War Contractor

Chapter 29: The most beautiful retrograde team


Ten minutes ago, the Chinese Embassy in Ivia, after the arrival of the convoy of the Republic of Ivia, began to prepare to retreat.

Two armored vehicles, a medium-sized passenger car, a commercial vehicle, and a Hummer formed the evacuated convoy. They were all escorted convoys formed by the Ivia government forces. They will be responsible for sending the nationals in the embassy to the port. .

"Everyone picks up things, prepares to evacuate, prepares to evacuate!"

"it is good!"

A group of people, big and small, carrying their suitcases, quickly boarded the car, and Mr. Ambassador began to call his wife to find out about her situation.

No one noticed that after the convoy left, in a corner, an armed man took a walkie-talkie and said: "The Chinese embassy vehicle has left the embassy!"

The convoy drove towards the port. At the same time, the armed men received news that they wanted to force the convoy of the Chinese Embassy into the war zone. These armed men were prepared for a long time. They had already prepared an ambush at the intersection where the convoy must enter. , Ready to do it at any time.

Two armored vehicles, one at the front and the other at the back, shuttled through the city of Saye. On the street, you can clearly hear all kinds of gunfire and artillery. The rebels and government forces started. A fierce competition was launched in this city.

"Mom, I'm afraid!"

A child lay on his mother's lap and kept crying. The child who had never experienced such a thing was very scared.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, Mom is here, and we will be safe soon!" After speaking, he kept patting the child on the back, comforting him.

The cry of the child, the sound of gunshots, and the strange noises of vehicles passing over the ruins made the convoy a little depressed. Everyone's hearts were hanging. Before seeing the Chinese warship, no one dared to guarantee that it was safe.


There was a sudden explosion. The armored vehicle that was walking in the front encountered a roadside bomb and was directly blown over. However, the Hummer following behind did not stop, and the commander on the vehicle shouted: "Come over, rush over!"

As the vehicle accelerates, the armored vehicle behind the pad also starts to accelerate and continues to lead the battle, while the Hummer slows down. After you pad yourself, this is not to say that the people in the Hummer are greedy for life and fear of death. Any convoy is the easiest to be attacked. It is the leader and chaser.

The people in the Hummer did this to protect the compatriots in the middle two cars.

Suddenly, he was attacked and panic spread in the car. The armed police inside the car continued to comfort (the armed police were to defend the embassy) but the effect was not obvious.

"There is an enemy ahead, take a detour to the left and take the retreat route number two!"

The convoy encountered problems again. There seemed to be vehicles of anti-government militants all around, constantly appearing around, as if they were encircling the Chinese convoy.

Soon, the convoy was surrounded by various rebels and entered the fighting area. The lead armored vehicle came to a position of the Ivian Army. The ambassador held out his head to take a look at the situation and immediately issued the order to retreat, preparing Continue to detour.

But before the vehicle fell out, I saw an anti-government vehicle appearing behind my ass.

"Armed vehicles appeared behind!"

Several armed police officers immediately jumped out of the car and began shooting at the armed vehicles behind them. The compatriots in the car panicked even more.

At this time, an armed policeman saw a large hole in the iron fence of a window in a factory next to him, and he could go directly in. His eyes lit up: "Everyone, get off the car immediately and enter the factory. Quick, quick, quick!"

The convoy of armed men behind is getting closer and closer, and some people have already jumped out of the car and started to move fast towards the convoy.

"Everyone, fast, fast, fast!"

Everyone got out of the car one by one, and then began to climb over obstacles and entered the factory, while Mr. Ambassador dialed the distress call: "I am the ambassador to the Republic of Ivia. We evacuated the convoy and were forced into it by armed men. Belligerent zone, ask for support, ask for support!"

Just after speaking, a bullet came over, the ambassador was pressed down by the armed police, and the phone instantly fell to the ground.


"woo woo woo woo… "

The emergency assembly sound in the cabin rang, and Yu Zhiqian and others received the order.

"The convoy evacuated by the Chinese Embassy was forced into the war zone by the Ivia rebels. Ivia is currently unable to send troops to rescue. It has agreed that we will send ground troops to intervene in the rescue of our compatriots! And provide transportation support at the port. !"

"Now the first and second teams of Jiaolong, following the order, quickly went to the war zone and rescued our compatriots. We must ensure that none of our compatriots are missing and can they complete the mission!"


"Jiaolong team one, team two, set off immediately, team three stay to deal with emergencies!"

After the order, Yu Zhiqian and others immediately ran off the Linyi with their weapons, each carrying at least 40 kilograms of equipment, and ran towards the convoy on the road ahead.

"so hot!"

There were also compatriots who were boarding next to the fleet. When they saw the red five-star Jiaolong special team wearing a black combat uniform and hanging on their shoulders, they immediately uttered cheers.

"Come on!"

"Long live China!"

A group of people yelled loudly, and Yu Zhiqian and others looked back and gave a thumbs up.

"Come back alive!"

Although the compatriots did not know what these Chinese fighters were doing, they were obviously going to perform dangerous missions. Everyone sent their heartfelt blessings to the Jiaolong Commando!

Two armored transport vehicles and three Hummer command vehicles were parked in the port. They quickly left the port and moved quickly toward the war zone.

Now the whole Sayer City is in chaos. A large number of people began to retreat towards the periphery of the city. The order was very chaotic. The Ivia government mobilized the nearby army that could be mobilized, cleared a road, and passed the Jiaolong Special Team.

Just an hour ago, the leader of the Republic of Ivia was killed by militants. The current leader is the secretary of the former president. He has already lodged a political asylum appeal to the Chinese side, demanding that his family be taken out of Ivy. After obtaining consent, Asia strongly supported China's evacuation of overseas Chinese.

In the middle Hummer, Yang Rui held an electronic map in his hand, constantly studying the topography of the trapped compatriots: "Attention to all, attention to all! We are temporarily unable to enter the vicinity of the target factory. We changed from the adjacent residential building factory roof to enter. factory!"

"Then a team, Gu Shunli understands, you two are responsible for occupying the commanding heights of the periphery, observing the surrounding situation, reporting the movements of the armed elements at any time, and the rest follow me into the factory to rescue the trapped people!"

"Second team, you send three people to support the armed police outside the factory, and the remaining five people stay in the convoy to ensure the safety of the evacuation point, it's over!"

"Gu Shun received it, over!"

"Li understands, it's over!"

"Yu Zhiqian received it! Over!"

"The second team received it! Over!"

Everyone was escaping towards the outside of the city. All the fleeing crowds gathered to form a black survival channel, constantly surging outside the city, but there was a motorcade, going upstream to the battle zone, the most beautiful retrograde motorcade. (End of this chapter)