War Contractor

Chapter 54: The wind is surging


The next day, as the sun rose, the camp began to lively, and Hilton led the people to measure the humidity of the air.

Yu Zhiqian looked sullen: "What's the use of this?"

After Hilton arranged the machinery, he smiled: "Measure the air humidity and compare the data to find out some recent changes in the natural environment in the reserve, whether there is water shortage, etc. If the data is abnormal, you need to..."

Yu Zhiqian is so ignorant that he is worthy of being a professor who publishes papers in the SCI area every day. He can't understand what he says. Think about some doctors in China. The repetition rate of papers exceeds 40%, and the papers are plagiarized. , I haven't had a work in the second area of SCI, and I don't even know about CNKI, but I have a PhD. It can be seen how big the gap is.

Taking a deep breath, Yu Zhiqian felt that it would be better to simply exercise his body.

After the morning measurement was over, the convoy continued to move forward. According to Hilton, it was going to search for a wild animal group. Some rare animals have GPS. After finding them, they will be checked and some blood samples will be taken for further research.

About tens of kilometers away, three white men drove a car and kept looking at the map. There was a green dot on it that kept flashing: "These guys have just rested all night and are going on the road, damn it, Going in the opposite direction to us!"

"Don't worry, Mike, they can't get away!" The driver who drove the car, while whistling, while looking at the surrounding scenery, two hundred thousand dollars is not much, three people divided into one person does not even have 70,000 dollars , But the task is simple, and in no man's land, it is unconscious.

There is also a group of blacks who have the same purpose as these three, but their equipment is much simpler. They have no vehicles and can only walk on foot. Not only do they have to avoid beasts, they even have to avoid patrols, but Their direction is on the road where Yu Zhigan and others are marching. If Yu Zhigan and others keep moving forward, they may encounter them in two hours.

A leading black man, holding a GPS-like thing in his hand, constantly looked up at the sky, and said something that he didn't understand. Finally, he pointed in a direction to signal everyone to follow.

The speed of the convoy is getting slower and slower, and the deeper into the reserve, the road gets worse and worse. In many cases, it can't even keep up with the walking speed, and the convoy has to stop at any time to check the surrounding soil and so on.

Yu Zhigan smoked a cigarette and watched these people work. Fortunately, he didn't study hard. Otherwise, maybe he was also a doctor. After all, the doctoral dissertation of Peking University is so simple. , It is estimated that it may drive crazy.

At noon, when the convoy stopped again to take a break, Yu Zhiqian keenly noticed that a group of red dots appeared three kilometers away from him, a total of thirty.

"Is it a herd of antelopes or a herd of horses?" Yu Zhi frowned, took out his binoculars, stood on the roof of the car, and looked into the distance. The high-power binoculars can see far in the unobstructed plain. But Yu Zhiqian was blocked by trees. (There is a visible distance during the day, so the detection radius is shortened, and there will be energy loss)

"It may be an animal group!" With yesterday’s experience, Yu Zhigan knew that this sudden emergence of animal groups was often a variety of wild animals. This is a wildlife sanctuary, and there are groups of animals everywhere. , This morning, Yu Zhigan also discovered a zebra herd of about 100 zebras.

I started cooking at noon. After everything was busy, nearly half an hour passed. Yu Zhiqian came to the car with his rice bowl and continued to observe the surroundings. He found a small group of thirty animals. , Has come within 800 meters of his own.

"Come over at us?" Yu Zhiqian felt that things were not as simple as imagined. He immediately put down his job, took out the binoculars again, and looked over. It was still the damn wood that blocked his vision. After passing the woods, it was less than three hundred meters away from Yu Zhigan and others.

"Head, what's the matter?"

While John was eating, he asked curiously, Yu Zhiqian pointed his finger at the distant woods: "There is an unknown group of about 30 people over there thinking about our direction. If it is an animal, it will take half an hour to leave. Less than three kilometers, I feel something is wrong!"

"Would you like me to go over and take a look!"

Yu Zhigan nodded: "Bring your equipment, be careful, and notify me as soon as there is an accident!"


John immediately put down his lunch and picked up his weapon. After putting on his bullet-proof vest, he walked towards the woods in full armor, while Yu Zhiqian was also observing the situation with binoculars in the back, but the woods were dense and it was difficult to find out what it was. What's it all about.

"Robert, wait a minute if there is any accident, you take the professor and others to retreat immediately and keep the radio open!"

Little Robert was holding a piece of meat in his mouth. He didn't know what happened. He could only nod his head to show that he knew it. Yu Zhigan touched his head and took a deep breath. There will be some bad feelings.

On the other side, the three-person illegal mercenary squad was less than 20 kilometers away from Yu Zhiqian and others. The driver turned his head and looked at the boss in the back row: "Head, you said our goal this time is a group of people. Professor, that group of people are rich people, do you think we should kidnap them and squeeze more oil and water out, after all, taking such a big risk, 200,000 dollars is a bit less!"

The boss who took the lead was nicknamed Vicious Dog, but he liked to be called his own sideburns. He had an obvious scar on his face. He was playing with a titanium alloy dagger in his hand. A cold light flashed in his eyes: "We want 200,000. I checked. The professor named Hilton has a little connection with the American Hilton family. Then you can just follow my command!" After speaking, he licked the dagger with his tongue.

"Okay, head! The other party doesn't seem to be moving anymore. It should be cooking. By the way, we received information that the scientific expedition team had found the security company. The specific name was not found, but the message sent said they all There are only fifteen people and four cars!"

"Got it!" After speaking, the temple dog closed his eyes and continued to doze.

In the woods in the distance, thirty black leaders, looking at the GPS in their hands, were a little excited, and finally they were about to catch up with the target. There were still 400 meters left. They only had to pass through this forest and rush to the opposite side. One hundred thousand is in hand, this money is really easy to make! (End of this chapter)