War Contractor

Chapter 103: Be prepared


"Ambassador Lin? What are you?"

Yu Zhiqian couldn't understand this wave of operations. Ambassador Lin smiled: "The following things are quite special, so I hope that there won't be any unnecessary problems!"

After speaking, Ambassador Lin looked at Yu Zhiqian, John and the others, and coughed slightly: "Mr. Yu, as far as I know, your company is still a security company, right?"

Yu Zhigan nodded. This kind of thing cannot be hidden. The power of the country is strong. If you want to investigate you, you can even check the news about how old you are to pee your pants. Yu Zhigan is opening a security company in Africa. Impossible to find out.

"Yes, the company is relatively small. So far, there are only five people with me, and now there is one more trapped in the hotel!"

Ambassador Lin nodded, took out a copy of the information and handed it to Yu Zhigan with a smile. Yu Zhigan picked it up and looked at it for a while. It was all his own information, military experience, etc.: "This is?"

"Mr. Yu, now we have understood the relevant situation. I personally have doubts about the rescue capabilities of the South African government. It is not convenient for me to say more about the specific aspects. After all, I represent the country, but now this matter is about The safety of the eight Chinese citizens, so I have to think carefully!"

"War Wolf 2?"

Such a word suddenly popped into Yu Zhigan's mind. The current scene is really a bit like the scene in Wolf Warriors 2. It's just that one is to evacuate overseas Chinese and the other is to rescue hostages. The essence is the same.

"Almost, you can understand it this way, but we won't let you out until the last step!"

"Don't the embassy have armed police?"

Ambassador Lin shook his head, and Yu Zhiqian immediately understood that the armed police guarding might not be as good as Yu Zhiqian and others in terms of combat effectiveness. After all, there is a big gap in training. Yu Zhigan stood up from his desk: "Ambassador Lin, the former Chinese People’s Liberation Army North Yu Zhiqian, a retired frontier non-commissioned officer, report to you, give me a task!"

Ambassador Lin pressed Yu Zhigan to sit down: "Mr. Yu, you don’t need to be so formal. I just want to prevent any accidents. I also know that you are opening the door for business. This time, we will pay 100,000 US dollars. If you don’t need to participate, I will also give you 30,000 U.S. dollars as a thank you fee for your information!" ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

"How embarrassing is this?" After Yu Zhiqian heard that he was rich, his eyes brightened. He was able to participate in the hostage rescue operation because of his responsibility as a soldier. Of course, if John and others also participated, Yu Zhigan Will use their own money to pay for their labor costs.

Now that you can not only carry the responsibilities on your shoulders, but also make money, why not do it

"This is the situation, you should prepare first, and if necessary, I will notify you immediately!"

"it is good!"

Ambassador Lin didn’t stay much and rushed back to deal with the matter. Originally, if there were no Chinese citizens for this matter, Ambassador Lin could watch the show slowly, and then issue a routine notice expressing deep concern, deep sympathy, and no tolerance for terrorists. . New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

But now that there are Chinese citizens, the nature of this matter is different. Many things need to be coordinated. Now you can't watch theaters. You must use as many relationships as possible to rescue the Chinese citizens, and then continue to watch the theater and make a statement. Deep concern, deep sympathy, and a routine announcement of the attitude of no tolerance for terrorists!

"Get ready, let's go to the Cape of Good Hope first. If there is something, we can act as soon as possible!"

"By the way, when you bring your gun license, there might be strict checks!"

After everyone was cleaned up, Yu Zhiqian drove the car and took John and Pete to the Cape of Good Hope area. Now the entire Cape of Good Hope area has begun martial law, and a large number of South African police are scattered throughout the area and began to investigate the surrounding area. At the same time, the water surrounding the entire Efila Hotel is blocked, and almost half of Cape Town’s police have gathered.

After being checked seven or eight times, Yu Zhiqian and others finally entered a hotel about 300 meters away from the Efila Hotel. After checking in, they began to get busy.

"John, you choose a good angle and observe the situation of the hotel, Pete, you follow me, take off the drone, and confirm the situation as much as possible!"

After speaking, Yu Zhigan took out the phone and dialed Robert Jr. again, but found that the phone could not be reached at all now, and he frowned. He could only dial the number of Ambassador Lin: "Ambassador Lin, we have reached It’s near the Cape of Good Hope, but now we need a structural drawing of the hotel. Can you pass it along?"

"Are you here yet? For the time being, the situation has not yet reached the point where you need to be dispatched..."

"I know, but it's always a good thing to be prepared first. What if you need us?"

"Okay, you send me your email and I will forward it to you!"

"it is good!"

After finishing the topographical map, Yu Zhiqian came to the top of the hotel where he was staying, but found that the top of the hotel was now under martial law and no one was allowed to go up. Yu Zhiqian thought for a while and knew that it should be a South African sniper. At that time, I chose this hotel because I could intuitively observe the hotel occupied by the robbers.

There is no way, Yu Zhiqian can only go back to his room, open the window, and then a military drone exchanged from the system space takes off in the room, flies out of the window, and starts to head towards the hijacked hotel. mobile.

Don’t worry about being spotted by drones, because now there are small drones everywhere around the hotel, some from the South African army, some news media, and some private ones. Drones are now popular. The South African army Even if Fang wanted to stop it, there was no way, it was too much.

However, Yu Zhiqian was not very close to the hotel building, and stopped at almost the same position as the drones of several media. However, Yu Zhiqian's 2030 drone is no better than the news that can only take pictures. The man-machine is more powerful, with its own ultrasonic detection and infrared detection, which can observe the situation of building physics.

"Turn on scan mode!"

"Scan mode activated!"

With the input of commands, the drone began to change. The probe that originally looked like a normal camera had a circle of red light spots around it, and two things similar to sound wave transmitters appeared on the drone. , Began to detect the structure and life of the entire building. (End of this chapter)