War Contractor

Chapter 47: mission completed


"Yu Zhiqian!"

Yang Rui slid, his legs slid two meters forward on the ground, and came to Yu Zhiqian's side, lying on the ground, while constantly shooting at the terrorists behind him, while placing his hands on Yu Zhiqian's neck.

With ups and downs, Yang Rui let out a sigh of relief, "There is still gas, and there is gas, Lu Chen, come here, and carry Yu Zhigan down!" After Yang Rui finished speaking, he leaned against the bombed tank and killed one of them with two shots. Terrorists rushing forward.

Seeing that the only threatening tank was killed, Xu Hong drove the Hummer on the corner, stopped at the position beside Yu Zhiqian, blocked Yu Zhiqian with the body, and then opened the door. Lu Chen and Tong Li jumped down, and Yu Zhiqian pulled into the car.


Yang Rui shot while sitting in the co-pilot, Xu Hong quickly put the car in reverse gear, and then the car quickly fell backwards, and the terrorists began to chase again, Yang Rui exposed half of his body. Come and shoot continuously at the chasing soldiers.

"Retreat, retreat!" After the vehicle retreated, Yang Rui shouted loudly, reminding the special forces of the Republic of Ivia that they should retreat. The group of people reacted much faster than Yang Rui expected. After receiving the order, they immediately jumped. Get on the truck.

"Gu Shun, Li understands you!"

"I'll be here soon, Captain!"

Ten seconds later, Gu Shunli understood that the two people crossed the line of fire and came to Yang Rui's side. There were still bullets flying around, but the two were not injured. Yang Rui breathed a sigh of relief. A task was completed perfectly, and he also fulfilled his promise to take everyone home.

The terrorists were still pursuing them, but their vehicles were slow, and they were soon pulled away. Yang Rui and the others returned to the Port of Omaha without any risk.

The last dozen compatriots were lining up waiting to board the ship, and they saw two Hummer vehicles parked on the edge of Linyi in a dusty manner. Immediately after that, a few doctors on Linyi rushed out with a stretcher. The Hummer door opened. After opening, Yu Zhiqian and Shitou were carried out.

"Stone, stone, you must be fine!" Tong Li kept touching the stone's face, tears bursting into her face, her left hand tightly held the stone and placed it on the back of the neck. The photo of the two people is a group photo. Cut photos.

Lu Chen next to Yu Zhigan's stretcher is also constantly checking Yu Zhigan. Although this guy is a bit, Lu Chen can't describe it, but seeing him lying on the stretcher, Lu Chen is still very worried.

When Yu Zhiqian opened his eyes again, he was no longer on the Linyi ship, but in a room with an icy all around. Yu Zhiqian touched his head and stood up slowly, looking around. There is a doubt in my mind: "This is there!"

When Yu Zhiqian woke up, the cold room changed. The original black wall turned into a display screen, which was showing that a group of people in Operation Red Sea were on board the Linyi ship, heading for the motherland.

No one was sacrificed, no one’s face was sad. Only the woman named Shana still had a sad look on her face, but no one paid any attention to him. Gao Yun and Zhao Political Commissar were eating noodles and gobbled it up. It seems to be hungry for a while.

Yang Rui was standing in front of the ship smoking a cigarette. Gu Shun and Luo Xing were standing beside him. Not far away, Tong Li was chasing stones and hitting them. They seemed to be fighting, just like ordinary lovers.

While Lu Chen was reading a battlefield first aid guide, Zhuang Yu was studying a drone, and Xu Hong was eating two buns in his hands. Everything seemed very harmonious.

In the cabin, Mr. Ambassador, Ms. Deng Mei, and all the compatriots in this evacuation operation are all busy with their own affairs. No one is injured. They can go home safely.

The Linyi was overwhelmed by thorns in the Indian Ocean. After half a month, they will resist Guangzhou Port, and the picture finally freezes on Yang Rui's face. Yang Rui seemed to feel something, across time and space, and suddenly smiled at Yu Zhigan.

Yu Zhiqian stood up slowly, saluted, and finally the picture slowly disappeared, and the coldness in the room once again returned to the room. Yu Zhiqian knew that his task was completed.

I checked my physical condition and found that all the injuries had recovered. After walking a few steps on the spot, a light curtain appeared out of thin air in front of him, with the reward for this mission written on it.

"The mission "Operation Red Sea" is completed, the reward points are 50 points! The mission completion degree is 80%, the mission score is B, and the reward bonus is zero%."

With only a few simple words, Yu Zhiqian's honor value has increased by 50 points, without any change.

Yu Zhigan looked at the completion of the mission, only 80%, knowing why, because the rebels and terrorists killed each other behind, Yang Rui led people to arrest the boss, because of Yu Zhigan’s participation, it did not happen. According to The plot of the movie, this time the mission completion rate is only 80%.

What surprised Yu Zhiqian was that his task score was Grade B. He frowned. He didn't know what went wrong, and the reward bonus later. Yu Zhigan looked around and said, "May I ask the system, why is the task score B? And what is the bonus bonus?"

"The system uses the host’s task completion degree, task performance, and comprehensive score. The host completes the task level as B, and the task reward is added. According to the host’s performance on completing the task, the A-level reward is based on 50%, plus a chance to draw. One hundred percent of the basic reward, plus three chances to draw!"

"Will that lower the base reward?"

"Yes, the task score C will be reduced by 50% of the basic reward, and the task score D can be regarded as a failure of the task without any reward, and it will be punished immediately!

Yu Zhiqian roughly figured out the task scoring and reward methods, and stretched out his hand to look at the wound that had healed: "What about my injuries?"

"The host’s injury has been healed, and it costs a little honor! After the host completes the task, the system will repair it based on the injury. The amount of honor spent is related to the host’s injury!"

Taking a look at the 68 points of honor in the upper right corner, Yu Zhigan couldn't help but slashed his teeth. Before he bought a camouflage uniform, he was distressed for a long time, but now he has been deducted a little silently.

But there is no way, the system is the boss, I can only bear it, but the injury on his body is recovering well. The only drawback is that the scars seem to be unable to recover.

"Just as the host needs to recover scars, a little honor can make the host's skin as smooth as a baby!"

Yu Zhiqian immediately shook his head: "No, no, this is a man's medal, understand? There is no wound on his body, is it still called a man?" Yu Zhiqian immediately exploded when he heard the money, and absolutely disagreed. (End of this chapter)