War Contractor

Chapter 2: Finally, there is finally business!



Yu Zhigan answered without hesitation, but after another thought, he felt a little uncomfortable. As if he needed business, he coughed softly, lowered his voice as much as possible, and spoke slowly with a thick tobacco and alcoholic voice: "Hello, Global Wolf Warrior Security Company is here for you. What kind of business do you need? Global Wolf Warrior Company can provide various large, medium and small businesses such as internal security, escort, security, etc. Of course, if you have... "

"I need someone to protect the safety of my factory!"

"May I ask how big your factory is and what kind of service you need. We will provide you with services at different prices according to the size of your company..."

"Ten thousand, within an hour, bring your people to Calley Mining Company in Simon Town!"

Ten thousand yuan. After Yu Zhigan listened, his excitement suddenly calmed down, but after thinking about his own income, it was only more than one hundred rand a day, and there was a system that was about to disappear, ten thousand for ten thousand. Well, there are 10,000 yuan, and Robert Jr's salary is considered to be his own food expenses this month.

"I hope I don't shoot!" Yu Zhiqian muttered and was about to hang up and set off for Simon Town. The reason for not shooting is because the price of bullets is a bit expensive.

The system gave me a hand. The Romanian original product, the magazine is American, and the bullet is also produced by the American company. It is much more expensive than the bullet produced in the small workshops in the Middle East and Africa, but there is only one standard magazine, which I bought later. With a few bullets, one round can be sold for 20 rand, 10,000 yuan is only enough for 500 rounds.

"Ten thousand dollars, I will pay half of the deposit immediately after you arrive. You must ensure the safety of our factory until noon tomorrow!"

On the other end of the phone, he added another sentence. After listening to this sentence, Yu Zhigan immediately came to his mind. He thought it was a bronze, but he did not expect to be a king. Yu Zhigan calculated with his fingers and could exchange for more than 60,000 yuan. , I have a year’s income, and the most important thing is that the system is activated while still making money. I am one step closer to reaching the pinnacle of my life.

"Okay, sir, I'll be there in an hour!"

"Okay, just call me at the door!"

After hanging up the phone, Yu Zhiqian immediately dialed Little Robert's phone: "Hey, bastard, don't buy groceries, immediately take your group of Hu Peng and dog friends to Simon Town, there is a big business!"

"Boss, big business, how big business?"

"I'll pay you salary when I'm done!"

"Good boss, I'm going to find my friends now, but I am riding a bicycle, which is not very convenient..."

"What kind of bicycle, taxi, stop, rent a car, take your people to Simon's Town for an hour, or you will get out of here, and don't want your salary!"

"Good boss, I'm going now!"

After hanging up the phone, Yu Zhigan hummed a small tune, took out a big box from under the bed, mentioned his sex, opened it gently, and placed a well-maintained AK47 on the bottom of the box.

On the side of the weapon was a pistol, M1911, five magazines and a big red box, which contained scattered bullets.

From the bottom of the shabby wardrobe, he took out a Kevlar body armor, put it on, loaded the magazine, and checked the weapon. Yu Zhigan walked to the garage and drove out a tattered pickup truck.

These things are considered Yu Zhigan’s most valuable things. The pickup truck was bought for one thousand dollars and was used for delivery during transportation. Originally, Yu Zhigan still had a 56 Sudden, but after he had an AK, he sold it. Weapons in Africa. Very important, a reliable weapon is more trustworthy than anyone.

There was no time delay. After the pickup truck opened the gate, there was no time for the chain door, and it ran directly onto the highway. As for the yard, there was nothing worth stealing except the broken motorcycle.

Simon’s Town is located in the South Peninsula and South Peninsula of Cape Town. It is an industrial area where mining companies from around the world gather. It is also the world’s largest diamond processing and exporting area, and one is worth less than 100 rand in South Africa. Diamonds, packaged by these companies and issued with an appraisal certificate, are immediately worth tens of thousands. And South Africa Double Diamond, my partner, also resounded all over the world because of these companies.

The dilapidated pickup truck was driving on the potholes. Yu Zhiqian felt that he was not driving a car, but riding a roller coaster. With the ups and downs of the ground, his body was ups and downs in the car. Fortunately, he had the foresight. Bring the motorcycle helmet, otherwise the head is estimated to have blossomed now.

