War Contractor

Chapter 100: learning skills



When Yu Zhiqian returned to the system again, what he saw was not a darkness or a haze, but the silly wolf, with his tail tucked, and his head was tucked into Yu Zhiqian's arms with a look of trepidation.

This second person with a small brain capacity can't understand why I was just in the snowy field, but now I am suddenly in a house. Everything around me is completely unfamiliar, and there is no smell of my own, so I am completely unfamiliar. surroundings.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the task, the Winter War, killing Simon Haye, the task completion score is A, the task is rewarded, the honor value is two hundred points, the honor value is 256 points, the A score is rewarded, the ability learning is increased by one, the host You can learn two skills from Simon Haye!"

Yu Zhiqian lay on the ground and felt uncomfortable. After listening to the introduction of the system, he took a deep breath: "The system heals the injury!"

"A little honor is deducted, and the host's injury is being restored!" The voice fell, and a soft white light appeared on Yu Zhigan's body. Yu Zhigan, who was in pain all over his body, didn't feel any pain for a moment, and felt that everything just now was an illusion.

Yu Zhigan took out his cigarette, lit one, and looked at the second fool in front of him: "System, why can this wolf follow me back!"

"The host level authority is not enough. After completing five times, you can unlock part of the authority, including the squad mode!"

Yu Zhigan froze for a moment. This system is a bit silly and sweet. While saying that the permissions are not enough, it is in squad mode. He got up from the ground, and Yu Zhigan patted Er silly head: "Okay, let's play, I still have thing!"

"What is the squad mode?"

"The host thinks it is divided into single-player missions and squad missions that can be teamed up. In the squad mission mode, the host can lead real employees to participate in the mission!"

"What's the difference between single-player missions and squad missions?"

"Single-player missions have low difficulty coefficient and low host rewards. In squad mode, missions are difficult and unrealistic. There is no reference material. Enter the COD mission story, battlefield and other scenes. The mission is difficult and the mission rewards are rich! "

Yu Zhiqian was taken aback, COD, Call of Duty? I have played one to six before, but I haven’t played the others. If he enters the COD mission, Yu Zhigan touches his head. I don’t even know how he died. Everyone in it is abnormal. The immortal superman. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

"System, won't this wolf be my comrade-in-arms?"



Yu Zhigan looked at the second fool who was standing up a leg in the distance and began to pee in the enclosure, and patted his head. Is this a comrade-in-arms? This is a purebred husky and Yu Zhigan believes it.

"System, can the items I buy with honor points be sold in reality?"


"Then why can my weapon be used by John and the others?"

"Giving weapons to your subordinates for temporary use is not within the scope of sale!"

"Got it! What is the reward just now, plus one for learning ability?"

"The host can learn two skills from Simon Haye!"

"To understanding!"

After clarifying some things, Yu Zhigan got up and stood up and walked towards the center of the house not far away, where a holographic projection of Simon Haye had appeared.

Simon Haye's projection appeared in the middle of the room, similar to the time when Operation Red Sea was completed, but this time only Simon Haye was alone. Yu Zhigan stared at Simon Haye's data and began to think about what he needed to learn.

Simon Haye’s stats are very luxurious, with seven skills. No wonder he can be called the white death god. It’s really lucky to be able to kill him. If it’s not for modern weapons, or Simon Haye’s carelessness, It wasn't Ershou's help, maybe Yu Zhiqian had become a corpse.

"Advanced camouflage: Simon Haye’s camouflage ability originated from his grandfather, an excellent hunter, who can quickly blend into the surrounding environment. It is difficult to distinguish Simon with the naked eye without the use of high-tech equipment. Haye’s location."

Yu Zhigan thought about this skill for a while. It seemed practical, but it was a bit tasteless. For a sniper, camouflage technology is one of the necessary skills, but Simon Haye’s camouflage has a prerequisite, that is, it does not use high-tech equipment. under.

Modern warfare is no longer people fighting, but more equipment is fighting. Satellites in space scan the earth every few minutes. If you search an area, there are various methods, such as vital signs detection. Infrared detection, thermal imaging detection, etc., obviously this skill cannot be avoided, so after learning it, it is not very useful.

Sniper God, this is Simon Haye's second skill, but after reading the introduction, Yu Zhigan decided not to learn this skill. This skill is even more cheating than the previous one because there is a big hole in the introduction.

