War Contractor

Chapter 72: Method


The casualties were quickly counted: the Soviet Red Army killed 27 people, including 16 officers, 11 soldiers, and 22 wounded. Among them, 4 were slightly wounded and 18 were seriously wounded. Basically, they were not saved.

The death rate of officers has reached more than 90%. Now the officer is only Yu Zhiqian, and the rest, including the political commissar, have all sacrificed. Now Yu Zhiqian is the highest commander in the army.

As for the eighteen severely wounded people, all were shot in the abdomen. They have not died yet, but they are still waiting to die. The only good news is that in this freezing weather, the wounds will basically not become inflamed. But whether they can survive, given the backward medical conditions in the Soviet Union, is basically resigned to fate.

As for the outcome of the battle, there were no prisoners, and three Finns were killed. Several old men took the Finns' bodies to Yu Zhigan's side.

Yu Zhiqian squatted down and looked at the dog tags on the soldiers, only to realize that he knew Russian and Finnish. Not only could he communicate, but he could also understand the names on the dog tags.

"Simon, Terry?" Yu Zhiqian was excited when he saw the word Simon, but when he saw that the last name was Terry, he immediately smashed his fist into the snow, and then checked the rest. This brand is not Simon Haye. Yu Zhiqian shook his head helplessly, clapped his hands, and stood up again: "What did the regiment chief say?"

"The regiment said, let us move forward as planned, and take down the town of Heina before noon tomorrow!"

"Received, reply to the regiment head, promise to complete the task!"

Putting his backpack back on, Yu Zhiqian took off his officer-style coat and replaced it with a coat worn by ordinary old Maozi. Although the heat preservation effect is not as good as that of an officer's coat, at least the life-saving effect is worse than that of an officer coat. Take it at will. Set up a large private captain and put on it: "Everyone, line up, keep going, aim for Heiner!"

The regrouped Soviet Red Army lined up again and began to walk towards the distant target. As for the wounded soldiers, they were carried by stretchers and moved with the troops. No one knew their fate. Maybe they were lucky. If you can survive, maybe you will close your eyes on this land forever.

The daylight in Finland is very short. Part of the country here is within the Arctic Circle. The daily sunshine is less than six hours, especially in winter, even less than five hours. You have just adapted to the glare of the reflected sunlight from the snow. The sun will soon go down.

After a battle just now, Yu Zhiqian can be considered to understand the combat effectiveness of this group of old men. They are all recruits. They are expected to be impossible to do anything major. In guerrilla warfare, they are targeted by the Finns. Only those who rely on the city for positional warfare. Only then can it play a certain role.

The scenery will never change, just like the snowfields in the northeast in winter, with snow over the knees, and bare trees everywhere. The surroundings are dead and silent. No living things can be seen here. It seems like a forbidden zone for life. Take a look. Go, white despair is all around.

Yu Zhiqian walked in the middle of the team, thinking about how to spend the night safely now. The Finnish snipers who appeared just now represent this force. They have been targeted by the Finns. They will definitely continue at night. There will be action.

In winter in the snowy field, if you want to spend a night safely, you must have a fire source. Otherwise, you must wait to die, but once the fire is on, it is the equivalent of telling these Finnish snipers, guerrillas, I am here. , Come and hit me.

The enemy is in the dark, and he is in the light. Basically, he was beaten. Even overnight, the company was eaten by Finnish soldiers who had heard the news. Yu Zhigan wanted to complete the task, but he had to live first. In the end, only by surviving can he complete the great task of killing Simon Haye.

After looking at the sky, Yu Zhigan calculated at the current speed of the sun setting. After about an hour, the sky will be completely dark. After closing his eyes and thinking for a while, he thought of a pretty good way. If you can't spend the evening safely, it depends on whether this method works.

"Everyone, stop moving forward. Popowski (the temporarily promoted platoon leader!) took people to establish a cordon a hundred meters away, and immediately fired a warning shot if any abnormality was found!"


Although I don’t know why Yu Zhiqian asked them to stop, all the old Maozi stopped their footsteps. Yu Zhiqian gestured to all the old Maozi to come closer: "Now there is still an hour before the sun sets. Within an hour, I ask each of you to create an igloo. Tonight, no one is allowed to light up. Anyone of you can only be frozen to death if you want to learn it. You need to know that the night here is minus 30 degrees!"

After speaking, Yu Zhigan took out his ordnance shovel and began to dig the snow under his feet. The snow here is very thick and can easily dig a hole. Yu Zhigan used this method when he was lying on ice and climbing in the northeast. At the critical moment, I could save my life, but I didn't expect that I would pay the old man in this place first.

Strictly speaking, this kind of igloo should have been invented by the Eskimos in Lao Maozi. Yu Zhiqian just gave it back to Lao Maozi. The whole process is very simple. It is to dig out an area, and then dig out one from the side to lie in. A person’s snow cave is then covered with some branches and some dry leaves. This method can isolate the cold wind, and to a certain extent guarantees that it will not be frozen to death.

Although a group of old Maozi didn’t know why they didn’t set fire to them, they all learned it one after another. After all, old Maozi also had very thick snow in winter. This group of soldiers had played in snow when they were young or young, so they quickly dig for themselves. Out of the snow caves.

Then, Yu Zhigan sent all the people out, and began to search for dead leaves, branches and other things, and then sent out all the blankets and warm things in the company. How many people can survive tonight, Yu Zhigan I don't know, I hope this group of old Maozi can bear a little bit of freezing, otherwise maybe tomorrow morning, all these old Maozi will freeze to death.

Time passed quickly. After an hour, the sun clocked in and got off work on time. For this world, there was not a trace of nostalgia. The night began to occupy the sky. Looking far away, in the sky, besides the stars, there is only a lonely moon. , Is slowly rising.

The cries of wolves, gunshots in the distance, and the sound of the wind like ghosts began to sound on the Finnish snowy field. Everything was foreshadowing that the night was not peaceful. (End of this chapter)