War Contractor

Chapter 1: Downfall mercenary


Cape Town, South Africa.

"Come here, let’s take a look. This is the oldest shopping mall in Cape Town. Before President Mandela passed away, he used to frequent this shop. Here, you can buy local specialties from South Africa. One carat of diamonds only cost two thousand rand, which is converted into RMB, which is not even one thousand yuan. Back then, my eldest brother, Xiaolizi and others came to this store to buy things..."

An Asian tour guide, holding a small flag and holding a loudspeaker from the closure of the Wenzhou leather factory, loudly introduced to a group of Little Red Riding Hoods behind him, this small shopping supermarket called Tam Department Store.

After seeing a tourist walk into the store, there was a trace of light on his face, thinking about his commission. After seeing everyone in, he put the small flag under his arm and lit his back against the wall. Cigarettes, take a break, looking at the crowds coming and going, I can't help but feel a little confused. I am a systematic person anyway, why do I get mixed up so miserably.

"Xiaoyu, don't smoke, come in and pick me up, and take a look at those good things!" An aunt in her forties stood at the door and greeted Yu Zhiqian.

"Hey, wait a minute, I'll be here!" Someone called, Yu Zhiqian immediately squeezed out the cigarette butt, put it into his pocket, sorted his hat, and walked into the store.

If there are people with good English at this time, you will find Yu Zhiqian's clothes behind, printed: Global Wolf Warrior Travel Company, Cape Town Three-Day Tour, Global Wolf Warrior Security Company, Global Wolf Warrior Express Company, Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Purchasing ,contact number…

Don't think Yu Zhiqian is a tour guide now. Well, he is really a tour guide. He is also the owner of a security company and a freight company. He has three people under his hand.

Before he was twenty-five years old, Yu Zhiqian lay in the snow and shaved ice in an ice hole in the northern hemisphere. After twenty-five years old, he followed his old monitor to South Africa and heard that he opened a security company to make money.

As a result, he didn't make money, his old squad leader had a car accident and left Yu Zhiqian alone in South Africa, where he was unfamiliar. He was alone and helpless. As for the compensation after the old squad leader had a car accident? In South Africa, the so-called most developed place in Africa, it is not much harder to find a driver who caused the accident than to catch a bearded man.

In order to survive in this unfamiliar country, Yu Zhigan continued to engage in the mercenary business. So far, he has not received a single business. Later, Yu Zhigan learned that mercenaries are illegal, and they are now called PMC.

So Yu Zhiqian set up another security company. Anyway, to open a company in South Africa, you only need to put up a brand, register or something, wait until you have money.

It's a pity that things went counterproductive. I originally thought I could get rich quickly. After more than a year, I still didn't have any business. During this year, Yu Zhigan did express delivery, delivered goods from Cape Town to East London, repaired water pipes, and pretended to be an old Chinese doctor. , Worked as a cook, moved bricks, and tour guides.

But these jobs are only enough for Yu Zhiqian to survive in Cape Town. He has to send money to the home of his comrades-in-arms every month. He has no savings at all, but what can he do? People always need to live.

As for an important reason for still mixing in Africa, it is because Yu Zhigan has a damn system. How did the system come about? Yu Zhigan didn’t know. It was the first day he came to Africa. I don’t know if it was because of sleeping with an African woman or because of eating. What kind of treasures are obtained, anyway, other people's systems are awesome money brushing systems, technology systems, but Yu Zhiqian's system is a bit painful, called the "King of Mercenary" system.

On the first day he got the system, Yu Zhiqian always wanted to complain about what broke the system. Didn’t you know that mercenaries are now illegal professions? Make yourself the king of mercenaries? Did the people who designed the system watch too much because of "War of Mercenary"? Or is your brain convulsed

After the system was turned on, there was a turntable, like the traditional routine, with various modern weapons on it, and even a star destroyer, but in the end Yu Zhigan only got one weapon, an AK47 produced in Romania, but it was better than the market. Compared with the Romanian goods, this weapon has one more introduction, which is called never wear and has a zero failure rate. The system explains that this weapon will not jam, explode, etc., but the gun is there, but it has never been Haven't used it.

Other systems immediately released some novice tasks, but my own arrogant system said that only when the first mercenary or security order is received in reality, the system will be officially opened, and the deadline is three months. Two months and twenty days have passed, and I still haven't received an order. If there are still no orders in a week, the system will leave him, and Yu Zhiqian will become an idiot.

