War Contractor

Chapter 18: new member


After changing his clothes, he was stinking for a long time, shaved his beard with his dagger, and let little Robert help him to cut his hair, watching the hair that had been left for more than forty days being shaved from the top of his head, Yu Zhiqian was a little curious. Is it the scalp's non-retention or the clippers' pursuit

"My literary youth dream!" Yu Zhiqian felt a little distressed. He once dreamed of walking around the world with a sword, with long flowing hair. It seems that this dream can only be a dream anyway.

Ten minutes later, a white man who seemed to be in his fifties, pushing his own car, walked into the company's open space.

At the first glance after seeing the people, Yu Zhigan was a little bit disappointed. As expected, there was no good product at the cheap price. An old man came here, and he could be Yu Zhigan's father at this age.

"Hello, is it the Global Wolf Warrior Security Company? I'm here to apply!"

Yu Zhigan stepped forward and shook hands: "Hello, I am the general manager of Global Wolf Warrior Security Company, Yu Zhigan, you can call me Yu!"

"Hello, my name is John, and Karllev you can call me John!"

Walking into the reception room, which is where you usually eat, there are only tables and chairs here. It looks like the same thing. After all, you are poor and you have to overcome suffering and create conditions.

"Hello, Mr. John, how old are you this year?"

John smiled and handed over his ID card. Yu Zhiqian glanced at it. He was from South Africa, but he was 48 years old.

"Do you have any military service experience?"

John nodded: "Yes, I used to serve in the British SBS!"


Yu Zhigan was stunned when he heard this self-introduction. SBS, it looks like a dumb plural. The full name is the British Special Forces, but more often it refers to the British Special Ark Squadron, which can also be regarded as the originator of the modern special forces. The army is also one of the ten famous special forces in the world.

"Yes, I'm sure, but I only served for three years, and I retired because of injuries!" After speaking, he showed his left hand, two fingers missing, and the little finger and ring finger were gone.

"Um, well, I'm a little curious, why do you want to apply for our company? You know, the salary offered by our company is very low, even inferior to some ordinary workers, and the job is dangerous!"

John smiled helplessly: "I emigrated to South Africa because of my wife, but she passed away three years ago, and I became unemployed later, so I have been doing odd jobs to make ends meet, but you know, In the current situation in South Africa, it is difficult for us whites to find a suitable job. I can't pay the rent now. If I don't want to go to the refugee camp in George Park, you are my only hope!"

"Is it because it includes food and housing?"

"Yes it is!"

"Well, you were admitted, but do you have a weapon? I mean guns!"


"That's good!"

"When can I come to work!"


"Then I'll go back and clean up, I'm coming over tonight!"

John came quickly, and went quickly. Robert Jr. walked out from a distance and looked at John's back. "Head, why did you hire him? He is so old!"

"No matter how old you are, others will be more useful than you. From now on, we will cook one more person for the meals every day. Please tidy up the house next to you and live with John!"

"Why didn't he clean up by himself!"

"Because I want you to do it, are you itchy?"

Robert Jr. immediately retracted his head and ran to clean up the house. Yu Zhiqian squatted at the door and smoked. Maybe the time has come. He actually recruited a retired SBS soldier today.

SBS, anyone with a bit of military knowledge knows the power of this force. If the US Navy SEALs and Delta are the world's most famous special forces, then SBS may be one of the strongest special forces in the world.

The number of their personnel is roughly 400. They are the main means for Britain to deal with low-intensity wars and regional conflicts, and it is also a sharp edge for terrorists to deal with terrorist attacks. The most famous battle was the eve of the Iraq War. The SBS team secretly infiltrated Iraq. The city disrupted Iraq’s communications network, and when the coalition ground forces attacked, the Iraqi forces fell into complete chaos and isolation.

With a salary of about 100 rand a day, it can be said that it is a gift from the sky to recruit such a person. Although people with some fingers are disabled, they are not important fingers. They are enough to fight in Africa.

Originally, he was going to enter the system to check the training. Yu Zhiqian was not in the mood. Instead, he wondered how to learn something from John. You must know that the training method of SBS is different from most special forces in the world, and it has always been very mysterious , Everyone who can be selected by SBS has a skill.

Most of the soldiers of special forces are not all-powerful, but most of the soldiers of SBS are all-powerful. First of all, they must be able to drive ships. After all, they are a force active on the sea, and secondly, they must learn to drive helicopters. Armored vehicle.

In addition, there are various skills such as armed swimming, diving, underwater diving, etc. Generally, special forces only need to know some, not all, but they must learn all of them.

Yu Zhiqian learned his skills from a unit called the Siberian Tiger, but in all fairness, except for a few special forces in the country, they can raise Wei internationally. More special forces have no experience in overseas duties. At the same time, due to military restrictions, there are For other reasons, the ability is not outstanding.

For example, Yu Zhiqian, he is a fierce tiger in the jungle, but if the terrain of the desert or the city, Yu Zhigan's ability will drop a lot, after all, he has special skills in the art industry.

After four o’clock in the afternoon, John came to the company’s gate again. It was still the same bicycle, but this time it was pushed over, with various things tied to the back seat, pulled by a bicycle. Something, it feels like it's about to catch up with a car, I really don't know how he keeps the balance of this car.

John changed his clothes. Yu Zhiqian recognized it at a glance. This was one of SBS's military uniforms. Yu Zhiqian saw the medals attached to the uniforms at a glance, a frog, and two oars beside the frog. This is special The logo of the boat squadron.

"Little Robert comes out to help!"

After Yu Zhigan finished speaking, he took one of his big boxes, which was heavy. John smiled, and forcefully took down a few more boxes and put them on the side of the road. After Yu Zhigan saw it, he shook his head: "You are here. Don't move, I will put the box in, and you will carry the box in later. If there is no one to guard it, it will be gone soon. There is little here, but there are more thieves!"

After speaking, he yelled at the room again: "Little Robert, get out quickly, and then I'll be lazy and I will smash your ass!" (End of this chapter)