"The god of sniper: Simon Haye's housekeeping skills, known as the first sniper, Simon Haye is very good at using Mosin Nagan rifles. After learning this skill, he uses Mosin Nagan rifles with great shooting accuracy. The range has been increased, and the accuracy within a range of 200 meters has increased to 97%."

If it is not for restricting the use of Mosin Nagan rifles, this skill can be said to be a magical skill, with an accuracy of 97%. Basically, it refers to where to fight, but who still uses Mosin Nagan rifles now? Is AWM not easy to use, or is M24 outdated? Or is the optical sight unreliable

After sighing, after giving up this skill, Yu Zhiqian looked at the other skills. In fact, he was vaguely reluctant to give up. He could bring two guns, one Mosin Nagan, and one HK416.

But for the time being, Yu Zhiqian has not made a decision, so he continues to look down.

"Perceive the danger, Simon Haye can feel the danger coming. When a malicious gaze and muzzle aim at Simon Haye, Simon Haye can always feel it for the first time and react quickly!"

Yu Zhiqian looked at this skill and chose to learn it without hesitation. This skill is really awesome and dangerous. In the future, if anyone is malicious to himself or points a gun at himself, he will be able to feel it. Don't worry about studying anymore.

This skill sounds very suspenseful, but some people are really talented. They can capture the hostile gaze very keenly. A flash of white light makes Yu Zhiqian feel warm in his body. How do you describe this feeling? It feels a bit fluttering. Sin, can make people feel addictive.

Yu Zhigan took a look at the fourth skill, and then gave up a bit of a tasteless skill, an intermediate skill.

"Intermediate skiers can skillfully use all kinds of snowboards, shuttle in the snow, compare their skills, and qualify for the national ski event team!"

The fifth, sixth, and seventh skills are similar. One is a hunting champion, which can improve the ability of human hunting. There is also a shepherd expert. The ghost knows how Simon Haye learned this skill in a place like Finland. Is it Finland? Is anyone still herding sheep? Maybe, anyway, Yu Zhigan doesn't think there is any support to avoid starving to death in the winter there.

The last skill is a bit interesting, called submachine gun proficiency. In addition to the good use of sniper rifles, Simon Haye used a good submachine gun. It was also taken out separately. According to the official record, Simon Haye killed two with a submachine gun. There are more than a hundred people, but in 2019, the role of submachine guns has gradually been replaced by short-barreled assault rifles. With the exception of some urban counter-terrorism and special police, there are few traces of submachine guns on the battlefield.

You can also learn a skill. After thinking about it for a while, Yu Zhigan finally decided to choose the skill of the god of sniper. Compared with the tasteless camouflage skills, Yu Zhigan feels that it is more reliable to bring two guns at any time, as long as he has his own hands. Mosinagan is basically invincible. Within two hundred meters, whoever is aiming at and hitting whom, should this skill be kept for the New Year

However, after Yu Zhiqian studied, the system prompts followed. Yu Zhiqian's current proficiency with this skill is only 1%.

"System, how to improve this proficiency?"

"Every 100 shots of Mosin Nagan bullets increase your proficiency by 1%. After 50% proficiency, every time you use Mosin Nagan rifles to kill ten enemy troops, your proficiency increases by 1%! "

"Damn, there's this rule, why didn't you say it earlier!" Yu Zhiqian felt a little bit pitted. After counting, he had to kill five thousand bullets and kill five hundred enemies before he could master it!

Yu Zhiqian saw that his honor value was a bit high. For the time being, he kept it for nothing except the cheating lottery mode. Many things were not unlocked. They were all individual equipment. Now you can buy tanks and helicopters. But Yu Zhigan is now What's the use of buying it? There is no place to park, and more importantly, can’t afford to refuel! New Bayi Chinese website first released https://https://

"System, can learning ability be purchased with honor points?"


"How many?"

"One hundred honor points can buy one learning ability!"


Without any hesitation, Yu Zhiqian chose to purchase a learning ability, and then learned Simon Haye’s advanced disguise ability. Before Yu Zhiqian’s understanding was a bit one-sided, now I think about it, if it is in a small-scale conflict, advanced The ability to disguise is quite good, at least one has the advantage, and the first shot is shot by himself.

When confronted with Simon Haye before, Yu Zhiqian almost lost the target several times. If it were not for the existence of a holographic mirror, Yu Zhiqian might have been done for a long time. Simon Haye had only a white windbreaker, but he could Rely on some of your own experience and blend into the snow.

What if you buy a set of auspicious clothes after you learn this ability? From now on, I will be able to be everywhere like a ghost in the grass, desert, snowfield! (End of this chapter)