War Contractor

Chapter 118: wake


Yu Zhigan had a long, long dream, in which he saw that he became the king of mercenaries in the world and the overlord of the universe. He drove a star destroyer and kidnapped the entire world. Whatever he wants is useful. Endless banknotes, yes, banknotes.

"I have money, I have money, and I don't know how to spend it. I have a Glory Ten in my left hand and an apple in my right hand. I am rich...

Just when Yu Zhigan was living a rich life, a nurse lady who didn't know where it came from took a huge needle that was thicker than Yu Zhigan’s arm, and was about to insert it into Yu Zhigan’s arm, scaring Yu Zhigan directly. Woke up.

When I opened my eyes, I saw an African female nurse who was giving herself an injection with a needle. She was so frightened that her lower body softened and became eighteen centimeters. But when she saw that the syringe was just a normal one, she let it go. Tone.

But what followed was pain. It was painful. It felt like tearing myself apart. I looked at my body. Except for some places for intravenous injection in my arm, I was bandaged into a zongzi.

"Am I in the hospital?"

Yu Zhigan looked around, slowly speaking, his voice was hoarse, his throat was as if he had been burned by fire, looking at his body, he didn't know why it became like this, he remembered that it seemed to be a fall

I slowly recalled the previous scenes in my mind, and I couldn't help but feel that I was really the protagonist's life, he was not dead, but I looked a bit strange now, a real mummy.

"How long have I been in a coma?"

"Not long, only three days!"

At this time, Ambassador Lin came in. After Yu Zhigan saw it, he immediately laughed. Okay, Ambassador Lin couldn’t see Yu Zhigan’s expression. After sitting down next to Yu Zhigan, he looked at him with a smile and affection. Yu Zhiqian: "Mr. Yu, thank you for your selfless help!" New Bayi Chinese website launched

"Are those eight compatriots all right?"

"It's okay, great!"

"That's good, but Mr. Ambassador, I am not selfless to help. Don't forget my money!"

"Don't worry, one hundred thousand dollars is indispensable for you, and I personally give you another twenty thousand dollars!"

"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!"

Hearing that he suddenly became rich, Yu Zhiqian felt that his body suddenly no longer hurts, and grinned, but his face seemed to be hurt, and he was directly affected, and the piercing pain came again.

"Once you are done, take a good rest, I'll go now!"

"Go slow, I won't give it away!"

"Lie down!"

After Ambassador Lin left, Yu Zhigan turned to look at the nurse: "When can I be discharged from the hospital?"

"Your situation depends on the wound healing speed, but your body is very strong. With such a serious injury, you have only been in a coma for three days, and the wound seems to have begun to heal. You are very powerful!" Made a wink.

Yu Zhigan turned his head and no longer looked at this black nurse. There are beautiful women in black people, but this nurse and the beauty are a thousand miles away. Yu Zhigan couldn't help but miss the black woman who brought the system to him. That's a beautiful woman, with brown skin. , Big eyes and so on.

Soon, Liu Wenlong walked in with gauze on his arm, and after seeing Yu Zhiqian waking up, he saluted: "Captain!"

"I'm not your captain, just call me Lao Yu, how about? Are you okay?"

"It's okay, I just hurt my arm, much better than them!" With an excited smile on Liu Wenlong's face, Yu Zhiqian looked at him: "Why? So excited? I'm so excited!"

Liu Wenlong nodded: "Although I may not believe it, but the collective first-class merit and the individual second-class merit must be obtained, thank you captain!"

"It's okay, yes, I also made $120,000. By the way, the medical expenses will be reimbursed by the country!"

"Of course, hahaha!"

"How's the situation at the hotel?"

Liu Wenlong shook his head and began to tell Yu Zhigan what happened in the past three days.

Three days ago, after Kenny bombed the walls of the conference room, he rushed over with his men. They didn’t even know that there was no one in the conference room. Everyone was rescued by Yu Zhigan. When he saw the empty meeting room, he was furious, but there was no way.

"Kill half of the hostages and tell them this is revenge!"

After speaking, he returned to his room, closed his eyes and waited for death to come.

Kenny was not ready to retreat. Everyone in the operation this time was elected dead, and they were not ready to leave alive, but Kenny still didn't want to die, but now in this situation, he has lost control.

After all the international hostages were rescued by Yu Zhigan, the South African side also let go and started the offensive again. The same method as Yu Zhigan used before, attacked from upstairs and prepared to clear all the terrorists.

But when they rushed in, killed most of the terrorists, and began to rescue the surviving hostages, Kenny detonated the bombs in the building. In addition to the bombs on the surface, there were some hidden ones. Bomb in the dark. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

"Die, die all, die together, hahahaha!"

After speaking, I pressed the detonation button.


A huge explosion sounded, and the entire hotel building began to collapse. The crowd and reporters who were still onlookers began to run desperately around. The ten-story building turned into a ruin within a few seconds. , In the entire building, no one can survive.

South Africa suffered terrible losses. A total of more than 100 soldiers were sacrificed. In addition, there was also a group of local hostages, and no one came out.

This terrorist attack came to an end with the explosion of the building, but the impact of the incident did not end there.

After listening to Liu Wenlong's words, Yu Zhigan fell into silence, and finally said slowly: "These terrorists are really a bunch of lunatics, shit!"

Yes, this is indeed a group of lunatics, who have never thought about survival. If Yu Zhiqian and others hadn't rescued their compatriots, the result might be the same as the building, all died.

"By the way, everyone who was rescued by you has come to see you, and a little girl named Liu Lili bought you a lot of candies. Let me tell you, if you feel pain, take a candies. In the hotel, she won't be afraid just after eating the candy you gave!"

Yu Zhiqian only noticed that there were some fruit baskets on the bedside, and a lot of white rabbit candies, which were very eye-catching. There must be no white rabbits in South Africa. These candies were brought by the little girl herself. Take it out.

ps: It's still five-shift today, and your tickets are for a reward. (End of this chapter)