War Contractor

Chapter 43: cover


"Get in the car!" Xu Hong opened the door of the cab and jumped in, while Yu Zhiqian got up from the position of the rear door.

At this time, this group of terrorists reacted. There were still enemies lurking around them, and some of them were still talking and laughing with them, thinking about the past and the present.

"Deputy Captain, will you be able to drive this sex? This guy is a little old!" Yu Zhiqian kept shooting at the surrounding enemies from the shooting hole.

"I'll try, but I haven't driven much, I've driven an amphibious tank!" Jiaolong is a special battle in the Marine Corps, and some vehicles on the ground are not proficient in Army special forces.

"Sit down!" After Xu Hong finished speaking, he accelerated rapidly. Then, the vehicle fell backwards and slammed into the entrance of the door at the exit of the house, and half of his butt was inserted into the door.

The biggest difference between terrorists and rebels is that they are not afraid of violence. Most terrorists are crazy products after brainwashing. They are no different from fanatics and are willing to give their lives for their goals.

Therefore, although their weapons can't penetrate armor, they still surround themselves from all directions. Yu Zhiqian had to take care of both sides, shooting from the left side of the shooting hole, while shooting from the right side of the shooting hole, to ensure that no terrorists approached ** .

"Gu Shun, Gu Shun, the communication of the police has not been restored!" Yu Zhigan's headset has always been electric current, and he can't help but feel a little anxious. The police seems to be safe, but this thing is an iron coffin, as long as it has A more powerful explosive or RPG will be released into the soul.

"I can't go on like this!" Yu Zhiqian looked around. There were few enemies on both sides, but they were all concentrated on the front. He looked at the position of the machine gunner on the top of the carriage. He quickly reached out and pulled the bolt firmly. Then he stood up abruptly, put his finger on the trigger, and started shooting frantically. When the whole person stood up, the bullet had already been fired.

The terrorist in front of him did not expect that someone would stand at the head of the police and shoot at this time. They were caught off guard and fell in pieces.

Yu Zhiqian only persisted for less than five seconds before he was stunned. The bullets continued to fly over his head and sides. If he stayed any longer, his life would be lost here.

Yu Zhiqian, who retracted into the inside of the bus, walked to the back of the car and opened the door of the rear car. He saw three terrorists looking at each other face to face. These three people were about to open the door of the rear car, but did not expect the door to go first. opened.

When the three were in a daze, Yu Zhigan had already shot, killed the three terrorists, jumped out of the car, and kicked their weapons aside. At this time, the terrorists in the house were all attracted by Yang Rui and others in the house and did not notice Yu Zhigan. get off.

After getting out of the car, Yu Zhiqian did not enter the house. He believed that Yang Ruishitou still had Tong Li's ability. Instead, he exposed half of his body by relying on his body. He saw a terrorist trying to rush forward and carried a rocket, and he immediately lifted The gun is ready to shoot.

Before Yu Zhigan fired his shot, the terrorist holding the RPG fell to the ground and died. Yu Zhigan knew that Gu Shunli knew how to shoot. After giving a thumbs up, Yu Zhigan continued to face some terrors hiding behind the bunker. The molecules fired and the two sides were in a deadlock.

At this moment, there was a burst of intensive gunfire behind him. Yu Zhigan turned his head and took a look, and he saw that Yang Rui and the three of them had crossed for cover and had already arrived in the hall.

"Flash bomb!" Yu Zhigan took out a flash bomb and threw it into the house with a roar. After hearing Yu Zhigan's reminder, the three Yang Rui quickly searched for shelter, closed their eyes, and covered their ears.

The dull explosion sounded, the gunshots in the room became denser, and there were various screams. When the terrorists were affected by the flash bombs, they did not turn around in place, or dropped their weapons and rubbed their eyes. He chose to keep shooting until he emptied all the last bullets in his own magazine.

Yu Zhigan had been waiting for the moment when the gunfire stopped. When the house returned to silence again, Yu Zhigan rushed in without hesitation.

At the same time, Yang Rui and the others also stood up and started to kill these terrorists. However, these terrorists were also desperate, invisible to the eyes and inaudible to the ears, but based on their own experience, they were looking for the enemy's position.

But when they met Yu Zhiqian and others, beating the blind and the deaf was as simple as punching the Nanshan Nursing Home and kicking the Beihai Kindergarten.

After half a minute, Yu Zhiqian, Yang Rui and others assembled and returned to the army. Three new troops joined in. The speed of cleaning the enemy, especially the stones, was much faster. I didn't know where they got a machine gun.

"Let's go, Xu Hong!" Yang Rui patted the small door of the ** internal passage, ** started again, and quickly rushed towards the exit.

"They are going to flee, stop them, stop them!" Several terrorists were talking and shouting loudly. At this moment, Yang Rui took out a necklace in his hand. Yu Zhigan was taken aback for a moment, and immediately knew what it was. It was the guy named Xia Nan who kept shouting what he needed, and there was the news of the yellow cake hidden in it.

Yu Zhigan looked at the thing and shook his head: "Head, this thing is a hot potato!"

"Got it easily!"

"Where is the guy named William?"

Yang Rui put the necklace into his pocket: "I was already fucked when I found him!"

"Well, I hope we can escape smoothly!" After Yu Zhiqian finished speaking, he continued to shoot. At this moment, Shishi suddenly stood up, and then controlled the vehicle machine gun, shooting frantically, his eyes full of Crazy.

Yu Zhigan wanted to pull him down, but after spending a long time, he didn't pull him down. This guy is too strong.

When the bullet was empty, there was an air strike from the machine gun, and the stone was still holding the trigger, Yu Zhiqian pulled him down forcefully. At this time, the stone suddenly staggered backward and fell softly into the carriage. Among.

"Stone!" Yu Zhiqian yelled and looked at the stone. He was not shot in his head. Upon closer inspection, he found that he was shot in the chest, but it was blocked by the body armor. This guy had a very big life. Not only did he find his body armor, he also checked two empty magazines, otherwise, he might be dead now.

But even so, the state of the stone is not very good, and the huge impact generated when the bullet hits the target makes him fall into a coma. (End of this chapter)