War Contractor

Chapter 102: ambassador


"It's a bit complicated to say!" After taking out a pack of cigarettes, Pete took out a pack of cigarettes and scattered one by one, and then pointed them to himself and Yu Zhigan: "Boss, you should know that South Africa is a multi-ethnic country. Living together, but there are still serious conflicts between several ethnic groups!"

"Robert Jr. is a Sako, and this group of Afrikaans and them are natural enemies. Their relationship is worse than that of the Hutu and Tutsi in Rwanda. They have not been able to marry so far, and this time Robert was kidnapped by Afrikaans, and as long as he is found, he has only one dead end!


Yu Zhiqian has never understood this ethnic relationship in Africa, just like the Hutu and Tutsi in Pitt. These two ethnic groups are essentially the same.

And they all live in a region, a country, but they are killing each other, and even the world's shocking massacre happened. In two months, the Hutu people killed nearly a million Tutsi people.

Barbarism is a shortcut to destroy civilization. The reason why Africa has not been able to support it has to do with their backwardness. In an unenlightened world, only destruction is left in their minds, and this Afrikaans is also one of the biggest damage to South Africa’s stability One of the hidden dangers.

"What shall we do now?"

Yu Zhiqian lit a cigarette while watching the live broadcast. This was the first time he encountered this situation when his men were kidnapped in a hotel.

If it is in China, Yu Zhiqian can wait for the final result with peace of mind, without worrying about the safety of his subordinates. Well, basically, such things are unlikely to happen in China.

But this is Africa. Yu Zhigan doesn't think South Africa's police or special forces can achieve what kind of results. ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

"We can only wait for news. We are only a security company. For these matters, government agencies can only come forward. Although I don't believe that group of people, you know, they went to rescue a factory hijacked by robbers last year. There were four in total. A robber, twenty hostages, when these guys attacked, sixteen of the hostages died!" After Pete finished speaking, he spread his hands helplessly.

"South Africa's special forces are a joke, but you were pretty good back then!" After John finished speaking, he looked at Pete, meaning that after several South African special forces were disbanded, they were all set up later. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

After Yu Zhiqian finished smoking, he took a deep breath and dialed 12308 in China. He took a deep breath and waited for the call to be connected. Soon a girl came into Yu Zhiqian's ears: "Welcome to call the Global Consular Emergency Service of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Center..."

After following the voice prompts, Yu Zhiqian’s call was transferred to the South African consulate. Although it was already more than 7pm, the call of the Chinese consulate was still connected. It is not like the consulates of the United States or other European countries. When the time is up, you will immediately leave work It's no use calling a hundred times.

"Hello, South African Consulate, what can I do with you!"

"Hello, I’m Yu Zhigan, and I’m the boss of Global International Wolf Warrior Travel. I want to report one thing. A tour guide of our company took eight Chinese tourists to the Cape of Good Hope. Now I’m trapped in Ai. In the Fira Hotel!"

"What you said is true?"

The voice on the other side improved a little, and various voices came, and then it was replaced by another person: "Hello, is Mr. Yu Zhigan? Can you confirm this?"

"It can be confirmed that my employee just called me for help, and we still have a list of eight Chinese people!"

"Okay, you submit the list to me, I will verify it immediately, and where is the address of your company? I will send someone to verify the situation now!"

"Thirty-six George Avenue, George Park, is the only bungalow area!"

"Wait a minute, we'll be there in half an hour!"

After Yu Zhiqian reported the situation, soon, more than twenty minutes, three domestically-produced cars stopped at the door of Yu Zhiqian's company, and more than a dozen Chinese in suits walked off. One of them, Yu Zhiqian, had met before. During the New Year, I saw it on TV. It was South African Ambassador Lin Songgong.

"Hello, Ambassador Lin, I didn't expect you to come here in person!" Yu Zhigan hurried forward and shook hands with Ambassador Lin.

After ambassador Lin nodded, he followed Yu Zhiqian into the dining room, but it was in the living room: "Mr. Yu, we have verified what you said, and we need to know more about it now!"

Yu Zhigan nodded and looked at John: "Ambassador Lin, sorry, I was busy with some things in the field before, so the specific situation is not well understood. This is John, another employee of mine, who was leading the team before. He knows a little more than me!"

John stood up and said some things he knew, Ambassador Lin frowned and nodded: "Mr. Yu, can you contact your subordinate now?"

"Let me try!"

After Yu Zhiqian finished speaking, he first sent a text message to Robert Jr. After about ten seconds, he received a reply, two words, yes!

Yu Zhiqian dialed Robert Jr.'s phone, and the noisy voice came again, mixed with gunfire: "Robert, how is your situation there?"

"Boss, it's not very good. This group of robbers has tied us all together now. The surroundings are very dark. All the curtains have been pulled up. There are gunshots coming from outside. I don't know what to do now! "

"Wait, someone wants to talk to you!" After Yu Zhiqian finished speaking, he handed the phone to Ambassador Lin. Ambassador Lin gave a soft cough: "Hello Mr. Robert, I am the Chinese Ambassador to South Africa. Now we are eight. How is the situation of Chinese citizens?"

"We are still safe for the time being, this group of robbers did not do anything radical to us!"

"Can I talk to them?"


Robert Jr. handed the phone to a fellow Chinese: "It's the phone number of your ambassador to South Africa!"

"Mr. Ambassador, save us, save us!"

"you are?"

"My name is Tan Xiuzhi, I am..."

"Don't worry, we will definitely find a way to rescue you. Don't move around for now..."

"The robber is here, I'll hang up first!"

Before the ambassador finished speaking, Robert Jr. hung up the phone. Yu Zhigan looked at Ambassador Lin: "Mr. Ambassador, this is the situation. I hope that when you rescue the hostages, you can rescue my employees by the way!"

Ambassador Lin looked at Yu Zhiqian and waved his hand. Several of his subordinates checked Yu Zhiqian's house, and after confirming that there was no wiretapping or recording equipment, they exited the room. Yu Zhiqian looked at Ambassador Lin and did not understand this move. (End of this chapter)