Wangye, Wangfei is a Cat

Chapter 77: Concubine Xian's persuasion


"Your Majesty." Mi Xiaoqi looked at Concubine Xian, not knowing what she was going to say for a while.

"Don't be nervous, I understand your position in Yan'er's heart, and I believe you really love Yan'er." Concubine Xian said softly, without any intention of using power to overwhelm others.

"Xiao Qi, no, I don't understand what your mother means, please tell me clearly." Xiao Qi lowered her eyes and asked, although she had already guessed eight or nine points in her heart.

"Yu'er, go and see if Yueqing is back. I don't want to eat rose cake." Concubine Xian looked at Beigong Yu'er dotingly.

Beigong Yu'er was not stupid and couldn't see that her mother and concubine were going to send her away, she pouted, and left obediently even though she was reluctant.

"Xiaoqi, high-ranking people always have the helplessness of high-ranking people, just like Yan'er, he is very appreciated by the emperor now, and the future is bright. If he marries a woman from a big family as his wife, it will be very beneficial to him. It will be of great help." Concubine Xian was already sitting in Beigong Yu'er's position, holding Mi Xiaoqi's hand affectionately.

And Xiao Qi's hands were as cold as ice cubes.

"Xiaoqi, you are not an ignorant woman. You will inevitably suffer some grievances if you become a major event. As long as Yan'er has you in his heart, it doesn't matter who is standing beside him." She loves the emperor, and the emperor also loves her, but he has to marry the queen, so that the queen is above her.

They all understand that there is nothing they can do. In their view, as long as there is love between each other, they are willing to sacrifice many things for each other.

"Important." Mi Xiaoqi suddenly looked up at Concubine Xian without a trace of dodge, "Who is standing next to the man I love is very important, Madam, Xiao Qi is not from Beiyue Kingdom. In my hometown, men are not inferior to women." , my hometown, love is the only thing for each other, Xiaoqi's father only married Xiaoqi's mother all his life, his father loves his mother very much, even though there are many suitors around him, he never looks the same, and so does his mother, she No matter how many outstanding men she has around her father, she has never cared a little bit, so in Xiao Qi's view since childhood, love is the only one for each other. If the man I love has to stand by someone else, then, this man, Xiao Qi Seven won't want it."

Concubine Xian was obviously startled by Xiao Qi's words.

"Your Majesty, the education we have received since we were young is different, but I want to love someone in the same way. Even if the emperor loves you, he still has to deal with many women. Your Majesty won't feel sad?" Xiao Qi looked at Concubine Xian.

Concubine Xian's apricot eyes clearly flashed across sadness, how could she not be sad, watching the emperor's children being born one by one, her heart was in pain, no matter how softly he spoke to comfort her, she could not smooth her heart the deepest pain.

"Actually, what do women want? It's just a man who loves her. Maybe the emperor loves you very much, but he definitely doesn't love you enough. If he loves you enough, he won't let you be wronged." Xiao Qi said firmly.

"Bold!" Concubine Xian's eyes turned cold.

"A man who loves a woman won't let her be wronged." Xiao Qi sighed helplessly, knelt on the ground, "Your Majesty, when Xiao Qi came here, she knew her purpose. Said, I can't persuade my man to marry another woman, unless he ends with me first."

Concubine Xian looked at Mi Xiaoqi who was kneeling on the ground, and she was full of emotions for a moment. She also expected that kind of love, you are mine, I am yours, no one else, but she fell in love with the emperor, the proud son of heaven , How could there be only one person by his side.

"Xiaoqi, get up, this concubine wants to ask you one last question."

Xiaoqi stood up obediently.

"If one day Yan'er becomes your queen, will you still be as determined as you are now?" Concubine Xian looked at Xiao Qi intently.

"In Xiao Qi's eyes, no position is as important as the only position in the heart of the man I love." Xiao Qi said without a trace of evasion, and said it firmly.

"I know." Concubine Xian lowered her eyes, the empress's seat is not as good as the only seat she wanted, "The most I can do is not to force Yan'er, if the emperor makes an order, I will have nothing to do."

"Thank you, Ma'am, for making it perfect." Apparently, Xiao Qi was surprised by Concubine Xian's words, her brows and eyes were crooked and her smile was incomparably bright.

"You are very special, no wonder Yan'er is tempted." Concubine Xian looked at Xiao Qi dotingly, took her hand, and asked her to sit down.

"Your Majesty is a blessed person, and she will get what she wants in the future." Xiao Qi blinked and smiled warmly.

"Right now, I only hope to give birth to another son and a daughter for the emperor, so as not to waste the emperor's favor." Concubine Xian said lightly, and when the emperor was mentioned, her face became warm.

Xiao Qi understands that it is love, she loves the emperor, even to the point where she can sacrifice for him.

"Your Majesty, do you want a boy or a girl?" Xiao Qi asked suddenly.

"It would be the best if I could have a son. Ben Gong and Yu'er can be counted on." Concubine Xian looked a little distant, her son could be crowned prince, and after the emperor had lived for a hundred years, the mother and concubine could live in her son's home for the elderly.

"This one is also simple. Xiao Qi has another recipe that can give birth to a son." Xiao Qi said softly.

Concubine Xian looked at her in astonishment, "Really, really..."

