War Contractor

Chapter 41: Steal the beam and change the column


Five minutes later, a truck slowly stopped at the gate of the courtyard. Four members of the Zhaka organization, armed with weapons, jumped out of the car carelessly, and then banged on the gate of the courtyard hard: "Hey, do it. It's dinner!"

The five women inside the door looked at each other. These people in the Zhaka organization are their nightmares. When they dream, they all want to get rid of these people. Now the opportunity is in front of them, but they are a little nervous. They know this better than anyone else. The horror of the group, if their behavior is discovered, what awaits them is a very miserable result.

"Come!" The eldest woman among them took a deep breath and opened the door. The four members of the Zhaka organization stared at them fiercely, wishing to rectify the law right now.

"The head is still waiting for us, wait for next time!" After a person similar to the little boss said, the rest of the terrorists also turned their heads and started to get busy. First, they opened the carriage and removed the laundry. In the loose truck, these rough men are definitely not willing to do it. All five women are working on it.

Yu Zhiqian and others were hiding around the courtyard. They saw four terrorists who were smoking and chatting. Yang Rui waved his hand gently. Yu Zhiqian, Xu Hong and Gu Shun followed behind him and cautiously touched behind the terrorists.

A dagger was fiercely inserted into the back of the terrorist's heart, and then turned vigorously. The four terrorists slowly and weakly fell to the ground. Yu Zhiqian and others waited until the terrorists completely lost their breath. , Just changed to loosen and cover his mouth.


The oldest of the five women sat in the passenger seat. The other four, Yu Zhiqian and others, all hid behind the truck, using the food and clothes in the truck as a cover to hide their body. stand up.

The truck was switched on. Two minutes later, we came to the first checkpoint, which was the door that was closed in the movie. Several terrorists were in charge of inspecting the truck. They saw the woman sitting in the co-pilot and reached out to touch them. Touched, and waved his hand to indicate that the vehicle can pass without problems.

Tong Li sat next to the woman, constantly persuading: "Don't be afraid, we will go out soon, don't panic, the more you panic, the more you will attract others' attention!"

The vehicle was very slow, and finally stopped in front of a large house. This is where Deng Mei was detained. There were armed men with weapons to patrol around. More people were scattered around, chatting, smoking, if It's not that they all have weapons in their hands, it looks like a casual afternoon party.

After the car stopped, the four women jumped out of the car first. Yang Rui checked the surroundings. After no one noticed them, the replacement knocked on the iron sheet of the truck. Yu Zhiqian and others in the car immediately jumped out of the car. After I got down, I found a place at random, squatted down, or chatted. It didn't seem to be much different from the surrounding terrorists.

At this time, a terrorist walked up to Yu Zhiqian, patted him on the shoulder, took out a cigarette, and said a bunch of things, everyone became nervous.

Looking at the terrorist’s actions, Yu Zhiqian instantly understood that this guy wanted to light a cigarette, took out a lighter from his pocket, lit a cigarette for him, and pointed his finger at his mouth, ah, ah, ah, and said something. Signed that he could not speak.

The terrorist looked at Yu Zhiqian for a moment, then said a lot of words, then handed a pack of cigarettes to Yu Zhiqian and left slowly.

It wasn't until the terrorist left that Yu Zhigan breathed a sigh of relief, and everyone secretly gave Yu Zhigan a thumbs up. This reaction was really ridiculous.

Surprised, Yang Rui walked into the house with Tong Li and stone Xu Hong. The five women labored to remove the clothes from the car. Yu Zhiqian and others could not go to help, otherwise it would be too noticeable. , The women here are very low status, no matter how heavy the work is, no one will help, more of them are watching the women work while pointing and laughing unrestrainedly.

After Yang Rui entered the house, he slowly wandered around, looking for Deng Mei’s location. There were more than 30 terrorists in the house, as if they were opening a Patty, and a group of people were grilling a silver pot that was burning. Meat, singing and dancing, singing loudly.

Yang Rui gently opened a door and saw two bodies tangled together. After hearing someone open the door, a bearded Arab immediately picked up a gun and yelled at the door.

He immediately retired and continued his inspection. The room was very large. After going around for five minutes, Yang Rui came to a room at the edge of the passage and found Deng Mei tied to a chair and two Arab guards. However, the two of them sat together drinking camel milk and didn't care about Deng Mei behind them.

And on the stool next to Deng Mei, there was a corpse, the corpse of Xia Nan's assistant Abu, but it was already cold.

After finding his goal, Yang Rui immediately returned to the hall and gestured. Xu Hong, Tong Li and others, slowly walked to Yang Rui's side.

"I have found Deng Mei's position, come with me!" The three people walked into the house in a flash. After seeing someone coming in, the two guards stood up, saying that Yang Rui couldn't listen. If you understand.

"Hands!" Yang Rui finished speaking, and swooped forward, pressing a terrorist under him, and the dagger in his hand was pierced into the chest of this terrorist, after a few consecutive blows.

Xu Hong responded very quickly. The two men killed the two guards almost simultaneously, while Deng Mei stared at what happened before him.

Yang Rui turned his head: "Don't call, we are the PLA Navy Flood Dragon Commando, we are ordered to come and rescue you, now you calm down and listen to me!"

An expression of joy appeared on Deng Mei’s face, and Yang Rui said while unbinding, “Now I will let our comrade Tong Li pretend to be you and send you out of Bassem. You two will change your clothes immediately. Remember to wait. When you go out, you must not panic to know?"


"Okay, change your clothes soon!" After saying that, Yang Rui began to deal with the corpses. He dragged the two corpses on the ground into a corner. He looked at the corpses on his body and frowned, but there was no way to change it, but it was okay. There was blood everywhere in the room, and no one would notice the blood on his clothes.

A minute later, Deng Mei and Tong Li changed their clothes, and Yang Rui glanced at Xu Hong: "Xu Hong, you take Deng Mei out and leave it to me and Stone!"

"Yes, head!" (End of this chapter)