War Contractor

Chapter 126: Highway trivia


"What are you doing? What are you doing!" After Yu Zhiqian got out of the car with a weapon, he yelled directly at the group of black people, while Pete behind him pulled the bolt of the gun.

"You have passed through our land, we have to charge tolls, 10,000 yuan for a car, otherwise you don't want to pass here today!" After speaking, the strong black man took a step forward with the wooden stick in his hand. He also beaten it twice on the ground.

"Go away, this is a national highway, stay here again, be careful I call the police and take you away!"

"You can try!" After the black man finished speaking, he waved the stick again, and a group of old and weak women stood up behind him, seeming to force Yu Zhigan to give money.

"Da da da!"

Yu Zhiqian fired a few shots at the sky and glanced at the group of black people contemptuously: "If you don't get out of the way, I will kill you!"

After speaking, he pointed his gun at the leader of the black man.

At this time, the group of old, weak, sick and disabled people behind them was a little scared. Some people were whispering to each other, and some people already had the idea of running away.

These black people are like this. If you talk to him in a good voice, they will have to take an inch. But if your attitude is very tough, this group of people will be counseled immediately. They dare not talk too much nonsense. tradition of.

"Hurry up, or I'll drive into it!" After Yu Zhigan finished speaking, he shot at the ground and hit the feet of this group of blacks. The old and weak blacks who were still hesitating immediately scattered them. There was only one strong black man left at the scene, and the scene was once embarrassing.

"What are you going to do now? Do you go by yourself now, or I will give you 100 rand after a beating!"

After Yu Zhiqian finished speaking, he smiled and looked at the black man in front of him. This guy looked good physically, much stronger than many blacks, just like the giant rock Johnson in the movie.

Most African blacks have very poor physical fitness and are very thin and weak. They are incomparable with people in China. The blacks we saw in the movies are all blacks in Europe and America, and they belong to high-end blacks.

Blacks in Europe and the United States can eat full stomachs, so they grow strong. More than 80% of blacks in the world are very thin. It is not because they live healthy lives, but because they are hungry.

The sturdy black man swallowed his saliva and looked at Yu Zhiqian unconvincedly: "Why didn't I beat you up!"

"Because I have this!" After Yu Zhigan finished speaking, he put the gun on his forehead, and the black man threw the stick: "You win, you go!"

"Have you ever been a soldier?" Yu Zhigan asked the black man in a low voice after putting down the gun.


"Can you play with guns?"

"Played before!"

"You can call this in a few days, and I can give you a job!" After Yu Zhiqian finished speaking, he handed his business card to the black man. The black man glanced at: "Global Wolf Wolf International Chinese Medical Center? Are you a doctor?" "

"I'm sorry, I took it out, it's this one!" Yu Zhiqian re-sent a business card, the business card of his own security company. The black man froze when he saw it, then stuffed it into his pocket and walked to the side of the road.

After Yu Zhiqian got in the car, he picked up the walkie-talkie: "Liu Wenlong, you are responsible for the queen, I will go ahead, pay attention to the sides of the truck when driving, some black people will directly climb the car when the speed is slow!"

"Roger that!"

The team started again and drove towards the destination. The reason why Yu Zhiqian was at the back of the team was because he had also worked part-time in the transportation industry before. He knew the urinary nature of this group of blacks in South Africa.

Large domestic trucks are afraid of stealing oil, but because of the cheap oil prices abroad, there is no profit from stealing oil. This group of black people will steal goods. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

It sounds a bit ridiculous. After all, the train is running at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour. How to steal it? Well, that's because you are in China and you haven't been to Africa.

For broken roads like Africa, it’s good to drive 30 or 40 in an hour. At this speed, the indigenous people of Africa will easily find the airstrike and grab the truck and climb up some places.

Then they will use a knife or other things to open the outer layer of packaging canvas for you, or open the iron sheet of the container, and throw the goods directly on both sides of the road, and then someone will pick it up.

A more vivid metaphor is what the railway guerrillas are doing. They are also doing it, but the target is cars.

The motorcade was driving on the highway at a slow speed and encountered many things. In addition to the roadblocking and robbery, there were also some bumpers. The development of the African bumper industry was much more advanced than that in China. In China, it was the beginning of the search for vehicles.

In Africa, they touched porcelain with some corpses. Some Africans killed some corpses that were not buried, or directly dug up some people who had just been buried from the graves, and then squatted on both sides of the road. After seeing the car coming, After the corpse was lost and the vehicle hit, most people would stop and check, and then the group began to gather around, demanding to lose money.

Anyway, when driving on African roads, you will encounter all kinds of things. It is not a big thing, but it can make you sick. So when Yu Zhigan saw someone throwing a corpse up, he didn't stop at all and moved on.

"Boss, we seem to hit someone!"

"I know, a corpse. I have encountered it many times before. The corpse had one leg missing just now. It's very powerful. It can run so fast without one leg!"

"is it?"

"Of course I am sure!"

At this time, Liu Wenlong's voice came from the walkie-talkie: "Captain, we seem to have killed someone just now!"

"That's a corpse. Please pay attention to the rearview mirror. You can see that someone will collect the corpse for him later, but the corpse that has been crushed by the truck will not be used anymore, and it may be lost later!"

"Ah, let me see!"

Liu Wenlong followed Yu Zhigan's words and looked in the rearview mirror. Sure enough, after the convoy drove past, several black men stood on the edge of the road, looking at the corpse on the ground. At the same time, they kept pointing to Yu Zhigan, saying something, and finally took the corpse. Throw it aside.

"Did you see it? Learn a little bit. After you leave Cape Town, all the black people you meet want to bite off a piece of meat from you. Don't stop easily and move on. Today, we try to walk 400 kilometers to Ange. Trim."

"Received, Captain!"

In the car behind, Liu Wenlong and the co-pilot's Han Cheng looked at each other, helplessly counseled their shoulders, and continued to drive. They had been around the embassy before. The first time they encountered this situation, they felt that their worldview seemed to be Was subverted.

It turns out that Africa is like this. I might have stayed in a fake Africa before. (End of this chapter)