War Contractor

Chapter 116: If there is a miracle, it must be China Red


"Are you all right!" John immediately went over to help Pete, and Pete shook his head: "It's all right, a small injury, I will get better soon!"

"I'm scared to death. After I go back, I will pool the money to buy you an artificial tinnitus, otherwise it will be too difficult to communicate on the battlefield!" John supported Pete and walked towards the position of the cable. Liu Wenlong came to help and prepared to take Pete. Send it over first.

Outside the meeting room, Kenny looked at a corpse with a gloomy face. The group of people didn't care about the life or death of the hostages. After a cold snort, they waved their hands. The two terrorists immediately walked to the side. Kenny pointed not far. The wall of the conference room: "Use explosives to blow up this wall for me, leaving no one inside!"


The two terrorists immediately ran away to prepare explosives. The walls of the hotel are made of concrete. If you want to explode directly, you need a lot of explosives, and you need to conduct directional blasting.

"Captain, the terrorists outside are busy by the wall, I don't know what they are doing!"

Han Cheng continued to report on the situation. After Yu Zhigan heard it, he glanced at the wall and immediately understood, and looked at Liu Wenlong and others: "Retreat, retreat, everyone retreat immediately, these damn bastards are about to blow up the wall!"


Liu Wenlong and the others now have no rope, but immediately took the tactical harness off their body and hung it directly on the cable, clinging to the tactical harness with both hands, without tying the knot at all, and just jumped out.

"Quick, quick, quick, Gao Yang, Chen Feng, don't be afraid, it's over as soon as you close your eyes!"


Gao Yang and Chen Feng took a deep breath and jumped out of the window. Both of them were very worried. They had never encountered such a situation, but after hearing Yu Zhigan's urging, they closed their eyes and slipped. Get out. New Bayi Chinese website debut

It feels like flying. This is what Gao Yang and Chen Feng feel at this moment. They never believed in advertisements before, but now they find that advertisements are not deceiving. People can really feel like flying.

"Get up, young man, it's time to stand!" When the two people opened their eyes, they saw Ambassador Lin looking at them with a smile, pulling them up one by one, and then patted them hard on the shoulders. , A thumbs up: "You are good, we are the pride of the Chinese!" ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

"Ambassador, lightly, lightly, it hurts!"

Gao Yang yelled. At this time, Ambassador Lin noticed that this guy had been shot in the arm and he was bleeding all the time. He just slid down and insisted on willpower, otherwise he might fall.

"Captain, all the terrorists have left the confines of the conference room. They seem to be ready!"

"Understood, I will retreat, these damn guys, goodbye!"

Now Yu Zhigan was left alone. After watching everyone withdraw, Yu Zhigan took off his tactical harness. After hanging it up, he ran immediately, clinging to the tactical harness with both hands, and he walked out of the window. He rushed out and slid to the opposite roof.

The reporters downstairs were constantly snapping the people who escaped from the eighth floor with excitement, and excitedly introduced: "A total of forty-four people have been evacuated, and we don’t know how many more people will evacuate. But according to our exclusive information, these people are all hostages and foreign citizens. We are honored to interview a Mr. Carl from Florida who has just been rescued."

"Hello, Mr. Carl, I'm a TV reporter, and my name is Julie. How did you escape?"

"It's a group of Chinese, yes, there are two white people, they rushed in from the window, rescued us, and fought fierce battles with terrorists in the house, and finally sent us out!"

"How do you feel now?"

"I feel good now. I want to go home now. It's too scary. The Belgian was still chatting with me before he died. At that time, the terrorist almost chose me. I thought I was going to be killed! "

"What do you want to say to the person who saved you now?"

"I thank them. Although their tempers are not very good, I still thank them for letting me out. I also want to ask the U.S. government and Congress why the military expenditures are so high every year. When our citizens are in danger, there is no The U.S. soldiers came to rescue us as soon as possible. Where did the military expenditures go? Are our military and global strategic deployments fake? I was kidnapped for nearly 60 hours, and the 48 hours of support that the group boasted was in where!"

The reporter got excited when he heard what Carl said. Hearing the gossip and the identity of the person who rescued them, he couldn't help asking again: "You said the person who rescued you had a bad temper because of what? Did you have any conflicts? ?"

"Yes, let me say sorry to them first, we were impulsive at the time!"

"Can you first talk about why it made you impulsive?"

"Yes, because they saved the Chinese first, we thought it should be children, women, and the elderly first!"

"It should be so, but why do they want the Chinese to go first?"

"Because they told us that their mission is to rescue eight Chinese people. They speak Chinese, which is pure Chinese. I have been to China and their writing is too difficult to learn. I think I will study hard in the future. , Maybe you can save my life in the future!"

"Are you saying that the Chinese special forces rescued you?"

"Yes, otherwise they won't save the Chinese first! I need to go to the hospital now!"

"Thank you very much for accepting our interview!"

After the reporter finished the interview with Carl, he immediately faced the camera excitedly: "My audience, it’s incredible. The one who rescued so many hostages was actually from the Chinese side. We don’t know exactly which unit it was, Eastern countries. The combat effectiveness of the army has always been a mystery to us. They once defeated us in North Korea in the 1950s. Now it seems that in the new century's military power comparison, we have fallen behind again!"

Through interviews with reporters, the whole world immediately knew what was going on inside. Many people exclaimed that it was impossible, because in their opinion, the Americans who could be able to rescue at this time should be the Americans, because the Americans claim to be forty-eight hours The global strategy in China has been implemented for many years. In everyone’s impression, only the Americans can send elite soldiers to rescue the hostages in such a short period of time, but this time they tried to beat this group of people severely. face.

Not American, but Chinese. If there is a miracle, it must be China Red! (End of this chapter)