It’s less than 30 kilometers from George Park in Langa to Simon’s Town, but because the roads in South Africa are so fucking, it almost overturned several times, and it took Yu Zhigan nearly forty minutes to get there.

After inquiring all the way, I finally found the company called Calle Mining Company. Some black people had gathered at the door. Little Robert was sitting on the ground smoking a cigarette carrying an old-fashioned AK. After seeing Yu Zhigan coming, he immediately ran over with a smile. "Boss, here you are, these are my brothers, how about? Everyone only needs one hundred yuan to work for us for a day!"

"Well, it's not bad!" Yu Zhiqian just glanced at it and didn't want to look at it. This group of black people was really terrible. Some even had bolt-on rifles, but you get what you pay for, and you can find a weapon with a hundred rand. Yes, it is considered high quality and low price.

"Hey, here we are!"

Soon, the two white men opened the door and walked to the door. When they saw Yu Zhigan, they were first taken aback. They didn't expect to be an Asian, but after seeing the black man behind Yu Zhigan, their faces immediately changed: "Excuse me, you are a global warfare." Yu, the person in charge of Wolf Security Company? Japanese?"

"No, sir, I am from Huaxia, what do you call sir?"

"My name is Calle, a Chinese native? Well, Mr. Yu, with all due respect, you may not be suitable for this mission, at least I think they are not suitable!"

Yu Zhiqian looked back at the black people standing or lying behind him. It seemed that there was something wrong, but he could only find these people and coughed softly: "Mr. Calle, believe me, they are all excellent security personnel. We are professional!" Yu Zhiqian must not give up this task. Money is not important. Well, money is important, but activating the system is also very important.

Just after speaking, Robert Jr. received the call, and immediately walked to Yu Zhigan: "Boss, we can't take this business!"


"This man named Calle, he has offended Sopra, Sopra has already spoken, and he will kill everyone in the factory tonight!"

Yu Zhigan was stunned: "Who is Sopra?"

"The boss of Simon Town has fifty or sixty people under him. These people were formerly Namibian anti-government militants. Later, they smuggled into Cape Town. No one dared to provoke them here!"

Although Robert Jr.'s voice was not loud, at night, the black people around could still hear clearly. After hearing Sopra's name, several black people turned around and left.

And more black people greeted little Robert, and left in groups. There were originally more than 30 black people supporting the scene, but now only Yu Zhigan and Robert are left.

"Mr. Yu, I think I'd better contact others again, you and your subordinates are not reliable!" After Kallie said in a contemptuous tone, he turned and walked towards the factory.

"Sure enough, the Huaxia people are unreliable, damn it, I'm just looking for these people because of my brain!"

"Boss, we can't find anyone else... No one wants to offend Sopra."

"Schet, damn Sopra, stupid Chinese, wasting my time!"

He spoke Spanish, and Yu Zhiqian happened to understand Spanish. After Yu Zhiqian heard this, he pointed his gun at Caled's feet and pulled the trigger. Twenty rand was wasted like that.

"Damn, what are you going to do?" Kallie was taken aback and took a step back, holding a pistol and pointing at Yu Zhiqian.

"I advise you to put down your weapons. Before you shoot, I can kill you. I am a professional gunner!"

Kallie's face changed suddenly, and finally he slowly lowered his weapon: "Huaxia, what are you doing?"

"I think I have to follow this business. I want to let you know that Huaxia people are very reliable!"

"Only you?"

"Only the two of us!"

Kallie pointed at Yu Zhiqian's side: "Now you are the only one!"

Yu Zhigan turned his head and looked over, and saw that Little Robert had run out for a few meters. After realizing that he had been found, he waved at Yu Zhigan: "Boss, if you want to die, I don’t want to die. Boiled the soup!"

"Well, I take back what I said before, and I will take this task alone!"

"you sure?"

"OK! But I want this number!" Yu Zhiqian raised three fingers after speaking, but felt that this was a bit of suspicion of asking prices, and then retracted another finger.

The person next to Kallie whispered to Kallie: "Boss, we can't find anyone now. This Huaxia guy seems to be pretty reliable!"

"Well, I promise you, but I can't give you a deposit first. You have to guard us until 12 o'clock tomorrow noon. At that time, I will give you all the money at once!"

"Yes!" (End of this chapter)