War Contractor

Chapter 114: escape route


In the meeting room on the eighth floor, Yu Zhigan didn't know that a word of his father would be such a pitfall for his son.

Strictly speaking, Yu Yuanjun was also afraid of his son's accident, so he said that, although he has been raising in a free range, he cannot let his son die outside.

But Yu Yuanjun did not expect that Kenny’s guy was actually a soft-do not eat hard. He heard his boss’s words, and after being threatened, he didn’t even listen to his own boss’s words and just set the table upside down.

"Captain, the terrorists have changed. They seem to be gathering, and they have gathered all the other hostages. They seem to be coming towards the eighth floor. The hostages on the seventh, sixth and fifth floors were all shot! They are starting to go upstairs now!"

Han Cheng saw the terrorists' movements clearly through the drone, and reported it to Yu Zhiqian in real time. Such a large-scale mobilization could not escape Han Cheng's eyes.

While Yu Zhiqian shot and suppressed the terrorists who wanted to come in, he looked out the window. The group of terrorists actually chose to besiege themselves together, frowning at first, and then their eyes lit up.

"John, Pete!"

"Head, what's wrong!"

John responded, but Pete did not respond. Yu Zhigan couldn't help but look at John: "John, you take Pete and push these terrorists back to me, Liu Wenlong, you take out the rope gun, I can take the hostage Sent out!"


"Chen Feng, come back, no need to drill holes!"


"Liu Wenlong, hurry up!"


Liu Wenlong immediately took out the backpack and the rope gun inside, and Yu Zhigan also took out his rope gun.

Walked to the window and looked at the building 20 meters away from the opposite side: "Liu Wenlong, do you see the roof of the opposite building? Shoot the gun over, fix it there, and then let the hostages chain from here. What do you think of sending it along the rope?" New 81 Chinese Net, the fastest update computer terminal: https://

"Yes! But what if the robber shoots the hostage from below?"

"Don't worry, you come first, I'll talk to Ambassador Lin!"

After speaking, Yu Zhiqian immediately called Ambassador Lin. Ambassador Lin is now negotiating with South Africa. He said that the international hostages are safe and want the South African Special Forces to rescue them. However, they did not receive a reply and couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

"Mr. Yu, how is your situation there?"

"There is no big problem for the time being, Ambassador Lin, listen to me. I thought of a way to send the hostages over. Now you immediately send someone to the roof of the six-story building opposite me. I will draw a rope with a rope gun. Then send the hostages over with a rope, and you send someone to take it!"

"it is good!"

Ambassador Lin immediately hung up the call and became busy. He dispatched all the other staff of the embassy, and finally contacted the South African side and sent some people to the building mentioned by Yu Zhigan.

And Liu Wenlong had aimed the first rope gun at the top of the building, pulled the trigger, and a high-strength composite rope was launched from the rope gun. When their tops were similar to steel needles, they plunged into the mix. Immediately after the facade of the mud building, it exploded and blossomed, and it was firmly fixed on the top of the building.

Then Liu Wenlong pointed the other end of the sharp gun at the back wall of the conference room, and drove the rope in. A safe passage was established.

Yu Zhiqian did not move slowly. He quickly established the second channel and looked at the hostages: "Listen to me, now you have to slide to the opposite side through these two ropes. You can rest assured that we will tie you up. Knot, will not fall, everyone is ready, one by one, don't be afraid, don't waste time!"

"I'll come first!"

An American stood up immediately. He used to be a rock climber. This kind of rope is often seen and tried several times, knowing that if the operation is good and there is no danger, he immediately wants to be the first to stand up.

Yu Zhiqian used a dagger to cut the rest of the rope he was carrying to make a safety rope, while quickly tying the knot. After looking at him, he immediately shook his head: "You can't do it, you come here first!"

After speaking, he pointed to a compatriot, and the compatriot who was pointed out was called Tan Xiuzhi. After seeing that he was named by name, he stood up with a tremor.

Yu Zhigan pulled him over, then wrapped the rope in his hand around the rope, and then tied it to his wrist. As long as the rope was untied, it would not fall off. Go down.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up!" After finishing speaking, he put a stool down next to the window, Tan Xiuzhi stood on the window tremblingly, and then Yu Zhiqian pushed it hard.


With a scream, Tan Xiuzhi was so frightened that he closed his eyes and kicked his legs, feeling like he was falling, but he was dragging his hands tightly. When he opened his eyes again, he found himself Already came to the opposite floor.

Tan Xiuzhi immediately screamed excitedly. At this time, Ambassador Lin also rushed over with someone, and directly untied the rope in his hand: "Hello, I am the Chinese Ambassador to South Africa, Lin..."

"Ambassador Lin, hello, hello, I'm talking about Xiuzhi, I'm still alive, I'm still alive, thank you, thank you!"

"Yes, it should, come, take him down to rest!"

After Ambassador Lin finished speaking, he immediately called Yu Zhiqian: "The first one has been safely reached!"

"Okay, I'll send two over right away!" After Yu Zhigan finished speaking, he looked at the little girl and her mother: "Liu Lili and her mother come over, this time it's your turn!"

After seeing that someone had successfully escaped, all the hostages immediately became excited and wanted to rush over, but Yu Zhiqian pointed the gun back. He saw that the woman and the child were walking this time, and he didn't say anything.

"Don't be afraid of Lily, it's like a swing. When you open your eyes, you are on the opposite side!" After Yu Zhiqian fixed Liu Lili, he looked at this little girl with gentle and loving eyes. She was very beautiful, with both eyes. It's like talking, so cute!

"Okay, Lily is not afraid, brother, can Lily ask my brother a question?" ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

"Just ask!"

"My brother is a hero, can Lily marry my brother when he grows up?"

"Stupid boy, wait until you are safe. Brother will send you there first! Close your eyes!"

"it is good!"

Yu Zhiqian put Liu Lili on the window sill. This rope was specially reinforced. Because Liu Lili was a child, her wrist was too small and slipped easily, so two insurance procedures were added.

"Let's go, ** is a swing!"

After Yu Zhigan finished speaking, with a strong push, Liu Lili and his mother immediately slid towards the opposite building. After seeing two more people successfully sent out, Liu Wenlong gave Yu Zhigan a thumbs up: " Captain, why didn't you think of this trick before, it's amazing!"

"I thought of it before, but I didn't dare to use it because this group of terrorists are distributed downstairs. If they are sent directly there, they will be hit as targets after they find out. They are all concentrated on the eighth floor and are ready to attack us. There is no one here, so I dare to take risks!"

"High, high, really high!"

"Go away, hurry up, the terrorists are coming soon!"

ps: Five changes today (end of this chapter)