War Contractor

Chapter 830: Gold class battleship


After the alien meeting is over, it is a very important thing for the earth. The whole world knows what aliens are like, and also knows some basic knowledge between interstellar civilizations, and this group of aliens Stars have also become new celebrities, and there are constantly interviews with aliens that the media wants, and the prices for each one are higher than one.

Yu Zhigan left all these things to his men to deal with, and Yu Zhigan now only concentrates on one thing, which is to establish the Earth Guard.

The Earth Guard Yu Zhigan’s plan is composed of 30,000 people. Of these 30,000 people, 20,000 are ground crews and 10,000 of them are fighters. These fighters need to be trained in the driving of ordinary combat spacecraft in the space. To put it bluntly, most of them are Some cannon fodder and, of course, some commander training, but these people Yu Zhigan were not prepared to recruit white people but selected from among the people in China.

Of course, these things can't be said clearly, you need to operate in the dark.

Two days after the alien meeting, Yu Zhigan’s call for the Earth Guard appeared in newspapers all over the world. There were not many requirements, but it was also cumbersome. First of all, an application must be submitted, followed by no criminal record, and secondly, about height. , Physical fitness and so on.

And in the past two days, Yu Zhiqian has also reached agreements with many countries, and military personnel of those countries can also participate, but they have to help screening and so on.

The interview time was set in a week. At first, many people on the Internet were waiting to see Yu Zhigan’s jokes, saying that Yu Zhigan could not recruit anyone, but after watching the salary, many people couldn’t do it anymore, and the annual salary was close to two. One hundred thousand dollars, and various benefits and so on.

The number of applicants is more than 100,000 in one day. For this reason, many flights have been opened in this region of Madagas. And as long as those who have successfully registered, they can take the registration form and go directly to take the flight to Madagascar for free. Passports are not required, which makes many people who are not planning to sign up also sign up. At least they can travel to Madagascar for free, which is also a good choice.

For a week, Yu Zhiqian was not idle. The first thing was to start building a spaceport. There is no spaceport on the earth. Yu Zhiqian's spacecraft can dock on the ground, and the energy consumption is huge.

The first thing to do is to clear out the satellites in the earth's orbit. This is very useful for the earth, but Yu Zhiqian added all the satellites to his space station, and after it was opened to the world, all countries defaulted.

There is no way, even if you disagree, can you stop Yu Zhiqian from opening the satellite? They don’t have any abilities, they can only endure it forcibly, and Yu Zhigan did not overdo it. Every country has taken care of it. The big countries may suffer a bit, but the small countries are happy. At least they didn’t have satellites before, so they could only rent them. No need to rent, you can use it casually.

How much garbage in the Earth's orbit? After Yu Zhiqian pulls the satellites and various wastes back to the earth, he can smelt a country's steel output for one or two years.

The speed of the robots is very fast. After each template was sent to space, it took only three days to build a spaceport. This spaceport has a shuttle ship specially designed to pick up the earth, and a total of four are built. One, moving around the earth, and all Yu Zhiqian's spacecraft are docked in space.

After the universe, Yu Zhiqian stood in front of the sky port, looked at the endless starry sky in front of him, and sighed for a long time. The new chapter of the earth must be rewritten in his own hands. At least the level of science and technology on the earth is slowly improving.

Yu Zhiqian has found a lot of good things from Yiqu people’s spacecraft, such as flying cars, new energy, and other things that only appear in science fiction movies. They all have them. The things in the spacecraft are like encyclopedias. The whole book is the same, what you want to find can be found, these things are worthless in the eyes of this group of Yiqu people, after all, these technologies have been used for thousands of years, and even children’s extracurricular hand-made things, but in People on earth are extremely precious materials.

After Yu Zhiqian obtained these materials, he didn't hide them privately, and gave them some of them. He also started to study some of them. Now the production phase of using vehicles has begun.

In addition, new energy and other technologies are under study. It can be said that Yu Zhiqian forcibly raised the level of science and technology on the earth. The fastest full text of 噺⒏⑴祌 んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

"This time I am looking for you to show you what level my spaceship is equivalent to yours!"

Yu Zhiqian smiled and looked at the few Yiqu people beside him. This group of Yiqu people did not receive any unfair treatment from Yu Zhigan. In addition to restricting travel, living on the earth, this group of people unexpectedly I have also gained a lot, at least Yu Zhigan seems to have a little more flesh on the faces of this group of people.

"it is good!"

The Yiqu people dare not have any objections, and some even like the earth. Although the people on the earth are much smaller than them, at least people are a type, they can accept it.

There is also food. The food on the earth is similar to what they eat, but it is much smaller than them. They occasionally eat dinosaurs and so on.

"Ok, now I will take out the spaceship!"

This group of righteous people looked at Yu Zhiqian, wondering what the so-called take out means, shouldn't the spacecraft be built

Yu Zhigan smiled without saying a word, took out the constant-star spacecraft in the system and put it out of the largest spacecraft in the spaceport.

When the spaceship came out, all the people in Yiqu stopped talking. Instead, they stared at the spaceship in front of them, their eyes widened, and their eyes were filled with weirdness, muttering to themselves: "Impossible, impossible, you It’s impossible to have this kind of spacecraft!" New 81 Chinese website updated the fastest computer terminal: https:// www.@x81zw @@.com/

"How about, how about my spaceship?"

The Yiqu people looked at Yu Zhiqian and their eyes changed. They swallowed their saliva and did not dare to speak. After a few minutes, a man turned his head and looked at Yu Zhiqian: "Excuse me, are you the god of high-dimensional life?"

"What do you mean?"

"How did you summon this gold-class battleship?"

Yu Zhiqian was stunned for a moment when he heard it. Gold rank? Yu Zhigan thought for a moment. The gold-class battleships are the highest rank. Their planetary-class spaceships are equivalent to their Bronze-class battleships. He originally thought that the permanent stars were equivalent to the Silver-class battleships, but he did not expect to be directly equivalent to their gold. Class…

"you guess!"

Yu Zhiqian didn't say clearly. Now he wants to give this group of Yiqu people a very mysterious appearance. This group of talents will say more useful things. The value of this group of Yiqu people, Yu Zhigan is ready to squeeze and squeeze! (End of this chapter)