War Contractor

Chapter 129: confusion


In the central street of the town, where the black and white boundary is located, the corpse of a black man was lying in the middle of the road. He was shot to the end and he had not died yet, and he was still trying to crawl on the ground little by little.

After a few minutes, a few black people came over in droves, ready to go to the opposite white community to have some fun.

Their fun is to steal something or rob a house. With good luck, they will have money for a few days of drinking.

"Oh, it's the little wild wolf, why is he here!"

The black man recognized at a glance that the gang members in the black community were lying on the ground, and he immediately walked over. The little wild wolf looked at several gang members dying: "Man, save me!"

"what happened to you?"

"I was attacked by the white gang, and they took my goods and money!" After speaking, he passed out immediately.

Very often, a bloodshed broke out because of a trivial matter, a few quarrels, and then a knife and a gun. No one knows what will happen next second.

After several gang members told their boss, the furious black leader immediately gathered his men and prepared to take revenge.

The black gangs began to assemble, and their movements could not be hidden from the white gangs. They also began to assemble, and fierce conflicts began to erupt between the two sides.

Just when Yu Zhiqian was about to change the guard to rest, the gunfire came again. This time the gunfire was much denser than before. It was like firecrackers were set off in some places during the Chinese New Year. stop.

"Kill all the whites, kill all the assholes!" The black gang roared loudly and rushed into the white community. In terms of the number of gangs, blacks accounted for an absolute number.

Among the black gangs, most are usually civilians, but at this time they become mobs, and the white gangs are not dominant. After fighting for a period of time, they begin to slowly retreat.

The people in the small town are very experienced, especially the white townspeople. When they received the blacks and began to gather, their families had already begun to retreat, leaving their homes and seeking refuge in the church. There would be white self-defense forces. Members, they will kill all black people who try to attack. ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

The whites and blacks living here have fierce conflicts almost every month. Today, the blacks attack the white community, and tomorrow the whites attack the black community. They continue to each other like government forces and rebels. Call back and forth.

Those who have the conditions have moved out a long time ago, and those who have no conditions can only continue to live here and continue the endless struggle. Tragedies happen every day. As for the root cause of these things, in addition to the skin color problem, it is more profitable. problem.

This town is on the highway, and the main income comes from the vehicles on the highway. Blacks and whites also opened hotels, restaurants, and red light districts. At the beginning, the two sides fought for the source of customers. Over time, they became hostile to each other and became enemies.

"Smash these hotels, these fucking hotels took our business!" Yu Zhiqian was staring at the gate attentively, and he heard the black man yelling, saying things that Yu Zhiqian could not understand, and there was a figure in the gate at the same time. It shook, and someone started hitting the gate.

"John, Liu Wenlong, take your people, prepare to fight, someone will rush into the hotel!"

"Roger that!"

John and the others were ready long ago. After quickly packing up their equipment, they came to the small courtyard, and the black people outside the house were still constantly attacking the door, but the hotel owner, that is, the old man, repaired the door. It's fairly solid, and it didn't break off after a long time.

"Get out of the way, let me come!" A black man drove a car. After falling back a certain distance, he slammed on the accelerator and slammed directly into the gate. He didn't want to kill him at all, even after he hit the gate. , Would he have sex, instead he yelled excitedly while accelerating.


A huge crash sounded, the door was directly knocked open, and the front of the vehicle was considered scrapped, with white smoke and no airbags. The black man in the car was hit with a bloody head, but still dashed in. In the yard.

"Grab them all, kill them all!"

The black gangsters screamed and rushed in. They had various weapons in their hands, all kinds of weapons, all kinds of knives, guns and sticks. Some blacks held them in one hand and a baseball bat in the other. I don’t know. What he was thinking, maybe their weapon had no bullets.


Without any warning, he directly ordered the shooting. This black mob Yu Zhiqian has also seen him. They don't care who you are. Now their purpose is to rob and steal everything they see in front of them. This is their only purpose.

After receiving the order from Yu Zhiqian, everyone immediately fired. The dozen or so blacks who rushed into the gate were all shot dead and fell into a pool of blood. The blacks behind were startled by the intensive gunfire. He directly retracted.

Yu Zhiqian did not use 416, but took out his Mosin Nagan, ready to use this group of blacks to practice hand skills.

The blacks who rushed in in the first round were all shot dead, and the hotel owner just showed his head and closed his door tightly, without showing up.

"John, Liu Wenlong, you closed the door in the past, everyone should not rest tonight, beware of black revenge!"

"Roger that!"

After more than a dozen blacks were killed here, the fierce firefight immediately attracted the attention of the gang boss. He drove to the roadside of the hotel and looked at his men: "What's in here?"

"Boss, this evening, a convoy drove in, five trucks, and three escort vehicles. One of them was an escort, which seemed to be an escort from the military!"

"Sorry, why didn't you tell me that someone from the military was there!"

The gang boss was taken aback. They fought back and forth in this small town, but they never provoke the South African military. They also know how much they are, and if they fight against the military, they should leave it to the opposition. Do it, you don’t want to fuck too early.

Although the South African military is very weak in combating terrorists, there are still some small forces in suppressing some local gangs. It can be said that it is cruel and cruel.

As long as it is the South African military, there will be basically no survival. Even in some areas of South Africa, no one will report the military.

Because they know that no matter how messy the gangs in the town are, they will not be killed, but if the military comes, if they don't pay, they will really clear out the no-man's land, and none of them will be spared! (End of this chapter)