Wangye, Wangfei is a Cat

Chapter 96: Seven girls escaped


Mi Xiaoqi has been trapped in the palace for three whole days.

Shui Huangyu would come here every day to report the progress of the project to Xiao Qi. Zong Heyun knew that Shui Huangyu was Xiao Qi's personal bodyguard, so he would directly ask Shui Huangyu to bring a message if he had something to do.

Hua Rongxuan's scented tea is already on the market, and the sales are extremely hot and the price is not high, so it is sought after by many people.

Xiaoqi was playing with the white porcelain cup, bored, and heard from Luluo that Bei Gongyan hadn't returned to the mansion in the past few days. Could it be that there is really a good friend who doesn't even want the palace

Phew, Xiao Qi let out a heavy breath.

If he keeps shutting it down like this, he will really be driven mad, so he got up and pushed open the door of the small courtyard.

Bai Tie stood there respectfully, with a troubled expression on his face, "Miss Seven, that, my lord..."

Boom! Mi Xiaoqi closed the door heavily.

"Your sister, Bei Gongyan, even played the trick of captivity. Believe it or not, this girl will never come back after she goes out!" Xiao Qi said through gritted teeth, turned back to the room, and began to fiddle with her gadgets.

At night, Bei Gongyan still did not appear.

Xiao Qi opened the door, "Bai Tie comes in!"

Hearing the voice, Bai Tie hurried into the room, "What is Seventh Miss's order?"

"Where did your prince go?" Xiao Qi asked.

"Back to Miss Qi, I don't know..." Before the words came down, Bai Tie suddenly felt his whole body froze and couldn't move. Xiao Qi in front of him gradually blurred. Character.

Xiao Qi took off Bai Tie's clothes neatly, and helped him lie on the soft couch.

"For my kindness, I will reward you with a thin blanket."

Putting on Bai Tie's clothes, Xiao Qi went out of the small yard smoothly and left through the secret passage.

It was pitch black, and for a while, Xiao Qi didn't know where to go, to find Hua Rongxuan? No, with Bei Gongyan's intelligence, he must be able to think of these few friends of his, and he must be anxious for a while, so that he will lose his temper every now and then.

Simply don't tell anyone, and find a quiet small village to enjoy a free life.

That's it.

Xiao Qi changed into another outfit, waited until the sky was light, and hired a carriage to go out of the city.

"Where are you going, young master?" the coachman asked enthusiastically.

"I don't have anything else I want to go to. I'll find a nearby village and spend a few days in peace." Xiao Qi chatted with the coachman casually.

"There is a Zhuye Township not far ahead, it's a good time, if you want to play, my son, it's the right time." The coachman introduced.

"Really, let's go to Zhuye Township, boss, I'll give you fifty taels of silver, and you're not allowed to go back to Moon Capital, you can go anywhere you want, and you can go back after ten days, do you think so? "Xiaoqi asked.

Bei Gongyan's power is huge, and once he finds out the city records, he will be able to find the coachman. If he finds the coachman's own whereabouts, his whereabouts will be exposed, so the wiser way is to let the coachman not return to the city.

"Yo, really, my lord, fifty taels is enough for me to earn for a year, okay, I promise I won't go back for ten days." The coachman hurriedly agreed.

"When you arrive in Zhuye Township, you can leave." Mi Xiaoqi handed the money to the coachman.

The coachman was so happy from ear to ear.

Soon arrived in Zhuye Township.

Xiao Qi jumped out of the car and looked around, and it was true to its name, there were all bamboo leaves as far as the eye could see, and there was a faint fragrance in the air, which made people feel refreshed.

The roads in the village are very tidy, and bamboo is planted on both sides. The courtyard walls of many people are surrounded by bamboo, and it is comfortable to look at the emerald green.

Maybe it was during the busy farming season in the morning, the village was very quiet, Xiao Qi was walking along the street, only seeing a few old ladies on both sides of the road chatting and doing work with their hands.

"Grandma, I want to rent a house for a few days, where can I rent it?" Xiaoqi asked politely to one of the grandmas.

"Rent a house? Why come to us to rent a house?"

"Well, grandma, my family is forcing me to get married recently, and I feel a little irritable, so I want to hide for two days." A certain girl said nonsense.

"Such a handsome young man, there must be many girls who want to marry him, isn't he picky?" Another grandma said jokingly.

Everyone laughed, and Xiao Qi blushed slightly.

"If you don't dislike it, you can stay at my house for a few days. The old man and I have our son and daughter-in-law. The east wing is empty," said the joking grandma.

"Okay, then please trouble grandma, your family will also bring my food when you eat, and I will give you money." Xiaoqi said.

"Forget about the money. I think the young master is a good person. Quan is a guest at home. You and I will go home and have a look. I will buy anything you need." Grandma said and got up.

Xiao Qi followed with a smile.

Grandma's luggage, Xiaoqi called her Grandma Li.

Xiao Qi sighed silently, the people in the countryside are really simple, although the house of Grandma Li's house is dilapidated but very clean, there is a big kang in Dongxiang, and Grandma Li brought new bedding.

At noon, none of the people who went to work in the fields came back. Grandma Li simply fried two side dishes, and Xiao Qi didn't eat much.

"Grandma Li, if you don't want to take my rent, why don't you let me cook for you." Xiao Qi suggested.

