War Contractor

Chapter 123: Stupid thief


"John, although your gun has been maintained, your weapon magazine can be lengthened appropriately, because your shoulder bones are relatively high. When shooting prone, the distance between the magazine and the ground is larger than that of ordinary people. You can buy some The lengthened magazine is almost like adding five more bullets!"

Raman constantly introduced some knowledge about modification to Yu Zhiqian and others. Mercenaries are not omnipotent. They don’t know many things. Although they play guns every day, when it comes to modification, they are indeed inferior to those who professionally modify guns. Like a driver, it’s not always the case that a car is repaired.

Just as a group of people were holding weapons and discussing how to modify weapons in enthusiasm, three black people gathered at the door of the new company and whispered: "This company is run by a yellow man. And there are not many people. I have seen one white man with a handicapped hand, and another white man who seems to be almost fifty. By the way, today I recruited a black man in his sixties!"

"Are they rich?"

"I saw that when they moved the company, they had a lot of things, and two cars. There should be a lot of valuable things. I asked, and they bought this building directly! It should be fine, why not? Do it!" After speaking, he took out his knife.


"Fuck! I heard that the yellow race are very rich and timid!"

"Let's go!"

The three people tiptoed directly over the gate and entered the yard. At this time, Ersha, who was lying in the yard, was struggling with a bone. He saw the three people coming in and didn't call.

Some time ago, because Ambassador Lin came over, he yelled at Ambassador Lin for a while, and was kicked by Yu Zhigan. Now I don’t dare to bark, and what’s the important thing about people coming

"They should be on the second floor. Let's go and take a look!" The three of them stood at the door with knives and short knives. They moved very lightly. They held the knives tightly in their hands and put one hand on the handle, ready to push the door.

As for Yu Zhigan in the room, the others had heard the footsteps, and Yu Zhigan raised his hand: "There is movement!"

Although they had drunk, everyone was very awake, each holding a weapon facing the door position, everyone chose a best corner, waiting for the enemy to enter the door.

"After I'm going in, do you remember that your expression is a little bit fierce? Frighten them first, this time after the snatch, it will be enough for us to be happy for a long time!" After speaking, the black man in the lead unscrewed the handle, opened the door and walked in. .

"Don't move, robbery!" But after he finished speaking, he stood there and didn't dare to move, and the two black men behind him also followed in and looked at the boss motionless, a little at a loss: "Boss ,what's happenin?"

"It's nothing, I'm sorry, we went wrong!" After saying that, shaking his legs, he wanted to leave the room.

The third child behind him was blocked by the boss and the second child. He couldn't see the situation inside. He couldn't help but say: "Boss, that's right, this is the company run by the yellow guy, you said we came to rob!"

"Don't move!"

Yu Zhigan said a word and stood up slowly. He originally thought that something big had happened, but he didn't expect that a few small thieves would break in.

"What's the matter with you now, now is the robbery time, time, time, time, sorry, we, we went wrong!"

The third child walked out from behind, pointed at Yu Zhigan with a knife, and then there was no more. When he saw the environment in the house clearly, his first thought was who I am, where am I, and what am I doing

"Don't move around, or you will be very miserable!" Yu Zhiqian walked over slowly, took their knives down, closed the door, and pointed to a random place: "Go!"

"The boss, we, we just went wrong, we went wrong, we really went wrong, we didn't come to you, we came to the company next door, that's the case, please let us go!"

The three black people were frightened. They were just ordinary thieves. There are many thieves like South Africa. A brick can be smashed in the street. Most black people often work during the day and behave as thieves at night.

Yu Zhigan played with their knives and looked at the three black men squatting on the ground: "Don't you say yes? Then don't blame me!" After speaking, he took a weapon and gestured as if he wanted to cut them off. A piece of meat comes down.

"Really, we really just want to steal something and sell it!"

"What to steal?"

"It doesn't matter whether we steal tires or money, we just steal something, we just want to mix some money, we, we..."

Yu Zhigan walked up to the thief, and the dagger struck this guy's face: "You said you don't want to tell the truth? Then don't blame me!" After Yu Zhigan finished speaking, the dagger in his hand directly pierced the guy's leg: " Do you remember now?"

"Really, I'm telling the truth, we are like stealing something, we were wrong, we dare not, please let us go, don't kill us!"

He kept crying with nose and tears. After Yu Zhigan saw it, he frowned, pulled out the knife, and threw it to John: "You ask, if there is nothing to ask, let it go!"

In Chinese, John can now understand Chinese. John nodded and continued the interrogation work, while Yu Zhigan and others continued to drink.

"South Africa is really not peaceful, you can encounter this kind of thing when you move a house!"

Yu Zhigan couldn't help but sigh. In China, the probability of encountering this kind of robbery is very low and very low. Although there is, most ordinary people will not encounter it. Yu Zhigan has encountered it for the second time since he came to South Africa. It was when Yu Zhiqian won the first kill. ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

In the end, these three hapless guys had no problem. They were just three who were going to come in for the robbery. They had no other purpose. After being taught by John, they were thrown on the street.

As for their sex work, Yu Zhigan doesn’t care. Maybe they can survive, maybe they will meet other robbers, rob all of their money and clothes, be thrown into the sea, and finally become a floating corpse. It became food for all kinds of fish and shrimp in the sea.

In the early morning of the next day, Yu Zhiqian and others started to set off. It was Yu Zhiqian’s 2030**. After putting 10,000 rifle bullets and 5,000 machine gun bullets, he drove towards the embassy and met with Liu Wenlong and others. , Escorted the convoy northward.

"Head, let me drive this car!" John watched Yu Zhiqian driving the car like playing with a tablet. He couldn't help but feel a little moved. He also wanted to drive. Usually Yu Zhiqian locked the car. John had never driven except the one in the park. He always wanted to drive, but he had no chance. (End of this chapter)