War Contractor

Chapter 132: The ghost knows what happened to Robert Jr


This waiting lasted for three days. Within three days, Little Robert was eating and drinking Lazard in this straw cloth room.

There were many times when Robert Jr. had an urge to rush out directly, but he was sensibly told that he could not rush out, rushing out, he would undoubtedly die, so he endured it all.

Until Kenny detonated the entire bomb, the entire hotel was turned into a ruin, and in the straw cloth room on the third floor, Robert Jr. felt like a violent earthquake had occurred. The world was spinning and the whole world collapsed.

With the collapse of the building, when Little Robert woke up again, he found himself in a very dark confined space. There were lights before, but now it is infinitely dark.

Robert Jr. started to check his body for the first time and made sure that there were only some bruises. When there were no other injuries, he breathed a sigh of relief and wanted to stand up, only to find that he was trapped in a very small space.

"Come on, help! Is there anyone!"

No matter how stupid little Robert is, the building collapsed and he was trapped. He would either starve to death or die of thirst here, so he wanted to use his best efforts to survive.

The first thing, Robert Jr. began to look around for possible exits, or places where light came in.

However, he collapsed on the third floor, there were ruins below, and ruins above were smashed down. He was buried very tightly.

However, Little Robert had better luck. The place under his feet was a whole piece of concrete structure. After the building collapsed, it did not break, but fell directly on the rock below.

And the ceiling above the head did not break. It became a slope, blocking all kinds of stones, steel bars and other things that fell from it. It is considered to be one of the few safe areas in the entire building. It is a miracle.

Little Robert, who was buried alive, began to cry for help. For the first two days, there was no response. The surroundings were dark, like a black hole, trying to swallow Little Robert.

Little Robert even saw the god of death, holding a huge sickle, and slowly walking towards him step by step, a little bit ready to take him into hell, little Robert felt that he was going to die.

In the darkness, Robert Jr. exhausted everything to leave, constantly detecting the surrounding environment, and finally found some food in a long and narrow hole. It was something that he found unpalatable when he was hiding in the grass cloth before and lost. There was no food on the side, but these foods saved his life.

On the seventh day when the building collapsed, Robert Jr. had no food and passed out. Before he fell into a coma, he seemed to feel that something on him was moving, as if someone had come to rescue him, but Robert Jr. thought all this was an illusion and he was about to die. Up.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself in a hospital surrounded by a group of people. Robert Jr. was one of the five survivors found by construction workers while cleaning up the rubble. The remaining four people were still in a coma. Life and death are uncertain.

"I'm still alive?" Little Robert looked at the ceiling, and the doctors around him raised his arms weakly and asked the people around him.

"Child, what's your name? You are still alive, you are just a little weak!" The doctor asked in a low voice. For these doctors, a person who survived the explosion and collapse of a dozen-story building is already a It was a miracle, and this person was buried for nearly seven days. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

"My name, my name, Robert Val. Am I in the hospital? Am I not dead?"

"Yes, you are fine!"

After the doctor had finished questioning, it was the police's turn to ask. The police had examined Robert Jr.'s body and found no tattoos of any terrorist organization, but they still need to conduct routine questioning.

"Where are you from? What do you do and why were you in the hotel at the time!"

Robert Jr. gave a weak look at the policeman: "I am from Cape Town, from the Casa ethnicity, and I am an employee of Global International Wolf Warrior Travel. At that time, I took eight Chinese tourists to eat in the hotel. The terrorists have been kidnapped!"

When the police heard that Robert Jr. was from the Kasa ethnic group, they almost understood that Robert Jr. could not be a member of the Afrikaans terrorist organization, because all South Africans know that the Afrikaans and the Kassas Is a mortal enemy.

However, there are still some procedures. The South African side investigated Robert Jr.’s personal files and thanked Yu Zhiqian for paying him a salary to avoid taxation. Robert Jr., like many South Africans, did not have an ID card, but because of paying taxes. Proof, so I found news about Robert in the South African database.

How to describe the corpse discovered by Yu Zhigan and others before, can only be said to be a misunderstanding, because it is a black man who was tortured and killed, Yu Zhigan can only judge based on some physical characteristics of Robert Jr., unable to distinguish the appearance, the ghost knows death Who is it.

However, Yu Zhiqian buried him and collected his body. Little Robert spent six days in the hospital before leaving the hospital, and went to the previous company address as soon as possible. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

The hapless little Robert even had his clothes sent to him by the hospital. He didn't have a penny on him. He walked for three hours before he came to the company. As a result, the company was already empty.

But fortunately, Robert Jr. remembered Yu Zhiqian's phone number, so he thought of a way. After he stole a pair of shoes and sold it, he finally had the money to call Yu Zhiqian. If he didn't call, he knew that the company had moved.

"Sorry, Robert Jr., we thought you were dead, so...!"

"I know the head, I watched the news!" Little Robert said slowly after being silent for a while. He was also angry at the beginning. Why didn't Yu Zhigan save himself, but after reading the detailed report, his boss also After being seriously injured, I had already seen it in my heart. After all, in the situation at that time, if I saved myself and couldn't contact myself, more people would only die.

"We even held a funeral for you, damn it, I also bought you a very expensive coffin, Xiete, the loss is big, this money will be deducted from your salary!"

Yu Zhigan started to complain endlessly again. Robert Jr. did not die, and Yu Zhigan was in a good mood. Having lived together for so long, it is false to have no feelings. At least he did not want Robert Jr. to die for Yu Zhigan's election.

"Boss, you bought this for me. You can't deduct my salary. I don't even have a piece of clothing now!"

"Don't worry, all your things are in the new company. Don't worry, they are all there!"

"That's good!"

ps: Could such an important supporting role die so easily? A few book friends who have tactics, please recharge your money, otherwise they will die miserably. (End of this chapter)