War Contractor

Chapter 115: Successfully rescued


The reporters outside the hotel screamed excitedly after seeing the hostage being rescued. The reporters yelled at the camera: "Audience friends, just now, a hostage was sent off by a rope drop. On the top of the building opposite the hotel, this is the first hostage rescued since the hijacking happened. This operation seems to be a success!"

"God, someone came out again, a little girl, she is as beautiful as an angel, and there is another woman who came out with three hostages in total. We believe that there will be more hostages. , Will be sent out continuously, and God bless them!"

The reporters outside the venue got excited and rushed to the opposite building, wanting to interview the first-hand information, but they were stopped, Tan Xiuzhi was caught in the crowd and sent to the ambulance. Although he was not injured, after being kidnapped, there will still be psychological trauma, and some examinations and psychological counseling are needed.

In the hotel, all the terrorists came to the location around the meeting room on the eighth floor and began to prepare for the attack, but this time it was an ordinary black South African who walked in. He raised his hands and walked in slowly. I was ready to shoot for a while, but after seeing this group of people, I couldn't help but stop.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I was forced!"

The hostage yelled loudly. Yu Zhigan looked back and saw that this guy's waist was bulging. Yu Zhigan shot without hesitation: "There is a bomb, get down!"

After speaking, he pressed a compatriot under his body, and the black man who was killed by him fell to the ground. The bomb tied to his body was detonated. A huge explosion sounded and all the glass in the room was covered. Shattered, and the huge wave of air from the explosion directly blew all the tables to pieces.

Yu Zhigan was lying on the ground, all kinds of trash flying around his head, screams, horrified shouts, and constantly sounded. Yu Zhigan shook his head, looked at the door, and saw terrorists rushing in. Immediately raised his hand and shot the two people to death with a pistol. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

"Continue to fight, block the door, don't let them rush in, anyone who rushes in will be killed directly!"

After speaking, he pulled up the hands of the compatriot under his body, and then tied the rope around his wrist. After going around the rope, he fixed it on the other hand, and then grabbed his hair: "Don’t use me to push. You, jump out now, someone outside will pick you up!"

After speaking, Yu Zhigan got up from the ground, walked into the middle of the hostages and shouted: "Next!"

The white man like Luhan immediately ran over in horror: "I, I, I, I don't want to stay here!"

Yu Zhigan kicked him, then looked at the hostages: "The Chinese come out, you must withdraw first, and the rest will go behind!" New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

This sentence aroused dissatisfaction with the rest of the hostages and immediately yelled loudly. Yu Zhigan pointed at them directly: "Bet Niang screamed. My task is to save eight Chinese hostages. You just got caught by accident." Their light, if you don’t want to die here, just stay with me quietly, and I will try to save you all!"

After speaking, Yu Zhigan pointed to a compatriot, a middle-aged man, "Come here!"

"Oh, well, my name is..."

"Don't waste time!" Yu Zhiqian said while looking at the door. Some of his men were already injured, and now they are racing against time.

Yu Zhiqian directly lost a rope, went to the window to tie it up, jumped by himself, then looked at a Chinese female compatriot, tied her up, and sent her out.

Liu Wenlong sent three more compatriots. A total of eight Chinese compatriots were sent out. Yu Zhigan breathed a sigh of relief, and then threw some of the remaining ropes to the white man in front of him: "One for each, now immediately!"

After speaking, I ignored them, but took a weapon and came to John: "How is the situation?"

John was hit by a shrapnel in the shoulder, grinned, and smiled: "It's okay, I can't die!"

At this time, another grenade rolled in. After the explosion, Yu Zhigan shook his head: "Damn, you can't wait to die here!"

Turning to look at the other hostages after speaking, this group of whites and some blacks from other countries moved very fast, and they did nothing wrong in the face of life.

Everyone followed the example of Yu Zhiqian, hanging the rope in the middle of the rope, and then trapped it in his hand. He tied it and slid out. Now there are less than ten people. After Yu Zhigan saw it, he shouted: "Speed Hurry up!"

"it is good!"

"Got it, God bless!"

A white man was still praying, and Yu Zhigan shot him in the foot: "Don't waste me time, or I will send you to see your God, hurry!"

After warning the white people, Yu Zhiqian took out a grenade, unplugged the insurance, waited for two seconds, and threw it directly onto the door frame of the conference room. Using the rebound, he rolled into the corridor.

"Continue to explode, I don't believe it, this group of people are so afraid of death!"

The others did the same, threw the grenade out, and for a while, no terrorist attacked from the gate.

If Yu Zhigan went out now, he would find that more than 20 people had been killed in the passage, but most of these people were kidnapped hostages with bombs tied to their bodies. They were used as self-detonating infantry. , Unfortunately, he was directly killed before he could enter the door.

When the last white woman was sent out, Yu Zhiqian breathed a sigh of relief. He could retreat. But at this moment, he suddenly remembered, as if he had forgotten something, but for a while he didn’t remember it again, and he was shaking. Under his head, Yu Zhigan thought about something that was not very important.

"Head, we are ready to retreat!"

John yelled loudly, and Yu Zhigan nodded, slowly stepped back, and yelled: "Pete is ready to retreat!"

Pete still had no response, Yu Zhiqian had to raise his voice: "Pete, retreat!"

"Ah? Head, what are you talking about? Say it again!" Pete's hearing aid was destroyed when it exploded, and now he is basically half deaf. After Yu Zhigan saw it, he immediately gestured to indicate that he was ready to retreat. At this time, Pete reacted and crawled out from behind his desk, crawling towards Yu Zhigan.

But at this time Yu Zhigan saw that Pete's leg was inserted into a wooden stick about two thumbs thick, and blood was overflowing, but this guy persisted without saying a word until now.

ps: Think about it, everyone, what Yu Zhigan has forgotten. (End of this chapter)