War Contractor

Chapter 21: Boarding


Without the random shooting of the pirate lottery, the speedboat soon came to the right side of the Guangzhou. There were still several pirates active around the ship's side. The pirates knew that there were frigate combatants approaching the ship, but But there is still no panic. They know that as long as the ship enters the territorial waters of Somalia, these fighters will retreat, otherwise it will cause international disputes.

"Luo Xing, kill the pirates on the deck, we are ready to board the ship!"

"Roger that!"

The drivers on the four speedboats took out a rope gun in unison and fired at the position of the Guangzhou guardrail. Four rope guns with ropes passed through the guardrail, and the sharp special spear heads directly pierced the iron skin of the container behind. , And then, like a blooming flower, a back hook appeared to hook the container to prevent the rope from slipping the hook.

After Yang Rui pulled the rope vigorously to make sure that there was no problem, he raised his thumb to indicate that he could board the ship. Yu Zhiqian carried his weapon behind his back, with a dagger in his mouth, and buckled the safety rope. With a sharp leap of his legs, he clung to the hull of the Guangzhou Ship and quickly climbed upward.

Stone followed closely, followed by Lu Chen, and Tong Li was in charge of suppressing firepower at the end to prevent pirates from shooting from the guardrail at this time.

The Guangzhou ship is a large ocean-going freighter. It climbs from the bottom of the ship to the guardrail, which is equivalent to climbing a five or six-story building. It took Yu Zhiqian nearly a minute to finally see the guardrail. I saw pirates running towards here from the side.

"Damn it!" Yu Zhiqian snorted, violently grasped the guardrail with both hands, pulled up his body, rolled over the guardrail, and entered the deck of the ship. At this time, the black man who came to the front also watched. When Yu Zhiqian reached the overturned, holding the gun and preparing to shoot, Yu Zhigan untied the safety rope with one hand, and with the other hand, grabbed the dagger held in his mouth and threw it violently.

The moment the dagger was thrown out, the safety cord was also released. The moment the safety cord was unhooked, Yu Zhiqian fell onto the deck, rolled twice on the ground, hid in the cracks of a container, and took his pistol. He pulled out, supported the ground with one hand, stood up instantly, leaned out quickly, and shot at the pirates in the distance.

The two pirates only had time to fire one shot before they died, and they were all shot to death by Yu Zhigan. Yu Zhigan took a few steps forward and shot at the pirate's head. After confirming that they were dead, he said something to the headset. : "Deck safety, over!"

The Dragon Dragon members on the remaining three ropes turned over from the periphery of the guardrail and gave Yu Zhiqian a thumbs up. Yu Zhiqian did not speak, but kept a vigilant posture.

"Good job! But next time you follow the instructions!" Yang Rui passed by Yu Zhiqian and said in a low voice. Originally encountered this situation, it should be Luo Xing on Seabird 1 who solved the danger and then turned it over again. On board, Yu Zhiqian's personal heroism is not advocated.

"Yes, Captain!"

After all the team members boarded the ship, they began to move forward in a three-thirds search formation. There were still a few pirates on the deck, but they were all killed before they had time to shoot.

At this time, Yu Zhigan spotted the dead body of a crew member sharply: "Report to the captain and found the dead body of a crew member!"

"Grass!" Yang Rui ran over immediately, inspected the body, and after confirming that he had been dead for a long time, he slowly stood up: "Luo Xing, report the enemy's location!"

"Report to the captain, no signs of pirates have been found on the deck for the time being!"

"What about the hostages?"

"The hostages were brought to the cockpit by the pirates just now!"

At this moment, Captain Gao Yun's voice came from the headset: "Yang Rui, Guangzhou has completed its turn and is now heading towards the Somali waters. Find a way to stop the ship!"

"Roger that!"

Yang Rui turned his head, waved his hand, and motioned everyone to squat down: "Xu Hong, you take people to the cockpit, turn off the fuel supply valve, and let the ship stop!"


"Lu Chen, you follow the second captain and them to the cabin and kill the pirates outside the safe room. There are compatriots in the safe room. We must ensure their safety!"


"The rest, follow me!"


Fifteen people split into three teams in an instant. Yu Zhiqian followed Yang Rui, along the stairs, and cautiously touched the position of the cockpit. When he came here, Yu Zhiqian thought of some plots. First of all, Luo Xing would be shot and killed in the cockpit. A robber, Yang Rui led a force attack from both sides, and quickly rescued all the hostages, but the pirate who killed a hostage jumped off the ship, and Luo Xing was injured in the pursuit, resulting in paralysis for life.

Yu Zhiqian squinted his eyes, and began to figure out how to avoid Luo Xing's injury. After roughly having an idea in his mind, he came to the position under the cockpit.

Yang Rui gestured to divide into two groups, one left and the other right. Yu Zhigan nodded and took the lead to move to the left. Tong Li and the stone followed Yu Zhigan, lowering her body as much as possible. Every step she took was very light. Dare to make too much noise, for fear of alarming the pirates in the cockpit.

Just when the left and right sides were in place, the boat shook suddenly, and Yu Zhigan and the others almost didn't squat down and fell. The stone behind them grabbed Yu Zhigan's arm and stabilized.

The ship suddenly accelerated, and the ship that was originally slow suddenly increased speed. At this time, Xu Hong's voice sounded in the headset: "Report to the captain that all the fuel supply valves have been destroyed and the fuel supply cannot be cut off!"

Not only was there no way to stop the ship, but the Guangzhou suddenly started to accelerate. It turned out to be only a dozen nautical miles per hour, and it suddenly mentioned 23 knots. The shaking just now may have been caused by the ship's sudden acceleration.

"Yang Rui, there is not much time for you, you have ten minutes left to evacuate!"

Luo Xing also reported the latest intelligence to Yang Rui. The hostages were treated as physical shields, standing in a row around the cockpit. If any accident occurs in the attack, it will cause a lot of hostage casualties.

"Attention to all units, in order to ensure the safety of the hostages, we must keep all positions and do it at the same time, over!"

Yu Zhiqian replaced Tong Li and became the attacker on the left. After hearing Yang Rui's words, he gently pressed the intercom: "Received on the left!"

"Sniper point, sniper point! Are you sure over there! Not sure, we will start the storm in three minutes, it's over!"

"Captain, Captain, I'll get back to you within two minutes!"

After Luo Xing finished speaking, he looked at the observer beside him: "Li understand, do we have any chance here!"

Li Dao looked at the data in his hand: "There is a lot of turbulence from the bow to the stern, and the average wind speed is between 45 and 55. To avoid the impact of the airflow on the bullet, we must maintain a distance of 120 meters from the cockpit. Between one hundred and fifty meters, the speed of the ship is now 23 knots, and the best shooting time is only three seconds, otherwise the ship will collide!"

Luo Xing nodded: "Seabird One, is there any problem!"

"no problem!"

After Luo Xing received the definite reply, he immediately notified Yang Rui: "Captain, Captain, ten seconds later, start sniping!"

"All ready!" (End of this chapter)