War Contractor

Chapter 44: tank


Tong Li rushed up second and checked the condition of the stone. She shook it vigorously. The stone was still in a coma and became a bit crazy. She wanted to stand up and take the place of the stone and shoot with a vehicle-mounted machine gun, but was Yu Zhigan was stopped.

"Tong Li, the stone is okay, just fainted, don't be impulsive, Xu Hong, hurry up!"

Yu Zhigan yelled, and Xu Hong responded quickly: "Sit down, I'm going to rush out!" After finishing speaking, the ** began to accelerate again and slammed into the gate.

This gate similar to the ancient city wall slammed into it directly, and the vehicle shook violently, but it was indeed much harder than ordinary vehicles. It slammed the gate open and rushed out.

"There are chasers behind!" Xu Hong yelled, and Yu Zhiqian quickly opened the rear door and shot the terrorists chasing behind him.

Four or five jeeps were chasing after him. Yu Zhiqian and the others were shooting frantically. At the same time, Zhuang Yu's voice came from the headsets of Yu Zhiqian and others: "Captain, can you hear it?"

"Can you hear it, is communication restored? Can the warship be contacted?"


After resuming communication, Yang Rui was relieved and began to communicate with the warship. Captain Gao Yun, after receiving Yang Rui’s news, he sighed with relief: "Yang Rui, you still have one and a half hours, one and a half hours. Inside, you must hurry back! We have sent a drone to support you, so hurry up and evacuate!"

"Captain, we have successfully rescued the hostages, and we are now retreating towards the assembly point!" After speaking, Yang Rui changed the weapon to the magazine and fired at the chaser behind him.

"Ivia's special forces!" Now that they have left the inner city area, according to the plan, the Ivia Republic's special forces should be here to support Yu Zhigan and others, but now there is no movement.

"I don't know, let's rush out on our own!" Xu Hong accelerated again. Two drivers of the jeep behind him were beaten and hit by the side of the road. Yu Zhiqian and others in the car kept on Keep firepower suppressed.

Finally, the vehicle drove for about one kilometer, and there were noises on both sides. Instead of firing at the police, they fired at the chasing soldiers behind him. Xu Hong crossed the vehicle. Yu Zhiqian and others immediately jumped out of the vehicle and continued to fight The chasing soldiers kept the firepower suppressed.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't the ambush point be 500 meters ahead!"

Officer Ivia tidyed up his hat: "A convoy came in just now. Our distance is too close and it is easy to be spotted. I ordered the position to be moved back five hundred meters. What do we do next?"

"The team is not far behind us. The two policemen can't drive at all. Damn it's out of gas. Captain, you take someone to drive the car to pick us up. Let's stand it up here!"

"Xu Hong, take Tong Li to drive, ready to retreat!"


Yu Zhiqian and others searched for shelters on the spot and continued shooting. The two sides were once again in a deadlock. No one could help. At this time, the roar of the engine came from a distance. Yu Zhigan looked up and saw from a distance. The dust was flying, and a thick barrel emerged from the dust.

"The fuck, tank!" Yu Zhiqian was taken aback, roared, and quickly changed his bunker, turning his mind quickly, didn't the tank have been blown up by himself? How come there is!

The tank slowly turned the barrel, and then locked a position, let out a roar, a loud bang, and the police that Yu Zhiqian and others were riding in before became a ruin.

"Grass, tank, are there any anti-tank weapons!"

Yang Rui hid behind the bunker, a lot of broken stones and corpses flew past him, asking loudly.

"Captain, we didn't bring RPG!"

"How about you!" Yang Rui looked at the special forces of the Republic of Ivia again.

"Neither do we!"

"The **!"

Yu Zhiqian, showing half of his head, looking at the tank that had rushed to the front from the back of the infantry, he already had a solution in his mind, and the most primitive way, he took a deep breath: "Captain, cover me, I will kill this tank. !"

After speaking, he rushed out without waiting for a reply. The parallel machine guns on the tank and the terrorists behind him all found Yu Zhigan. They hurriedly turned the muzzle and fired at Yu Zhigan.

The bullets kept flying behind and in front of Yu Zhigan, but there was no pause in Yu Zhigan's movements. First he jumped over a mound, then swooped, and after rolling on the ground, he leaned on a wall to calm his excitement. Feeling, and check the arm that was bruised by the bullet just now.

"Grass, it's this position again, you can't change the place!" The left arm was injured in the factory before. The position was similar, but this time it was lighter. Yu Zhiqian ignored the wound after taking a look.

However, when Yu Zhiqian poked his head out again, he was so scared that he seemed to have discovered Yu Zhigan, and knew Yu Zhigan's purpose, so he turned the muzzle and aimed at Yu Zhigan's direction.


One shell flew towards Yu Zhiqian's bunker. It was a large-caliber tank shell, not an ordinary bullet. When this shell fell, there was no grass growing within a few meters.

Without time to do anything else, Yu Zhiqian exhausted his strength and rushed to a room next to him. After smashing the door, he turned around on the ground a few times. Then, his body seemed to be hit by a sledgehammer, no He flew back under control, hitting the wall behind him until he stopped.

At the same time, this dilapidated room was hit by a cannonball in the surrounding area. It was crumbling and began to collapse directly. Various things on the roof began to fall. Yu Zhiqian lay motionless on the ground, but the undulating chest proved that this guy hasn't* *.

"Yu Zhiqian!"

Yang Rui looked at Yu Zhiqian as if he had been hit by a cannonball. His eyes were red and he roared, but there was no response. At this time, the tank was still looking for the next target.

"The priority is to solve the targets around the tank, Gu Shunli understands, you guys cover me, I'll go see how Yu Zhigan is!"

As soon as the voice fell, another shell landed in front of Yang Rui. The flying mud and various debris almost buried Yang Rui alive. At this time, in the sky, a drone suddenly Immediately after the exit, a small air-to-surface missile detached from the drone and hit the tank straight.

"Support is here, continue to suppress firepower!"

Seeing the tank being blown up, Yang Rui breathed a sigh of relief and got up from the mud. Now Yang Rui has become a mud boy, with mud all over his body.

"Yang Rui, the UAV only carries one missile, and you evacuate at a speed!"

Gao Yun's voice rang from the headset, and at this time another tank showed a hideous figure in the distance! (End of this chapter)