, the prince is full of evil spirits, she doesn't even dare to act like a baby.

"My lord..." Fu Rong called softly.

"Huh?" The cold voice showed no concern.

"Prince, concubine, I miss you very, very much." Fu Rong blushed and said cautiously, looking at Bei Gongyan expectantly.

Bei Gongyan took a look at Fu Rong, and couldn't help but think of Mi Xiaoqi. She always sat on her lap generously and wrapped her neck around her neck. Bei Gongyan, I miss you very much, do you miss me

Phew, Bei Gongyan frowned, thinking of that bold girl again.

Furong is completely confused, what does the prince mean, obviously distracted, "My lord... the concubine..."

"My lord, the Fifth Prince has arrived." Bai Tie's voice was a little hurried.

"What's the matter?" Bei Gongyan glanced at Bai Tie's position.

"I heard that the seventh girl vomited blood and passed out, so the black fox went to invite the fifth prince."

"Why would you vomit blood!" Bei Gongyan stood up abruptly, before Bai Tie could reply, he had already flown far away, Bai Tie hurriedly followed, he wanted to say, my lord, how could I know...

Fu Rong supported Bi Luo's hand to stand up, and smashed the teacup on the table, "This bitch actually used my trick!"

"Madam, calm down, calm down, you have to be careful with your words." Bi Luo hurriedly pressed Fu Rong's hand, persuading carefully.

"Why does that bitch get the prince's mind so much? I can't see anything special." The resentment in Fu Rong's heart couldn't get out no matter what.

"Ma'am, let's be calm and calm. There are many people who dislike her inside and outside the house. We have a lot of opportunities. The servants will go and inquire first to see if she is real or not." Bi Luo comforted Fu Rong's emotions, and quickly Stepped out of the incense garden.

Mingyue Pavilion.

With a gloomy face, Bei Gongqi checked Xiaoqi's pulse, with a solemn look on his face that had never been seen before.

"What's going on!" Bei Gongyan hurriedly landed in the bedroom and asked anxiously.

"Xiao Qi suffered serious internal injuries."

"How could you be injured internally!" Bei Gongyan's sharp eyes fell on the black fox.

"My lord, the lady has been staying alone in the small courtyard. No one went in. When the subordinates heard the voice and entered, the lady had already vomited blood and fell to the ground." Hei Li looked at Mi Xiaoqi worriedly.

"Prescribe medicine." Bei Gongyan sat on the head of the bed a few steps away, his eyes fell on Mi Xiaoqi's pale face, and his heart ached.

Bei Gongqi personally selected the medicinal materials and boiled the medicine.

Xiao Qi never woke up, and Bei Gongyan still fed the medicine in his own way.

For three days in a row, Xiao Qi remained in a coma. No matter how Bei Gongqi changed her medicine, she just couldn't do it, and her injuries never recovered. On the third day, Bai Mufan also arrived.

Bai Mufan is a direct disciple of the ghost doctor, and he and Bei Gongqi studied for a long time. The two of them developed a new prescription and fed it to Mi Xiaoqi, but she was still asleep.

Bei Gongyan almost went crazy!

Thinking of the possibility that he might lose her, he wished to turn back the time and start over again. Why would he be jealous, why should he be angry at her words, why should he make her uncomfortable!

On the fifth day, Mi Xiaoqi finally woke up flickeringly.

"Xiaoqi!" Bei Gongyan looked at Mi Xiaoqi in surprise, "Fifth Brother, Bai Mufan!"

Bei Gongqi and Bai Mufan rushed in when they heard Bei Gongyan's cry.

Mi Xiaoqi looked at the crowd in a daze, "Why are you all here?" Her voice was slightly hoarse.

Bei Gongqi and Bai Mufan hurriedly checked Xiao Qi's pulse, their expressions were a little strange, their eyes met, obviously they read the same thing from each other's eyes.

"How?" Bei Gongyan asked nervously.

"Judging from the pulse condition, Xiao Qi is fine, it's just strange, is it today?" Bei Gongqi looked at Mi Xiaoqi in surprise.

"Thanks to the old ghost." Mi Xiaoqi said sullenly.

"Old ghost?" Bei Gongyan looked at Mi Xiaoqi, who closed her eyes tiredly, and waved her hand to signal everyone to leave.

There are only two people left.

Luluo brought in the prepared porridge.

"Are you hungry?" Bei Gongyan's voice sounded.

Mi Xiaoqi opened her eyes and nodded.

Bei Gongyan helped her to sit up, carefully fed the porridge and drank some water, Xiao Qi felt much more comfortable, it was really another time on the line of life and death.

"what happened."

"My master." Mi Xiaoqi leaned on Bei Gongyan's shoulder, "It's the old ghost who sent me here. I was tricked into becoming his apprentice by him in a daze, and he brought me into the time tunnel and came to you , He said he was in disaster, we are master and apprentice, master and apprentice share the same fate, if he is seriously injured, I will also be seriously injured, if he dies, I will die with him... "

"Nonsense!" Bei Gongyan obviously tabooed dead words. "Is there any way, crack it."

