War Contractor

Chapter 104: accomplice


"Head, how much is your drone? High-tech!" Pete and John watched as the drone function was turned on and the screen turned into a 3-modeling structure, and they immediately surrounded them.

"I don't know, from a friend!"

"Head, you want to sell it, at least half a million dollars!" Pete thought for a while and slowly said, John also nodded: "Head, your armored car, if you want to sell it, at least you can sell it. Three million dollars, maybe more!"

Yu Zhigan smiled and didn't say anything. He wanted to sell it, but he couldn't sell it. Wouldn't it be good for Yu Zhigan to be a rich man after selling these things

It's just the things produced by the system that cannot be sold, and the weapons used by John and Pete are only lent to them, and the ownership remains with Yu Zhigan.

"Pete, record it!" Yu Zhiqian lowered the height of the drone and began to check from the position on the first floor. From the screen, you can clearly see that there are no humanoid structure diagrams representing vital signs, but there is red. Yu Zhigan frowned and opened the instruction manual beside him: "Grass, these maddened people have installed more than a dozen bombs on the first floor!"

And the more Yu Zhiqian observed, the more surprised he was. These bombs were all on the load-bearing wall of the entire hotel building. If they were detonated directly, the entire building would be destroyed and no one would survive.

"There are a total of 17 locations. The specific type of bomb cannot be determined, but this group of terrorists must have used no ordinary bombs. If they are detonated, no one in the entire building will survive!"

"This group of bastards!" After Yu Zhiqian finished speaking, he continued to lift the drone. There were no people on the second floor. When he came to the third floor, Yu Zhigan found several signs representing people and found a total of ten. One, most of them are two people together, only one person is alone together.

"The eleven people on the third floor, John, did Ambassador Lin send the structure map!"

"Already sent!" ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

"Find the map on the third floor and compare it!"

"it is good!"

John moved quickly and quickly drew a topographic map on white paper, and then marked the locations of several people: "This is the monitoring room, this is the safe passage for the emergency exit, and this is the restaurant, separate The place where people stay is a small straw cloth room.

"The meeting room is on which floor!"

"This hotel is a quasi-five-star hotel. There are a total of four conference rooms, of which there are three large conference rooms on the fourth, fifth, and eighth floors. There is also a small conference room on the fourth floor. In that meeting room!"

Yu Zhiqian frowned and raised the drone to the height of the fourth floor. The small meeting room was near the south of the building. After Yu Zhiqian's drone turned to the south to check, no trace of people was found.

He continued to rise to the fifth floor, and found traces of nearly 20 people on the fifth floor. After rising to the sixth floor, Yu Zhigan found that there were more people here, and it was impossible to count them. There were at least fifty people or even more. Many people are superimposed on each other, the red light spots are very easy to overlap, and there is still no one on the eighth floor.

"It is most likely to be on the sixth floor, but it does not rule out that the robbers will gather the foreign hostages together and detain them alone!" Yu Zhigan glanced at the structure diagram, and began to think of an offensive method in his mind. How to enter the meeting room.

There are sixteen floors in the hotel, but there are only five people on the top of the building, and the rest of the floors are scattered with ten to five people: "This group of terrorists, people are not gathered together, for us That’s not good news!"

"Head, the hotel has a ventilation duct leading to each floor. According to the building materials provided by the hotel, they used the No.007 ventilation duct produced by the South African Steel Pipe Company in 2006. I checked and the diameter of this duct is 80. Two centimeters, it can accommodate one person to pass through. It is well-connected and can be reached in every meeting room!"

"Let's take a look!" Yu Zhiqian immediately adjusted the 3 simulation perspective, and indeed found a crack-like ventilation duct, which exists from the top of the building to the lobby on the first floor. After Yu Zhiqian looked carefully for a while: "This It's a passage, we may be able to start from here, but we don't know whether there are other filters in the ventilation ducts, anti-theft nets, and the like! Leave it as a backup plan!"

"it is good!"

After Yu Zhiqian figured out the building, he withdrew the drone, turned on the TV, and continued to watch the live news. It was the first time to watch the live broadcast of this terrorist hijacking. How would you describe this feeling? If there were no such eight Chinese, Yu Zhiqian would have watched the excitement and might even eat sunflower seeds, but now he is watching the live broadcast on the TV carefully.

"Boom boom!"

A burst of gunfire came from the TV. Then, a group of South African soldiers retreated from the lobby of the hotel in disgrace, and some dragged their injured companions. Obviously, their attack failed this time.

"Let's go and have a look at the scene!"

Yu Zhiqian took a pistol. After putting it on and putting on his coat, John and others immediately followed Yu Zhiqian and rushed to the hotel where the incident occurred. They could not get too close. The police cordoned off the hotel within 100 meters, but A hundred meters away, there were all kinds of media reporters, various people eating melons, and of course the families of some kidnapped hostages.

The scene was very messy. There were various reporters standing in front of the cordon and reporting on the spot. There were also various cheering voices from the crowd. And as time went by, more and more various interview vehicles came. Many foreign media based in South Africa have also rushed to it.

When encountering this kind of terrorist attack, the saddest person may be the families of the victims, but the happiest people must be a group of reporters who have always wanted to make a big news. These reporters surrounded them like sharks smelling blood. Come, come and enjoy this gluttonous feast.

In the crowd, Yu Zhiqian kept walking forward. There were various voices in his ears, crying and screaming, and even crowds of demonstrations appeared around, protesting the government's inaction and so on.

Yu Zhiqian watched this group of people coldly. If they can be convicted, this group of people are the terrorists’ accomplices. If every terrorist attack is not paid attention to and no one reported, this group of terrorists will still choose this way to apply for their claims.

No, no, they won't. They do this because they know that the people around will spread their appeals throughout the world. These people are their mouths, expanding their influence and achieving their goals! (End of this chapter)