War Contractor

Chapter 69: The fourth subordinate, deaf


Another veteran, Yu Zhigan's EO service experience is not easy to inquire. After all, this army South Africa does not recognize it, and with the closure of the EO company, many things have been impossible to verify with the passage of time.

"Let's go, let's go to the shooting range at the back and take a look!"

Yu Zhigan could not accept Pete like John did, because Pete looked too young, at least he did not look like a person in his forties, but more like a person in his thirties and thirties. Have been in EO? Obviously, it's impossible.

"it is good!"

Pete stood up slowly, and followed Yu Zhigan into the shooting range. Yu Zhigan handed the AK used by Robert Jr. to Pete. He picked up the HK417, stood aside, and raised his muzzle slightly. Yu Zhiqian would immediately shoot at any abnormal behavior to kill this guy.

"The Romanian AK? Not bad!" After taking a look at the weapon, Pete held it in his hand and observed it for a while slowly. Hearing this, Yu Zhigan probably had a judgment in his heart. This guy should have been a soldier, and there is still a period of time. Time, otherwise, it will not be able to distinguish the origin of AK in an instant.

There are five main production areas of AK in the world. The former Soviet arsenal, the birthplace of AK, is also the largest production area of AK in the world. The quality is also good, but it was later closed by small workshops in Pakistan and Afghanistan. After all, the Soviet AK Although the performance is good, but people who use AK? Do you still care about performance? It's not bad to be able to shoot bullets! What kind of bicycle do you want.

Secondly, there are small European workshops and AKs produced in Romania and other regions. This type of AK can be regarded as precision defense. Some of them are better than the original. After all, the original shoes may not have air cushions, and imitations may be added.

The last few areas are Pakistan and Afghanistan. The products of these small workshops are of poor quality, but the price is cheap. I heard that invoices are still issued.

"Take a 30-meter target!" The 30-meter target is the farthest target in the entire shooting range. It doesn't sound very close, but when people observe the target 30 meters away with the naked eye, the ten-ring area in the center is just a small one. Red dot, it’s not easy for people without professional training to get on the target. As for the 50-meter target, the company still does not have the ability to build a 50-meter professional shooting range.

"Are you ready?" Yu Zhiqian asked with a weapon in one hand and a timer in the other.


"I ask you, are you ready?" Yu Zhiqian raised his volume a little this time, and Pete gave a thumbs up: "Ready, I haven't touched a gun for a long time, I'm a bit distracted!"

"I hope you don't lose your mind on the battlefield!" After Yu Zhigan finished speaking, he shouted: "Start!" At the same time he pressed the timer in his hand.

After hearing the start, Pete immediately pulled the trigger at the first target in the distance. Without observing, he quickly adjusted the muzzle and fired at the second target, followed by the third and the fourth, a total of twenty. After eight bullets were all shot out, slowly put down the weapon: "Twenty-eight bullets have been shot!"

"Sixteen seconds, yes, let's go and look at the target!" After speaking, Yu Zhigan broke down the AK, and then walked into the shooting range with Pete. The first target, except for the first shot that hit the sixth ring. Position, the rest were hit at the ninety ring position, and the center target area was smashed.

The other five targets are also similar. After Yu Zhiqian finished watching, his face slowly showed a smile. His grades were good, not what ordinary soldiers can do. In most armies, trained soldiers can reach the height of 30 meters. For a 50-meter target, ten bullets can reach about 80 rounds, but Pete’s twenty-eight bullets are not a fixed target, but six targets. The shooting angle of the most biased target has been shifted by more than 30 degrees. Except for the first shot, all hits were within the eighth ring.

This result is a good result for any unit. Yu Zhigan is quite satisfied with this result. When he returned to the restaurant and was in the meeting room, Yu Zhigan looked at Pete in front of him: "Now you can talk about why you want to join. To our security company!"

Pete’s marksmanship is excellent, and his 30-meter score is enough for him to mix in any security company. In the modern battlefield, in addition to snipers who will kill at super long distances, more gun battles occur at 30 meters and 100 meters. Within meters, to be precise, it is a distance of 30 meters to 70 meters.

This distance competition is the close-range reaction speed and the accuracy of the close-range resistance. From the way Pete walks and marksmanship just now, this guy is a bit old, but his marksmanship is superb, so he won't have to go to his own company to talk. Eat.

Although Yu Zhiqian has always believed that his company will expand and go public, like many famous security companies, but the salary and benefits offered now can attract only people like Robert Jr., and John is also completely oriented towards the package. Food and accommodation.

Wait for food and housing, this product is also for food and housing, right? Yu Zhiqian looked at this guy for a while. Although the clothes he wore were old, they were also very clean. They were different from those who stayed in the George Park refugee camp.

"If I'm telling the truth, I don't think you would hire me!" Pete lowered his head and said suddenly.

Yu Zhigan was taken aback for a moment and looked at Pete: "Do you have a criminal history?"

"No, I don't. If I have to talk about criminal history, then in 1994, I didn't abide by the law and continued to stay at EO for four years!"

"what is that?"

Pete took out a packet of cigarettes and a packet of Marlboro, handed Yu Zhi a dry one, then lit it, and pointed his left ear with his finger: "My left ear was in a battle in 1997, because it was too close to the center of the explosion. , I’m deaf, and my left ear is very weak. I have always relied on a hearing aid!” After speaking, the left ear, which was covered by the hair, was exposed, revealing the hearing aid. "

"In that case, why do you still come to work with me? You know, although the security company is under the name of the security company, it still needs to fight. You are deaf in one ear and rely on hearing aids in the other, so you can easily lose it on the battlefield. life!"

Pete lowered his head: "I want to make money and buy a cochlear implant, but you know, that price is expensive, and it is difficult for me to make that much money in any job, and medium and large security companies need it. After a comprehensive physical examination, I was obviously unqualified!"

"So you chose us?"

Pi nodded his head, and a helpless smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. After speaking out his shortcomings, basically no security company needed him. Who would be willing to use a deaf

Yu Zhigan thought for a while, and finally reached out: "Welcome to the Global International Wolf Warrior Security Company!"

"Isn't it Global Wolf Warrior International Security Company?" Although Pete was surprised that Yu Zhigan accepted himself, he couldn't help but ask.

"Don't care about these details, the company name can be changed at any time, maybe tomorrow it will be renamed Zhanhu!" (End of this chapter)