War Contractor

Chapter 111: Break in


Yu Zhiqian gave an order, and two people jumped down from the window on the ninth floor, holding the rope in their hands, standing outside the window, and after their legs were separated, they stretched across the window at seventy-five degrees.

Immediately after Yu Zhiqian, he gently loosened a little rope buckle, and his whole body immediately began to slide down.

The two quickly reached the position of the window on the eighth floor. Yu Zhiqian and Liu Wenlong took out their pistols and pointed them at the window on the eighth floor: "Han Cheng, report the location of the possible militants on the eighth floor!"

"There are two people at the door, and there are three people guarding the hostages outside the hostages. A total of five people are guarding the hostages!"

"Roger that!"

Yu Zhiqian looked at Liu Wenlong and raised five fingers: "Five people, three of me, two of you, ready!"

"it is good!"

In the hostage room on the eighth floor, five terrorists held their hands and looked at the surrounding hostages idly: "I heard that the South African government forces have attacked again. This time they have reached the ninth floor. The boss will definitely want it again. Killed, who is better to kill this time!"

After speaking, I looked at the hostages in front of me. This group of hostages are all foreign tourists. Compared with the locals in South Africa, these foreign tourists are treated slightly better, at least they have some food every day. Terrorists also know that those South African hostages are worthless. The lives of these foreign tourists are worthy. Bargaining or playing tricks on the South African government depends on these foreign hostages.

"Kill an American? I hate Americans the most, the police of the world, nosy everywhere, without the United States, the world would be much more peaceful!"

"Why don't you kill someone from the East? They are also supporting us. I feel that there must be a conspiracy. Who will help us for no reason!"

"Well, I also think that the Easterners have any plans for us. Forget it, wait for the boss's order. Later, we will find one at random. Whoever finds it, whoever is unlucky!"

A few people chatted, and constantly pointed at the hostages from time to time. Thirty-eight hostages were frightened and moved closer together. Those who can understand the group of people are more nervous, the hostages beside them. Asked in a low voice: "What happened and what did they say?"

"They, they said, the South African government forces have attacked again and are about to kill again!"

"Kill who!"

"One of us!"

"I don't want to die!"

The hostages became flustered. After all, no one wanted to die. When the guards found that the hostages became restless, they immediately walked over and fired a shot at the ceiling: "You are all quiet. Who killed!"

After speaking, his eyes swept over the hostages in front of him one by one, and at this time, a girl cried and hugged her present and kept saying: "Mom, I'm afraid, mom I'm afraid!"

"Don't be afraid of Lily, don't cry, don't cry, mom is here!"

He was a Chinese, holding his daughter and hugging her tightly, but the little girl was still terrified and trembling, crying constantly, the terrorist was a little impatient with the cries, and the gun was pointed at it. A Chinese woman: "Stop arguing, I'm so annoyed, let your child shut up, or I will kill you!"

Not only did this sentence fail, but now the crying voice is getting louder and louder. After the terrorist heard it, he immediately walked over and pulled the woman: "Come out!"

After finishing talking, he must drag the Chinese woman out. At this time, Tan Xiuzhi immediately stood up: "That big man, sir, I'm here to coax the child. The child is young and ignorant. It's normal to cry and make trouble. I'll coax, I'll coax!"

After the terrorist saw it, he put his foot on Tan Xiuzhi's chest: "While staying there, I am going to kill this woman today, making me upset!"

As soon as the voice fell, I felt a pain in my hand. I saw the little girl biting the terrorist and grasping her mother's hand. The terrorist released her hand in pain, looked at the wound on her hand, and took up his weapon. , Ready to beat this little girl to death. ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

At this critical moment, the window of the conference room suddenly shattered, and there were two gunshots. The terrorists were stunned for a moment. Before they could react, they saw two figures, turning in through the windows, and on the ground. Rolled two laps.

"Enemy attack!"

Only then did the terrorists react. When an enemy entered the room, he immediately turned his gun to prepare to shoot, but Yu Zhigan moved much faster than them. When he rolled on the ground, he had already determined the location of the target, which threatened him. The biggest is the terrorist in the hostages.

At the first moment when his body was stable, he shot the terrorist to death in time, and then quickly turned his gun to face the other two terrorists in the hall.

Yu Zhiqian now feels that he has entered a very magical state, everything seems to slow down Yu Yang in his own eyes, his muzzle slowly turned, and when he took aim at the terrorist, he decisively pulled the trigger.

Yu Zhigan felt this way when he meant to fight. This feeling is like the feeling when he learned the god of sniper. When Yu Zhigan killed two terrorists, Liu Wenlong also shot, but the first shot was not shot. , But the second shot hit a terrorist guarding the gate.

While shooting Yu Zhiqian, he moved his body as much as possible. The surviving terrorists fired at Yu Zhiqian. The bullet hit Yu Zhiqian's side, wiped his shoulders, and flew over his head.

A terrorist took two steps forward. After all, Yu Zhigan and others continued. At this time, on the roof of the distant building, Han Cheng pulled the trigger, and a bullet shot through the broken window into the terrorist. In the head.

The last terrorist guarding the gate who survived, saw his companions fall down, and immediately turned his gun to the hostages, but before he came to remember to shoot, Yu Zhi hit the guy's head with a fierce shot.


A shot hit the eyebrows, Yu Zhiqian breathed a sigh of relief. All five of them were dealt with. Liu Wenlong also stood up from the ground and looked at Yu Zhiqian, a little embarrassed: "Captain, Captain, I'm sorry, I just, I was a little bit Afraid!"

Yu Zhigan didn't look at him: "Don't be in a daze, take the weapon away, and then guard the door. Don't be afraid. We are here to save you. Who of you was a soldier?"

After Yu Zhiqian kicked off all the weapons on the five terrorists, he looked at this group of hostages, which had a total of 38 people.

Finally I found two soldiers who had served in the army, an American who had been in the army for a few years, but belonged to the technical arms, and one from Australia, but this one was even worse. The soldiers were fighting with rabbits. According to the legend, the Australian rabbits Clear the troops, none of them can fight. (End of this chapter)