After dark, Yu Zhiqian sent these tourists into the hotel, tired, and today’s salary plus commission, 150 rand, riding on his motorcycle with almost no accessories except the fuel tank. Come back home.

Yu Zhigan's home and his company are both in a residential area not far from George Park in the south of Cape Town, which is the largest white refugee camp in the world.

That's right, it is the white refugee camp. After the apartheid policy was cancelled, the South Africans turned to the singing blacks who would rather use black compatriots who know nothing than whites.

In any company in South Africa, the company must have a certain percentage of blacks. It is politically correct to use blacks, and it also squeezes the living space of whites. Even if whites do better, it is useless. Therefore, the unemployment rate of whites is very high, and a large number of whites are unemployed. Refugees live around George Park and report to the group to keep warm.

There is a novel called "The War of Mercenaries" that also introduced this, and also recruited a subordinate called Yu Zhigan, who forgot. The year he came out, the book was not finished yet. I don’t know if Gao Yang is dead or alive. My old monitor at the time may have come to South Africa because he was bewitched by that book.

In a dilapidated yard, there are not many signs at the entrance of the yard, that is, there are many signs, and there are ten signs hanging up in pieces. At first glance, you think you have come to the CBD, and large companies gather here to work.

However, I took a closer look at the signs. They were all Global Wolf Warriors, Global Wolf Warriors, as printed on the clothes, eating, drinking, sleeping, and playing. As long as you can think of it, it seems that you can do it here.

"Little Robert, open the door!" He kicked hard enough to get into the iron gate, and a black man walked out of the largest of the three small bungalows in the courtyard. After seeing Yu Zhigan coming back, his eyes lit up: "Boss , You're back, it's the twelfth today, it should be paid!"

Yu Zhiqian pushed the motorcycle into the yard and locked it with a chain with a thick arm: "You pay for the paper, and you will be paid on the 12th. I don't have any money. Did you make dinner? I starved to death!"

"Boss, if you don't pay wages, I'm going to resign. You won't be able to pay for three months. People in my family..."

"Where did your family come from, if it weren't for me to take you in, you would have starved to death, and you still have the face to ask for a salary? What you said at the beginning, you are the most informed person in South Africa, you look almost three Months, you haven’t found a single business! Have you asked for money!"

After speaking, Yu Zhigan walked into the room, but there was nothing on the table. Robert followed him and looked at Yu Zhigan with a helpless expression: "Boss, I don’t have money to buy food. There are also two starving mice in the tank. Do you want to eat? I can bake it for you. And the boss, I introduced your tour guide business today!"

Yu Zhigan kicked this guy’s ass: "The business I'm talking about is a security business. It can make thousands and tens of thousands at a time. It's not a business that makes a hundred dollars after a hard job. Damn it, why would I? There are people like you!"

While talking, Yu Zhiqian took out fifty yuan from his pocket and handed it over: "Go buy two cakes, and the remaining money will buy some rice, you know? It's rice, not flour. By the way, bring me two more packets. Come here!"

Little Robert threw fifty dollars directly on the ground: "Boss, fifty dollars is not enough!"

"It's not enough for you to use your money first, and I will return it to you when I make money!"

"I have no money!"

"You still have oil in the corners of your mouth, damn it, you eat delicious and spicy outside, I can't even eat rice, get out, or I will let you taste the power of my fist!"

Little Robert picked up fifty dollars, mumbled and walked out of the room. Yu Zhigan watched him go out and yelled: "You bastard, you are not allowed to ride a bicycle, you are not allowed to drive, don't you know how expensive gas is now? Riding you Go with your bike!"

"You Grandet! Iron cock!"

Yu Zhiqian ignored Robert's complaint, took the remaining 100 yuan out of his pocket, took out a piggy bank from the bottom of the bed, and stuffed it in.

"Good luck, that good luck! Good luck..."

When the phone rang, Yu Zhiqian glanced at an unfamiliar number and slowly pressed the answer button. At this time, the call was either a fraudulent call or a sales call. What? There are no scam calls in Africa? Haha, brother, you are too young. There are more fraudulent calls in Africa than in China, and there are many tricks, such as finding a diamond mine that requires investment and so on...

"Is it the Global Wolf Warrior Security Company?" (End of this chapter)

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