War Contractor

Chapter 30: rescue


In the convoy, Yu Zhiqian, Xu Hong and stones, and Tong Li, are located at the end of the vehicle.

"Lao Yu, are you afraid?" The stone suddenly asked while holding his weapon, looking out the window.

Yu Zhigan was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled: "Why, are you afraid of stones? What's the use of being afraid? I'm afraid we won't go to the battlefield? If I'm afraid we can hide from bullets?"

The stone lowered his head, took out a piece of candy, and then stuffed it into his own mouth. It was the first time he went on the battlefield. Everyone was afraid. In fact, this is the first time that the dragon has entered the battlefield seriously, although I have participated in various hostage rescues before, but this time it was really different.

There is still a big gap between pirates, robbers and the army. Yu Zhiqian has experienced several wars in Africa. The broken place in Africa has been beaten every few days. Although South Africa is the safest place in Africa, it has remained motionless in recent years. In riots, there are also some careerists from time to time, who will engage in some conspiracies.

Yu Zhigan has been in Africa for less than two years, and at least four wars are commonplace. Every small turmoil has caused thousands of deaths, tens of thousands. The number of people who have seen them is more than that, but Yu Zhigan does not have too much psychological pressure. , But the stones are different. They entered the battlefield for the first time, and what awaited them was a cruel, dehumanizing war.

Many people watch all kinds of news on TV, where and where there is a war, and occasionally a question arises in their minds, what is a war? Different people have different answers to this question.

Some people will say that war is a continuation of politics. When political demands cannot be met, war becomes a way to accomplish political goals.

Some people would say that war is the transfer of contradictions. When the contradictions in a region cannot be resolved, they can only turn their guns out and find another way to vent.

Some people would say that war is a game for big players,...

But Yu Zhiqian and others were witnesses of the war. They should have the most say right now. Looking at the armored vehicles, one after another, there are the corpses of the government of the Republic of Ivia. They were directly blown into two pieces by artillery shells. The corpses of civilians, before they died, their eyes widened, as if they saw something terrifying.

More corpses can’t be put together. You can only see corpses piece by piece. Some are still entangled and hung in some conspicuous positions. The black and white buildings are sprinkled with red blood and become smelly and dirty. dirty.

War, in Yu Zhigan’s eyes, is death, fear, and destruction of a family. Looking at the world like purgatory outside, there are ruins, black smoke, and wildfires everywhere. Compared with this, the country is a paradise among paradise. Yu Zhigan turned his head. , I am glad that I am not living in this kind of hell, I am glad that I was once the guardian of heaven, and I am glad that I can protect heaven once again.

"Stone, don't be afraid!" Tong Li comforted at this time, and Stone immediately turned red: "I am not afraid, I am, yes, yes..."

"The brave are fearless, and the strong are invincible!" Yu Zhiqian suddenly said, stretching out his fist.

Shishi, Tong Li, and Deputy Captain Xu Hong also stretched out their fists: "The brave are fearless, and the strong are invincible!"

Soon, the vehicle stopped in front of a residential building. Yu Zhiqian took the lead to jump out of the car, and then went directly to the entrance of the residential building. He squatted at the door with his gun pointed at the residential building. Go out, glanced around, and shouted: "Safe!"

The rest of the people also got off the car one after another, defending and preparing according to the tactical position and pre-war deployment. After Yang Rui and the others assembled, Yu Zhiqian took the lead and walked in. Originally, Yang Rui wanted to be in the forefront, but he saw that Yu Zhigan had already left. In the front, after giving me a thumbs up, he didn't speak and stood in the second position.

Nine people started to climb the building and fight. The person in the front is often the most dangerous. Yu Zhiqian walked forward quickly along the stairs. Every time he passed the corner stairs, he would stick his body out, with his gun pointed at it. Above, after confirming that there are no enemies on the upper level, we will continue to move forward.

A group of people moved very quickly and came to the roof of the residential building very quickly, and the residential building was opposite. Yang Rui glanced at the location of the factory and the residential building: "Gu Shun Li understands, look for the commanding heights!"

Immediately afterwards, everyone took off their backpacks, opened them quickly, took out the rope gun inside, stuffed the flowering steel head into the rope gun head, and pulled the trigger at the opposite factory.

The flowering steel head drilled into the wall of the opposite factory building, and then quickly bloomed like a square-shaped steel flower, which was firmly fixed on the wall. Then Xu Hong and others added the warhead behind the rope gun. Pull the trigger once.

Taking the rope gun off the rope, four life passages were erected between the two buildings, like a moat.

Gu Shunli knew how to move faster, walked directly along the roof of the residents, found the surrounding commanding heights, and began to set up sniper positions.

Yu Zhiqian and the others hung a sliding buckle on their waist and then hung it on the rope. The first group of four people slid along the rope from the residential building to the roof of the opposite factory.

Yu Zhiqian straightened his legs. When he touched the wall, his body stopped, then he unfastened the slide fastener and rolled around on the ground. The muzzle was facing the entrance of the building. The three people behind also came from the residential building. Came to the top of the factory building.

At this time inside the building, militants had entered from the other end and began to search for Chinese citizens hiding in the factory, five armed police and more than 20 nationals, hiding in a small room, waiting for rescue.

"Child, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, PLA uncles will come to save us!" The ambassador whispered to comfort the child in his arms.

The children who were crying in the car because of fear, now become very sensible, hiding in the arms of the adults, without crying, they are holding back, and their bodies are still trembling slightly.

Everyone’s hearts are now full of fear. They work and live in Ivia and know what kind of people this group of rebels are. If they fall into their hands, everyone may die.

The anti-government militants are getting closer and closer. They have an advantage in number. They searched from three directions, which is much faster than Yu Zhiqian and others. At this time, Yu Zhigan, who started from the top of the factory and moved downwards, was a little anxious and quickened his pace. He knew that all the hostages were on the first floor.

"Captain, I think we need to speed up. The trapped compatriots should be on the first floor. They were forced into the factory, as well as women and children. There was not much time to transfer. I applied to speed up the search on the first floor!"

After Yu Zhigan searched the fourth floor, he spoke slowly. The speed was too slow. If this continues, there may be armed police injuries according to the movie's plot. Yu Zhigan’s task is to reduce casualties. He is not sure how the armed police will not be injured. It won't add any points, but the Chinese, if you get one less injured, you get one less injured. It's always true. (End of this chapter)