War Contractor

Chapter 28: Green cabbage buns


In the Republic of Ivia, Chinese citizens began to retreat.

There are 130 Chinese citizens in the Republic of Ivia, as well as 30 foreign employees. First, this group of people gather in two places, one is the port area, and the other is the embassy.

In addition, some foreign employees and embassy wives are still in the factory. They need to be transferred to a settlement in the Republic of Ivia before proceeding to the next step of retreat. At this time, every minute and every second , All matters, no one knows what will happen in the next second.

On the ship, Gao Yun has been notified that the Linyi can dock at Omaha Port for evacuation operations. After the ship entered the Ivia waters, it immediately entered a state of first-level combat readiness.

Many people often hear the first-level combat readiness during the exercise, but they don’t understand what the first-level combat readiness means. If it is in China, it means the state of war in our country is very obvious, such as the tense state of a certain year with Asange. , Was in the first level of combat readiness.

While a troop is in the first level of combat readiness, all members quickly arrive at their jobs and are ready to fight at any time. Those on vacation will immediately cancel their vacation and rush back to the troop within a limited time.

Thirty seconds later, the Linyi, the warship that had been traveling peacefully in the Gulf of Aden, suddenly revealed its sharp minions and opened all its weapon systems. The missile silo cover was opened, and the gun was close to the main gun. Bit, ready to fire at any time.

At this time on the ship, Yang Rui is making the final deployment: "Attention everyone, this time, if we need to be dispatched, our weapons and the weapons and ammunition used by the Republic of Ivia are not universal. In order to prevent accidents and facilitate the replenishment of ammunition, All of us will use NATO-standard weapons, and you will choose your own weapons and be ready to dispatch at any time!"

At this time, Tong Li, Lu Chen, Xu Hong and others noticed that Yu Zhiqian had been holding a HK416 in his hand, constantly wiping it, looking at Yu Zhiqian as if looking at a monster: "Lao Yu, how do you know that we have been using foreign military equipment this time? of?"

"I have been using this HK416!"


"Come to Somalia, why, I fell in love with foreign military equipment!" Gu Shun suddenly said a word, and the rest of the team immediately glared at each other.

"Gu Shun how do you talk!"

Stone had the most violent temper. After hearing Gu Shun’s words, he immediately glared back. Yu Zhigan took the stone and took a look at Gu Shun. This guy really couldn’t speak like in the movie: “I just want to be blue when I go back. military!"

In the domestic exercises, the red-blue confrontation, the blue army's foreign-standard weapons and equipment, Yu Zhiqian said, there is nothing wrong with it.

Gu Shun also knew that he had offended a lot of people. Instead of talking, he focused on studying his own weapons. A group of people immediately became silent, and Yu Zhigan also found a problem. There was no problem between himself and his teammates. gap.

It seems that I didn't join this team abruptly, but was always in this team. In my mind, there were even some memories, connecting the bits and pieces of traffic between myself and the team, and the feelings with teammates could not be faked.

"What's the matter with the system?"

"During the dungeon mission, the host's associated memory, the host doesn't need to worry, you have files for everything in this mission space!"


When Yu Zhigan was about to continue to ask, the stone touched Yu Zhigan secretly: "Lao Yu, are you hungry?"

"what's happenin?"

"Here you!" After speaking, Stone took out two buns from his pocket and secretly handed one to Yu Zhiqian.

"Where did it come from?"

"When I went to change clothes, I passed by the restaurant and prepared a lot of delicious food for my compatriots over there. I took a few of them. I haven't eaten the buns for a long time. Try it!" Give it to Yu Zhiqian, and then slowly moved to Tong Li's side, coughed slightly, and passed the two buns over.

Tong Li's eyes lit up: "Where did it come from?"

"Don't worry about where it came from, just eat it!" After speaking, he turned his back, took out the bun from another pocket, took a big bite, and then turned around and continued to return to his own. position.

Yu Zhigan took a bite of the green cabbage steamed buns, his eyes lit up. On the sea, there is little chance of eating green vegetables. The people in the back cook make all kinds of meat every day, but there are very few green vegetables. Yu Zhigan has been here during this time. All I ate was meat. I didn't eat a few slices of green cabbage leaves. I could eat buns with green cabbage. I think it tastes better than big fish or meat.

The Linyi arrived at the port of Omaha half an hour ago and began to evacuate overseas Chinese. The first batch of expatriates waiting for the port of Omaha began to board the ship after checking their identity information.

Due to the rush of the evacuation action, many of the Chinese nationals lost their identity information when they evacuated, and now Ivia’s domestic situation is tense, not to mention Chinese citizens, including Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia and other countries next door, and many people are preparing to evacuate. It's just that their country's strength is not good enough. Some people have waited two or three days without any definite news.

The war has spread to Saye City (Omaha Port is a port of Saye City). People from these countries do not want to stay and wait for death. After seeing Chinese warships, they try to get involved in it. After all, East Asians look similar, so Want to mix into the Chinese ship.

In this situation, there is no time to verify the identity of the nationals. After all, the ID card and passport have been lost. Now the embassy has begun to retreat, and there is no time to inquire. As China becomes stronger and stronger, some foreigners will also say something. Chinese, especially Japanese, Japanese sounds very similar to some local dialects in the country, and with half-baked Chinese, it is easy to mix in.

At this time, Zhao Haiguang, Political Commissar Zhao, thought of a way, can you speak Chinese? Say you are Chinese but lost your ID? Yes, then please sing the national anthem again. As long as you can sing the national anthem, you can board the ship.

This method immediately screened out some people who wanted to mix in. Some people who wanted to mix in were immediately exposed. They can learn Mandarin, but they can't learn the national anthem.

After the compatriots get on the ship, the first thing is to be taken to the restaurant. The chefs of the fleet have prepared a variety of food for these worried compatriots. The dumplings in the south, dumplings, steamed buns, noodles, rice, basically Everything that can be done is done.

The food was very good. Many crew members were greedy when they looked at them, especially those green vegetables and watery fruits, which the crew wanted most to eat. They kept cursing the group of people in the back kitchen. I can't see the green vegetables, saying that the green vegetables have been eaten up, and now it is exposed, just like the stone, there are a lot of people who secretly smuggle the two Tibetan vegetables.

But if you want to get the steamed stuffed buns, you need to fight the wits and courage with the group of people in the back kitchen, and the fellow Shitou often goes to the back kitchen to help the kitchen, and he has the opportunity. (End of this chapter)