"At the beginning, he told me that as long as the Zhenguo Lingyu from Jishiguo can help him become a fairy, and then open the time tunnel, I can go home..." Mi Xiaoqi looked at Bei Gongyan, "Later, I planned to stay, so I didn't intend to find Lingyu."

"Zhenguo Lingyu!" Bei Gongyan looked at Mi Xiaoqi in surprise, "If you collect all the Lingyu from the four countries, it is rumored that you can rule the world."

"I, I also know it will be difficult. I cherish my life and I don't want to take any risks..." Mi Xiaoqi leaned against Bei Gongyan's arms, a little tired. It's just the current situation. If she doesn't help Guixian, then her own Life is not lost.

"Your master, is he a half-immortal?" Bei Gongyan asked after thinking for a while.

"Half-ghost, half-immortal, an old liar." Mi Xiaoqi concluded, "If he is a superb student, how could he use his apprentice."

"I'll find a way to help you. It's just the spirit jade of the Four Kingdoms. It's the treasure of the four kingdoms. It's really hard to get together." Bei Gongyan frowned slightly. In case Xiao Qi is taken away by ghosts after collecting all the Lingyu, what should he do

"Bei Gongyan, why didn't you accompany your concubine?" Mi Xiaoqi asked sourly, remembering what happened before his accident.

Bei Gongyan chuckled helplessly, only allowing the state officials to set fires and not allow the people to light the lamps. She was not ambiguous at all when she was jealous, but it turned into vexatious troubles for herself, "Isn't this being with you?"

"Who is your concubine? I'm just a maid."

"Which maid have you ever seen was personally served by the master to change clothes and take a bath?" Bei Gongyan's playful eyes lingered on Mi Xiaoqi's face. These days, he carried her to Yuqing Pool to bathe every day, and he didn't dare to eat it. , he actually endured it very hard, but now he suddenly relaxed, and he had many thoughts.

"What are you doing, I, I'm a sick patient." Mi Xiaoqi knocked off the hand that was sliding down her waist.

Bei Gongyan was bored for a while, but still didn't continue, he didn't dare to make fun of Xiao Qi's body at all.

After Xiao Qiyi's illness, Bai Mufan and Bei Gongqi had officially become friends. The two men who were at the pinnacle of medicine had a feeling that it was too late to see each other, so Bai Mufan stayed in the palace.

After three days of recuperation, Mi Xiaoqi was finally alive and kicking.

Of course, a certain prince resolutely made up for the bad benefits he had lost these days bit by bit.

Two days later, Zong Heyun asked someone to bring the news that the new casino has been completed and has entered the stage of interior decoration. Mi Xiaoqi wants to take time to see it. She is still dressed as Mo Qi and goes out with the black raccoon.

Mi Xiaoqi looked at the gorgeous gate and was in a good mood.

"Xiao Qi." Zong Heyun knew that Xiao Qi was coming, and was already waiting at the door.

"Heyun, thank you for your hard work. She is even more beautiful than I imagined." With the thought of Miss Seven, she built a miniature version of the casino completely according to the specifications of Macau.

"Come in and have a look." Zong Heyun blushed slightly, and hurriedly led the way.

Hei Li is naturally very vigilant, he must be very nervous about Zong Heyun's attitude towards Miss Seven, even though he belongs to Miss Seven now, at least his former master treated him well.

The casino is divided into four courtyards, front and back, left and right, front left and right, back left and rear right, divided according to different gambling methods. This is the first floor and the second floor. It is similar to the layout of private rooms in restaurants. You need a starting price to go upstairs. This is naturally Little Qi girl asked, some rich people are willing to spend more money in order to show their status, and naturally they like people who spend more money.

The furniture and decoration on the first floor are naturally worse than those on the second floor, and the furniture on the second floor has not yet been fully shipped.

"In half a month, it's completely ready to open." Zong Heyun said.

"That's great, it's really hard work for you." Xiao Qixi smiled happily, "He Yun, after the restaurant is built, I will definitely reserve a private room for you, and I will give you a 50% discount when the time comes, I am generous Bar."

"Heh." Zong Heyun looked at her innocent appearance and smiled knowingly.

The black raccoon on the side couldn't help but the belly, the generous master should say, I'll see you off.

"I heard that you were sick a few days ago, are you well now?" Zong Heyun recalled the rumors a few days ago that the third king's favorite concubine was seriously ill, and doctors came and went back and forth in the mansion, and even the fifth prince moved directly. Arrived at the Three Kings Mansion.

"It's all right, just a little accident." Xiao Qi said in one sentence.

Seeing that she didn't want to say more, Zong Heyun naturally wisely stopped asking.

"Xiaoqi, the casino hasn't been named yet, what do you think it should be called?" Zong Heyun quickly changed the subject.

"Sihai Casino." Mi Xiaoqi's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile.