War Contractor

Chapter 106: ready


A little bit of time passed, and it was getting closer and closer to the time the terrorists said, but the situation has not changed much.

Just two hours ago, the South African side made another attack on the Efila Hotel. More than 70 people were dispatched. In the end, 11 people were injured, 7 people were killed, and two robbers were killed. The true and false ones are unknown, and six hostages were killed. .

And five minutes ago, in order to retaliate against the actions of the South African government, the terrorists shot and killed two hostages. One of them was a Belgian citizen. This would have caused considerable international repercussions. This time it was a foreigner who died. The meaning of this terrorist attack immediately became different, and the danger escalated once and for all.

Three minutes ago, the robbers started shouting that there were still 38 foreign hostages in their hands. If the South African government dared to attack again, they would kill all the foreign hostages.

After Yu Zhiqian watched the news report on TV, Ambassador Lin called again. Yu Zhiqian knew that his mission was coming.

"Mr. Yu, bring your people, now come to the scene, I have brought people to the scene now!"

"it is good!"

"Bring equipment and go!"

After Yu Zhiqian finished speaking, he took out his large handbag. There were two weapons in it, one 416, and one Mosin Nagan. In addition, there were also exchanged items from the system. Rope guns, body armor, helmets and some tactical equipment cost a total of eleven honor points, which is a big hemorrhage, but to Yu Zhigan, being able to rescue the trapped compatriots is very worthwhile.

"Ambassador Lin!"

Near a vehicle about 50 meters away from the scene, Yu Zhigan saw Ambassador Lin and five armed policemen. After seeing Yu Zhigan coming, Ambassador Lin waved his hand and led Yu Zhigan into a minibus. New Bayi Chinese website first released https://https://

"Mr. Yu, the worst is coming. Now that group of terrorists have begun shooting and killing foreigners. The lives of our citizens cannot be guaranteed. The South African government has never had any solution. We communicated with the superiors and they let me go by myself. decision!"

Yu Zhiqian heard the meaning of this sentence roughly, that is, there is no good way at present, after all, far can not quench the near thirst, and some special units in the country will not be able to catch up for the time being.

"So, you want us to act to rescue the hostages!"

Ambassador Lin nodded: "I only need you to ensure the safety of our Chinese citizens. I have investigated your service experience. You have won fifth place in the military competition. Now I can think of The only one who helps us is you!"

Yu Zhigan nodded: "I can try, but I need some help. First of all, I need to find a way to enter the building. We have found a ventilation duct and want to attack from here, and we have determined that it includes our citizens. The location of the foreign hostages inside is now on the eighth floor. According to the structure of the hotel, this is a rest area of a restaurant. They are concentrated here!"

While talking, Yu Zhiqian marked the location of the hostages on the structure map, and at the same time began to mark some other locations. Finally, Yu Zhiqian looked at Ambassador Lin: "The three of us are definitely not enough. The five armed police outside, what are their capabilities? kind?"

"It's okay, I have been a soldier in the country for two years and have been sent out!"

"Two years, how about their marksmanship?"

"Liu Wenlong!"

"Here, ambassador!"

"How is your marksmanship?"

"Report, fifty-meter fixed target, ten shots and one hundred rings, one hundred-meter fixed target, ten shots, ninety-seven rings, two hundred-meter fixed targets..."

Yu Zhigan waved his hand: "Don't say these are useless. When I was a soldier, I had the same results. The troops were pulled out. As long as they were not too bad, they were almost the same. I will ask you a question. Have you ever had a gun?"

After Yu Zhigan finished speaking, he stared at Liu Wenlong. Liu Wenlong was stunned. He looked at Ambassador Lin somewhat at a loss. Ambassador Lin waved his hand: "He will answer whatever he asks you!"


"No? Then dare you shoot someone!"

"I… "

"If you point a gun at someone threatening the safety of our compatriots, dare you dare to shoot!"


"Okay, I get it!"

Yu Zhigan waved his hand, Ambassador Lin nodded, signaled Liu Wenlong to leave, and then looked at Yu Zhigan, "How are they?"

Yu Zhigan shook his head a little, and then nodded. Ambassador Lin didn't understand what Yu Zhigan was saying. Yu Zhigan took out a cigarette and motioned for him to smoke one.

"Give me one too!"

"it is good!"

After the two clicked on, Yu Zhigan spit out a smoke ring and slowly said, "Say they can't, because they haven't shot anyone. It sounds like shooting a target, but many people can't overcome this psychological barrier!"

"Then how did you overcome this obstacle!"

His first murder in Africa flashed through Yu Zhiqian's mind. One night, two black men rushed into his company and shot themselves at themselves, but the marksmanship was rather bad, and Yu Zhi finally killed him.

"It's nothing, it's a natural process. Continue to talk about business. I nodded my head. I mean that there is no more suitable person than them. Now I hire some security company people. They do have a lot of world-renowned special forces retired people. , They also have rich hostage rescue experience, but they are not reliable!"

After Yu Zhigan finished speaking, he laughed, and then Ambassador Lin also laughed. He clearly understood what Yu Zhigan meant. Foreign mercenaries have natives who can be trusted. This is not the plot of a group of Chinese people, but a fact.

"Yes, these five people will give you command. I only have one request to ensure the safety of the eight Chinese hostages. Is there any problem!"

"no problem!"

Yu Zhiqian had a plan in his mind, so he dared to pack the ticket, squeeze out the cigarette butt, and put it in his pocket: "Ambassador Lin, the only problem now is how can we get to the top of the building, if we can't reach the top of the building. , The next plan cannot be implemented!" ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

"I will contact South Africa to see if they can provide helicopters!"


The South African side also used the attack method from the top of the building before, so some of the terrorists on the top of the building have been killed, and some have been withdrawn into the building, and concentrated together to defend the area from the third floor to the 13th floor. Now the South African military initially occupied the first floor and the top floor, but after discovering that there was a bomb on the first floor, it could not dismantle it and could only withdraw from the building. (End of this chapter)