War Contractor

Chapter 105: theory


Terrorists have launched various terrorist attacks. What they want is attention. Could it be that the bearded man hit the World Trade Center back then was really to retaliate against the Americans

Maybe, who knows? Maybe, but he just wanted to make a big news, let the eyes of the whole world focus on them, which is equivalent to advertising them for free, the world’s headlines, at the cost of a few men’s lives, so that the whole world Know that such an organization knows.

At that time, al Qaeda’s routines can be called a classic case in the marketing industry. A successful sneak attack made a name all over the world? Who knew the beard before? Who knew the base before? One night later, the whole world knew about such an organization and such a person.

What about after the beard? Originally a small organization, in less than half a year, various admirers followed and joined and became the largest terrorist organization in the world. What was the result? The Americans spent countless dollars, resources, and sacrificed hundreds of dollars. Thousands of soldiers killed him,

If, at first, it was just a simple report, and the remaining US government secretly pursued it, then would it be so famous? Still have so many followers

After the 9/11 incident, what has the greatest impact on terrorists around the world is that all terrorists around the world have learned how to promote themselves? Beard mails videotapes, so other organizations also learn from it. Beard engages in a sensational hijacking incident. Regardless of whether they succeed or fail in the end, if their fame comes out, someone will come to support them, and some people will take refuge in them, and they will be successful.

Yu Zhiqian looked at these reporters with disgust. Well, in fact, reporters are not that annoying. After all, there are some reporters who really do practical things, such as Xiaoli helping out. It’s just the degree of attention you give to this kind of terrorist attack. The higher the value, the worse the result.

"Boom boom!"

There was another rush of gunfire, and then, the body of a black man was thrown down from the third floor. At this time, a terrorist walked out of the hall swayingly: "Listen well, I ask you, Within 72 hours, release those detained by you. Otherwise, we will kill all the hostages. There are a total of 127 hostages in our hands. After the time was up, no one was released for an hour. I will kill one person!"

After speaking, he swaggered back to the hotel. During the whole process, no one of the South African government army and police dared to shoot. They could only stare at him. After watching this person walk in, Yu Zhigan observed the building and shook his head. He shook his head and left directly.

As for the reporters in front of me, I just confessed, all excitedly faced the camera and started reporting in countless languages: "The latest news from this station. Just now, the terrorist who hijacked a hotel in South Africa set new conditions. , Asking the South African government to release the detainees. According to what our reporter has learned, this terrorist organization is called..."

"Head, why does this group of people take seventy-two hours? Shouldn't it be as soon as possible?" After John followed Yu Zhigan out of the crowd, he looked at Yu Zhigan with some curiosity. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

Yu Zhigan smiled: "This group of terrorists doesn't care whether the South African government forces will release their people. What they care about is whether their actions are known to the whole world. More than seventy hours are enough to get a lot of attention. Twelve hours later, they will kill some hostages. In fact, mixing up with terrorist organizations is like starting a company!

Pete and John looked at Yu Zhiqian with dumbfounded faces. Yu Zhigan lit a cigarette and just lit a lighter. There was a loud noise behind him. Yu Zhiqian and others were so scared to lie down directly, but after standing up, they headed straight down. Never turned back, real man, who looked back at the explosion? Was it a real man watching the explosion

"Actually, you don’t believe it when you say it, but if we explain it in another way, you will be able to understand that if a terrorist organization is regarded as a company, if a company wants to make a profit and promote their products, then advertising is needed. But this company is a black company with no legal procedures, and even other companies all over the world ban them. The only way they want to advertise is not to take the usual path!"

After speaking, Yu Zhigan smoked a cigarette deeply: "Self-hype is the easiest way. You see, this action is equivalent to a brand promotion. Find victims and say how bad their products are. It has a bad reputation, but everyone knows this company, right? That's their purpose, so do you understand it now?"

John and Pete both gave Yu Zhigan a thumbs up at the same time: "Head, no wonder you can open more than a dozen companies, we can only work!"

"It's okay to think more about things, you will find that many things in the world are common!" After Yu Zhigan finished speaking, he talked about his cigarette butts and turned his head to look at the hijacked hotel. This time, I hope that things won't happen too much. Question it.

I hope that the South African government forces can be more reliable. Yu Zhigan can feel that this group of terrorists is a group of fanatics. The so-called fanatics are the kind of dead men who put life and death away. In the end, they will only choose to fish and die. .

As expected by Yu Zhiqian, the incident was only reported on South African TV at the beginning, but after the evening, almost all countries’ TV stations reported the incident. YouTube videos, Twitter and other social platforms also continued to report. The whole world All are paying attention to this matter, and all kinds of news have appeared.

In a day's time, it was originally just a terrorist organization lingering in South Africa. It instantly became the third largest terrorist organization in the world with the same name as the Al-Qaida organization. No one knows it.

The next day, South Africa carried out a second assault, but when it entered the third floor, it was met with fierce resistance from terrorists. According to data released by South Africa, seven terrorists were killed.

Yu Zhigan did not know how many terrorists were killed, but Yu Zhigan knew that the South African government army was injured and killed at least 20 people, and that hostages were thrown down from the stairs. It can be said to be a failed operation. The good news for Yu Zhigan is , The hostages who died were all blacks, and his compatriots have not been injured or killed yet.

The bad news did not end. The next afternoon, when the world's eyes were focused on the hotel hijacking incident at the Cape of Good Hope, another South African capital, Bloemfontein, had another accident and a group of terrorists hijacked another house. Hotel.

However, there were no Chinese citizens in the abduction incident in Bloemfontein, so Yu Zhigan did not care too much. Yu Zhigan is now waiting for Ambassador Lin's order and is ready to dispatch at any time. (End of this chapter)