"You, a son, can you cook?" Grandma Li looked at Mi Xiaoqi in surprise.

Uh, girl Xiaoqi forgot that she was wearing men's clothes now, "Well, my family runs a restaurant business, and I can cook meals, and the craftsmanship is not bad."

"Really, then I won't be polite. The old rheumatism has happened these days, and my legs and feet hurt badly after squatting for a long time." Grandma Li gently hung her legs.

"Rheumatism is not a small problem, you always have to pay attention." Xiao Qi said with concern.

"It's all the root cause of the disease when I was young. It's hard to think about it." Grandma Li sighed.

"I have a prescription. It is left by the doctor who lived in the house before. It is very effective for rheumatism. The herbs are very good. I will go to the mountain tomorrow when I am free and come back to give you a try." Qi also didn't see Wai stepped forward to help Grandma Li beat her leg.

Grandma Li felt warm in her heart. At first, she only felt that the young man had a kind face, but now she felt very heartwarming.

In the afternoon, Grandma Li went to take a nap, and Xiao Qi picked some vegetables in her yard, and chopped a bamboo. Bei Gongyan's dragon head cut the iron like mud, and easily divided the bamboo into several sections.

Pick five bamboo joints of similar thickness and size, open on the top, seal the two sides with the top bamboo slices, put rice and water, add water to the pot and put it into the pot. When Grandma Li woke up, the aroma of rice and bamboo leaves mingled in the air.

"What is this smell and why is it so, so special?" Grandma Li walked out unsteadily.

"Grandma Li, this is bamboo tube rice." Xiao Qi said with a smile.

"It's really fragrant, Xiaoqi's craftsmanship is really good!" Grandma Li praised.

"There will be more delicious ones in a while." Xiaoqi put a frame in the small river, and the fish in the river were very plump, and he caught several in a while, boiled two in the pot, and made fish soup. I took two pieces and prepared to make boiled fish.

"I originally wanted to greet you, but I didn't realize that our family took advantage of it." Grandma Li said with a laugh.

She is a breezy woman who is easy to get along with even in her old age.

"Grandma Li, I live here for nothing." Xiao Qi helped Granny Li to sit down, and poured water to drink from tender bamboo leaves.

"This water tastes really good."

"Grandma, this is the leaves of the bamboo tip. It tastes fresher when brewed with boiling water." Xiao Qi also poured a cup for herself, "Aren't your uncles coming back soon?"

"It should be soon." Grandma Li looked at the sun, the sun had already set, and the workers went home one after another.

"I'm going to cook the dishes." Xiao Qi got up and went to the kitchen.

Grandma Li happily waited for her family to come back at the door.

Just as Xiao Qi's food was ready, she heard voices from the yard.

"Mother, what delicious food did you cook today, it tastes really delicious."

"Hehe, today, we have a distinguished guest." Grandma Li said with a smile.

Xiao Qi came out of the kitchen.

"Who is this?" the older man asked.

"Old man, my name is Mo Qi. I came out from home and wanted to find a place to be quiet for two days. I discussed with Grandma Li about staying at your house." Xiao Qi said with a smile.

"That's what happened. Xiaoqi's family owns a restaurant, and today's meals are all prepared by Xiaoqi." Grandma Li continued.

"Hey, old lady, you are a guest from afar, how can you let the guest do the work." Old Uncle Li scolded.

"Old man, it was I who offered to help. Anyway, I have nothing to do, so don't blame grandma, the food is ready, wash your hands and eat first." Xiaoqi hurriedly smoothed things over.

"Thank you sir." A woman in her twenties said with a smile.

Xiao Qi sized her up a little, her complexion was tanned, she could see that she often worked under the sun, her facial features were not exquisite but she was pretty, she was not tall, especially standing next to the man beside her, she looked extremely petite .

Presumably she is Grandma Li's daughter-in-law.

"Sister-in-law, you're welcome." Xiao Qi responded.

"Seventh Young Master can also catch fish, really amazing." The man praised, with a pair of tiger eyes shining brightly, one can see that he is an upright person.

"Brother, don't make fun of Xiao Qi, come over for dinner."

After a while, everyone sat around the dining table.

"The rice is fragrant and the fish soup is delicious. How can this fish be made spicy and delicious?" Grandma Li praised.

Li's daughter-in-law also looked at Xiao Qi enviously.

"If Grandma likes it, I can teach you, and you can cook by yourself in the future." Xiao Qi responded.

Grandma Li laughed, "That's a good relationship."

After a meal, Xiaoqi and Li's family have already become one with each other, and there is no sense of distance at all.

Completely opposite to the harmonious atmosphere, Three Kings Mansion.

Bei Gongyan looked at Bai Tie kneeling on the ground with a gloomy expression.

"Xiaoqi, escaped by yourself!?" The cold voice echoed in the room, almost freezing everyone.

"Yes, yes..." Bai Tie lowered his head, not daring to look at Bei Gongyan's face.

"What did you find?"

"Back, back to the master, when the city gate was just opened, a carriage drove out, but the driver hasn't returned to the city yet."

"Mi Xiaoqi!" Bei Gongyan stood up abruptly, "Before noon tomorrow, I want to know her whereabouts!"

"Yes!" Bai Tie hurriedly got up, and started searching along the way with a group of ghosts.