"Well, this is the prescription given by Xiao Qier's father, so it should be correct."

"Your second dad?"

"Xiaoqi's godfather, Xinglin master."

Without too much explanation, Xiaoqi picked up a pen and wrote two prescriptions, "Madam, this prescription is used to soak feet, remove the cold air in a woman's body, and can promote pregnancy. This prescription is to regulate the acidity and alkalinity of the body." Yes, alkaline can give birth to boys, oh, by the way, the best fertile period of each month is 14-16 days before that.”

Concubine Xian took a while to come back to her senses, "You, how do you know such details."

"Second dad said, at that time, Xiao Qi wanted Xiao Qi's mother to give me a younger sister or brother, but Xiao Qi's mother refused, alas." Xiao Qi thought of her sister whom she had never won, and regretted one time.

"Um, it's just that Xiao Qiniang refuses to have children." Xiao Qi explained with a smile after responding to the surprise of the address.

"You mean, your mother won't give birth if you are the only girl in your family?" Concubine Xian was a little puzzled.

"Yes, Xiao Qiniang said that giving birth is too painful and raising children is too tiring, one is enough."

"Your father doesn't object?"

"My father, he doesn't even want me." Xiao Qi said depressedly, well, she was the light bulb that her father despised since childhood.

Concubine Xian was silent for a while, well, she couldn't understand Xiao Qi's parents, and then she thought maybe it was just as Xiao Qi said, they received different education.

"Xiao Qi, don't tell others what you said to Ben Gong today. Otherwise, it may bring you a fatal disaster." Concubine Xian said seriously.

"Yes, Xiao Qi knows, thank you for teaching me." Xiao Qi smiled kindly, no wonder Bei Gongyan respected Concubine Xian so much, she really treated him well, the two of them were talking.

"The empress is here." The eunuch's voice sounded at the door.

Concubine Xian hurriedly got up, "Don't talk too much later." She warned in a low voice.


The two stood up to greet each other.

"The concubine pays homage to the empress." Concubine Xian bowed and saluted, and Xiao Qi followed behind Concubine Xian to salute in a dignified way.

"My younger sister is always a sister of my own family, so there is no need to be polite." The queen smiled gently, and helped the concubine Xian up behind her.

"Thank you, empress." Concubine Xian got up.

Mi Xiaoqi is still kneeling on the ground. Whoever makes someone a queen, naturally she has to behave. Miss Xiaoqi silently decides that if she accidentally wins something next time, she will definitely save the emperor from kneeling. gift.

"This is the honored guest of the Three Princes' Mansion, raise your head and let me have a look." The queen took Concubine Xian's hand and sat on the upper seat automatically.

Mi Xiaoqi raised her head obediently, "The daughter of the people pays her respects to the empress."

"Yo, she really is a character girl, no wonder the three kings are so fascinated." The queen said slowly, her eyes turned around Mi Xiaoqi's face.

Uh, your sister, how can he answer you when you talk like that, Mi Xiaoqi cursed secretly in her heart, and kept silent, no matter what she wanted to say, keeping silent is golden.

"Last time in the hall, I recognized the mechanism bow, and it was brilliant at the flower viewing banquet of Prince Nanye. I remember that the little seven girl is very eloquent. Why didn't she even say a word? Could it be that she felt that someone Backing up, so, no one is in your eyes?" The queen suddenly became sharp as soon as the subject changed.

"I don't dare, it's just that I'm a little nervous when I see the empress for the first time, and I'm afraid that my words will offend her." Mi Xiaoqi said weakly, knowing without thinking that the empress must have taken all of Bei Gongling's account. Count it on your own head.

"Oh, what do you mean, this palace is very intimidating?" The queen asked back, the displeasure in her tone was clearly possible.

"Sister, Xiao Qi doesn't mean that, it means awe." Concubine Xian smoothed things out with a smile.

"Sister is really kind, she always has a smiling face to everyone, if she hadn't been a hindrance to confuse the third king, the third king would have married long ago, in my opinion, since the third king said that Mi Xiaoqi is his friend, not a concubine concubine , then it's better to treat her as a friend, this palace is the master, and it's better to promise her a marriage than to delay the future of the three kings." The queen rolled her eyes.

Concubine Xian's eyes tightened, "Sister, I still need to discuss this matter with the Three Kings."

"My sister means that I cannot be the master of a woman." The Queen's words cooled down.

Mi Xiaoqi's little heart was beating violently, this queen is really too much, she has to decide her own fate as soon as she comes, if she fights, she will be killed, if she doesn't fight, she will be willing to be at her mercy! No, absolutely not.

The water-colored eyes turned a few times, "Empress, Xiao Qi has something to say, I don't know if the empress will allow it."


"Forgive Xiaoqi for taking the liberty, is the empress feeling a little unwell recently?" Xiaoqi asked cautiously.

The queen was stunned for a moment, and recently she really said, "How do you know?"

"Look at your face, empress, can Xiao Qi whisper?" Xiao Qi lowered her voice.

"Come here." The queen glanced at Concubine Xian, Concubine Xian wisely took a few steps aside.

Xiao Qi stepped forward and said a few words in the queen's ear, the queen's face changed a few times, and she finally nodded.