War Contractor

Chapter 81: battlefield


Countless Soviet troops marched slowly on the vast snowy field. For more than a week after the war began, the Soviets now have no pre-war pride. The overall morale has begun to become sluggish, and the number of sacrifices is increasing day by day.

War is undoubtedly a tool in the hands of politicians, and this tool is used for various reasons. The reason for the use of this tool in the Winter War is because the Soviets lacked some ports and wanted to take Finland and have enough access to the Atlantic Ocean.

This condition is estimated to be difficult for any sovereign country to agree to, so the Finns began to resist. At first, the Soviets did not pay attention to the resistance of the Finns. In their view, the Finns’ resistance was nothing but a useless effort. Even think that Finns are Don Quixote, so stupid to bubbling.

But when the results of the Red Army's sacrifice of nearly 10,000 people in a week were handed over to Moscow, the legendary iron-blooded Stalin immediately became extremely angry. Stalin, who regarded face as very important, could not bear it. His army would be defeated by the Finns. Blocked, so he began to command ultra vires. What he didn't know was that this was just the beginning.

"The combatants are already in place!"

"The target is one kilometer away from the ambush circle!"

"The target has entered the ambush circle!"


With a burst of fire, at least hundreds of Finnish soldiers appeared on both sides of the Soviet army’s advancement road. They held submachine guns in their hands and squeezed the trigger at the unprepared Soviet Red Army in the snow. Within a few seconds, nearly Thousands of bullets were fired from the Finn's submachine gun and shot through the unsuspecting Soviets.

A regiment of Soviets, just the first wave of contact, immediately fell down a hundred or two hundred people.

"Charge, Ullah!" New Bayi Chinese Network debut


Although the Soviets were beaten up for the first time, after the reaction, the officers immediately took pistols and shouted loudly. At the same time, Cui drove the soldiers forward, trying to take advantage of the number of people to eat the Finns.

But this group of Finns only attacked for less than half a minute. They all turned around and began to retreat. They didn't give the Soviets a chance to come into contact with each other. They slipped away immediately after the fight, bringing the spirit of guerrilla warfare into full play.

Now it was the turn of the Soviets to struggle again. These Soviets didn't know whether they should pursue it. They could only chase slowly in the direction where the Finns were running while waiting for the commander's next instructions.

The Soviet command was very stiff. These ordinary officers at the grassroots level had no war experience at all. After seeing the Finns who ran away after a fight, they immediately became excited: "Chasing, Ulla, don't leave one!"

The Soviets who received the order began to chase them, but they had just climbed to the high point where the Finns attacked them. What awaited them were booby mines. The landmines that had been buried long ago bombed one Soviet soldier after another. Dead, wounded, the Soviets who have been using the human sea tactics have experienced what is called a wound.

At this time, the nightmare of the Soviets was not over, and the group of Finnish snipers who made the Soviets sleepless immediately appeared around them. This group of snipers has always been like sharks that smell of blood, it doesn’t matter. Not slow to follow behind the Soviets, and now the Soviets are beginning to mess up, giving them room to play.

As we all know, a sniper can play a small role in the frontal battlefield, but when the command is random and the wounded are all over the ground, it is the easiest time for the sniper to clean up the mess.

Simon Haye was lying on the ground, his gun pointed at a Soviet officer in the distance, only to see this guy holding a small pistol in his hand, wearing a military coat, and a medal on his chest, talking excitedly.


"53!" After Simon Haye pulled the trigger, he said a number, and then slowly pulled his gun bolt to find the next target.

Simon Haye did not shoot at full speed. Basically, the surrounding Finnish snipers, as long as they were experienced people, did not shoot quickly at the first time. They were still looking for some valuable targets. This group of people received orders, Among them is to kill the opposing officer as much as possible.

In the Soviet army, even machine gunners, gunners, these targets are not as important as officers. In the eyes of Finnish soldiers, a company of Soviets, as long as the officers are killed, then these Soviets are like Like a group of dumb bears waiting to be hunted, they can be easily wiped out without any tactical cooperation.

The ghostly sniper became the last-minute rescue straw to crush the Soviet army. The Soviets, who had suffered heavy casualties, began to retreat, abandoning the wounded and some friendly forces in poor positions. Most Soviet soldiers did not start Fate ran back.

The army of more than 1,000 people had a total of less than 500 casualties, but more than 60% of the officers in this army were killed. Only one of the six staff officers around the regiment commander was still alive.


Simon Haye's position is very good. They fell far behind the Soviet army. Now the Soviets retreat and need to pass through their area. When they see a damp area of Soviets withdraw, Simon Haye brows. A wrinkle: "Withdraw, let's talk!"

The Finnish snipers knew that this Soviet force had been defeated by them, but if they blocked their way of retreat, the rout might bring them some casualties. The Finns did not head-on, and ten Soviets were replaced by one Finn. People make money for the Soviets. After all, there are few Finns, and there are only millions of people in the country.

Yu Zhiqian heard the fierce exchange of fire in the east very clearly, took Mosin Nagan in his hand and HK416 on his back, and slowly moved towards the source of the gunfire.

There are not many bullets. Although the HK416 is very easy to use, it only carries a half-base ammunition. If you continue to use it unscrupulously, Yu Zhigan’s bullets will soon be burned out. For Yu Zhigan, modern weapons are still available. Night vision goggles and optical instruments are his last reliance. If it is not necessary, he still needs to save some use. After all, bullets cannot be replenished, and batteries cannot be recharged.

Gunshots can travel a long distance on the snowy field. At a distance of three kilometers, a normal person may be able to reach within half an hour, but in the snowy field, it may take an hour or even longer. Yu Zhigan rode a horse. About ten minutes later, I had already reached the edge of the crossfire area and saw the Soviets being beaten by the Finns.

Gently patted Ersha and asked him to drive his horse away from him. Yu Zhigan took the cap on the white cloak he had captured, lay down in the snow, and started to move a little bit. (End of this chapter)