War Contractor

Chapter 73: night


It was night, Yu Zhigan was lying in his own snow pit, slowly closing his eyes and preparing to rest.

He is much warmer than this group of old men. The sleeping bag he carries can ensure that his body temperature will not be lost. At the same time, he also has two military coats. No one has any opinions. After all, Yu Zhigan is an officer.

After nightfall, all the old Maozi followed Yu Zhiqian’s plan. No one dared to make a fire and all stayed under the snow. In addition, sentries were also released around the camp, about 150 meters away from the camp to prevent people. Sneak attack.

Drowsiness came quickly. In cold conditions, humans are very easy to get tired. Yu Zhiqian soon fell asleep. He saw his father and the warm air conditioner at home...

Two hours later, in the originally silent camp, a soft voice suddenly came. An old Maozi got out of the snow pit, shaking his body constantly, and then walked to another snow pit not far away. Next to him, he pushed hard: "Sol, Sol, get up, don't sleep!"

"Damn Bosh, I just fell asleep, and you woke me up again!" Old Maozi called Thor with a look of anger. Obviously, in this environment, it is not easy to fall asleep. When I dreamed of returning to my hometown, eating potatoes and drinking vodka, I felt like the sky was spinning, like an earthquake. I opened my eyes and heard my friends calling me.

"Don't sleep, let's go to a place farther and make a fire, damn it, sleeping in the snow, my whole body feels uncomfortable, I feel that if I fall asleep, I won't wake up!" After Lao Maozi finished speaking, Also kept shaking twice.

The temperature in the snow cave was much higher than the surface. This guy got up at night, so he felt very cold.

"The lieutenant didn't let us light a fire!"

"That group of officers are all rubbish. They don't know our needs except they will use guns to charge at us. We need fire now, or we will die here!"

Bosh complained a few words, then took out a small bottle from his arms and took a sigh of relief. When Sol saw it, his eyes lit up, he immediately snatched it, and then nodded: "Make a fire, take a test Potatoes are indeed a good choice!"

After the two of them got out of the school ground, they picked up some wood from a short distance, and then started to get busy. After spending a long time, they finally lit the fire. The two of them sat beside the campfire and breathed a long sigh of relief at the same time. Er took out two potatoes from his pocket. Now the potatoes were frozen like iron balls, but Thor took out his bayonet, inserted it forcefully, and put it on the fire and started roasting.

In a similar way, Bosh also started to bake potatoes, then took out his vodka, took a sip and handed it over: "Do you think it’s like when we were fourteen, when you didn’t know how to drink." Russians don’t know how to drink. It’s like a joke to say it. Have you ever seen a Chinese who can walk normally?"

"I haven't seen it, but I know that little Carl can't drink!"

"He is not our Russian. He has no Russian ancestry. I heard that his father is not his biological father. His father seems to be a Frenchman, so he doesn't know how to drink!"


"Of course, everyone in the village knows that when his mother was young, she used to stay in Amsterdam!"

"where is that?"

"You'll know when you grow up!"

The two of them were drinking and chatting, and from time to time they would look up at the starry sky and remember the past.

Five minutes ago, in a snowy field one kilometer away, a Finnish team of about twenty people was cautiously marching forward: "Love, are you sure you did not lead the wrong way? There is nothing around here. There is no light from the fireworks, those damn old boys are here?"

"I'm sure, this afternoon, I am still here with Simon in an ambush. Simon died here. His body must be taken back, and I will avenge him!"

"God bless, Simon is a hard-failed child. He taught him not to do dangerous things since he was a child. As a result, he came to serve as a soldier. Is this his first time on the battlefield?"

"Yes, I’m all to blame. Damn the Soviets. I didn’t protect him. Just be careful. The Soviets also have a sniper with good marksmanship. He is an officer. I shot him three times this afternoon. Go away!"

"Got it!"

This group of people continued to move forward, but they still could not find Yu Zhiqian and others. They couldn't help but feel a little discouraged: "That group of Soviets are not lost, right? They don't make a fire at night? Are they afraid of being frozen to death

This group of Finnish soldiers began to feel a little confused. When they attacked other Soviet troops, they all relied on the night bonfire as their target, but now they can't see a single Soviet soldier nor find the location of the bonfire, so they can't help but feel a little anxious!

"No, we left signs when we retreated, and our people also deliberately left some guide signs on the road, just for fear that these Soviets will not find their way!"

Speaking of the Finnish War, another feature is the Leading Party. The Leading Party here is no one else, but Finnish soldiers. Because the Finnish snowfield is too big, these soldiers are afraid that the Soviets are walking around in the snowfield. They can’t find any attack. Therefore, it will leave some marks on the position where the Soviets are advancing, and guide the Soviets to advance.

In this case, they can control the position of the Soviets, and they can launch attacks anytime and anywhere. There is a Soviet regiment that followed the Finns' directions and circled the snowy field. In the end, fewer than 300 people survived.

"Found it, there is a fire on the left, the distance is about one kilometer!" Just when the Finns were at a loss, the sudden fire made them see hope, and immediately moved towards the position of the fire and slowly touched it.

"Bosh, do you think Akasa likes me?" Sommy's potatoes were ready, and he immediately asked his brother in a low voice while picking up the potatoes.

Bosh thought about Akash's graceful body, his heart-warming screams and wild hobbies, he couldn't help but a little hard, and then nodded: "It should be someone who likes you. I heard that he still Keep the love letter you gave her when you were a kid!"

"Really? That's great, I think it's the same, but I heard Powa rumors that there is a problem with Akasa's style. She must be jealous of Akasa's good figure and beautiful face!"

"Of course, I think Akasa is also good!" Bosh nodded affirmatively as he spoke. It was really good, and the price was very cheap! (End of this chapter)