War Contractor

Chapter 831: season finale


The formation of the Earth Guard did not encounter any obstacles. Almost all countries and people in the world are supporting the establishment of the Earth Guard.

In the past, Yu Zhigan owned a spacecraft by himself. This group of people would use various reasons to discredit Yu Zhigan, but when the aliens appeared, everyone became silent and began to face up to the problems encountered. What should be done when the aliens come? In the end, there was only one. If aliens came, only Yu Zhiqian would be able to lead the earthlings against the aliens.

Especially when Yu Zhiqian’s constant star battleship came out, people all over the world learned about the power of Yu Zhigan’s spacecraft through various channels, and learned that there were only ten such spacecrafts, even for high-level civilizations. Everyone will carry them. His heart was let go.

After the earth possesses these spaceships, it has basically the ability to protect itself. At least there is no need to worry about the earth being occupied by people after any spacecraft of higher civilization appears.

A total of 30,000 soldiers of the Earth Guard were selected in one month. Among them, only a few dozen black people were selected through layers. There were 4,000 to 5,000 whites, and most of them were from China. .

Although there are various voices in the world, the selection of Yu Zhigan this time is open. Everyone knows all the selection criteria. There is no way you can pass it. Of course, Yu Zhigan also provided something in the middle.

The wages of the Earth Guard and various benefits are jointly funded by various countries, and each country will pay a portion of it, and Yu Zhiqian’s job here is to protect the safety of the earth.

After the establishment of the Earth Guard, training began immediately. There are two training bases around the world, one in the country and one in Madagascar. The first training is flight training. This group of people pilots an ordinary spacecraft, which can be used for short distances. This is the most basic cannon fodder in space warfare. It relies on these small spacecraft to carry out harassment attacks, block the opponent from jumping in time and space, and so on. The fastest full text of 噺⒏⑴祌 んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

As for why not use robots? In the era of primary civilization, the cost of an intelligent robot is much higher than that of training a space pilot. Compared with the training of space pilots on the earth, it is simpler. Many spaceships can even be worthless. The use of humans to fly is just to prevent them from appearing. An unrepeatable accident.

And Yu Zhiqian put almost all white people as pilots. Europeans are very satisfied with this. After all, they have access to combat equipment, which is much better than staying on the ground.

After a month of basic training, the Earth Guard began its first training. Yu Zhiqian sat in the command room located in the orbit of the earth, surrounded by some big figures on the earth, watching from behind.

Twenty spaceships started to fly towards Mars with the constant star battleship Earth as the center. The most basic of this exercise is how the Earth will deal with the attack and so on.

"The first flight formation is ready, traces of enemy ships are found near 0, 1 light years ahead!"

"The first flight formation received, the first flight formation is ready to set off!"

The Earth quickly lit up with red lights, and many people rushed into the spacecraft, while the commander Yan Qi and others were learning to command the spacecraft to conduct interstellar battles.

Soon the flight hatch on the Earth opened, and the small black spacecraft flew out from the Earth and flew towards the distant space.

"Queer!" a white pilot shouted loudly. When he was a child, he dreamed of flying in the space in a spacecraft. Now that his dream has come true, he couldn't help but feel a little weird.

"Be alert, you will reach the target area in ten minutes!"

"Roger that!"


During the exercise on this side of the earth, Yiqu people were on a certain planet.

"Huh? The exploration ship to the earth has been controlled by humans?" ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

"Yes, there seems to have been some accidents, no news has been delivered yet!"

A report of sacrifice was made. After hearing this, the person above nodded and touched his huge chin: "Let the Seventh Fleet and Sixth Squadron go around the earth to see what happened, then This planet is our birthplace, and it must not fall into the hands of others!"


Soon, the Yiqu people's fleet began to slowly move toward the earth.

Yu Zhiqian has gone through four missions on the earth, all of which are very sci-fi missions, the Battle of Los Angeles, the Pacific Rim and so on. Yu Zhiqian has also received many spacecraft awards. Among them, the gold-class battleships, Yu Zhigan has a total of four. For the time being, only two were brought out.

The earth is also developing very rapidly. There are mining farms and hotels on the moon, but robots are working, and the price of lunar tourism has also begun to drop. Some middle-class families can also go to the earth even if they bite their teeth.

Yu Zhiqian's wedding was also held in space. With Toothpick and Yu Dan, everything is rapidly developing towards the good side. On the whole, the earth has entered a period of rapid development and slowly began to be a country on earth. The definition has also become blurred, and the country has also begun to develop rapidly, and many new things have been developed from the country.

Yu Zhiqian did not relax his vigilance, but kept staring at space. When a civilization enters the cosmic civilization, their position will be revealed. The earth must be ready to fight at any time to prevent sudden enemies.

In May of 2022, as usual, Li Yang, an ordinary resident of the earth, is Li Yang, not the Li Yang who has been in contact with Yu Zhiqian. He walked out of his house and drove his newly purchased floating car, ready to go to the shopping mall and himself. Meet the blind date.

Li Yang is also a member of the Earth Guard, but he is on vacation recently to solve his personal problems.

Since the establishment of the Earth Guard, the number has exceeded 100,000, and it is one of the most lofty occupations on the entire planet.

Under the Earth Guard’s exploration of extraterrestrials, the Earth has discovered two planets suitable for human life. One planet is still in a low-level civilization, and the other has no life. The Earth has begun to explore and colonize the two planets. A batch of immigrants has been sent there, and Li Yang is also the place where the life planet was discovered.

When I came to the mall, I parked my aircraft in the sky and took an anti-gravity conveyor belt into the mall. This kind of flying car is a symbol of the rich in everyone’s eyes, but Li Yang didn’t. It feels too big, just simply accustomed to flying, after all, flying in space every day.

"Hello, this is Li Yang, and you are Miss Zhong Lixia?"

Li Yang came to the store, found the girl sitting in the corner, and walked over with bright eyes.

"Hello, I am… "

When the two people talked happily, Li Yang's communication equipment suddenly rang, and the highest notification of the first class, Li Yang opened it without any hesitation, and an electronic screen appeared in the air with the word "emergency return" written on it!

"Miss Zhong, I'm sorry, the Earth Guard has been recalled urgently. I need to rush back to the base immediately. I hope I can have a good understanding of Miss Zhong next time!"

"it is good!"

Li Yang drove his speed car quickly towards the headquarters of the Earth Guard. At the same time, members of the Earth Guard in various regions on the earth also received news and rushed towards the base.

Aliens are coming. This is the alarm sent by Yu Zhiqian's detectors at the edge of the solar system. Their detectors have detected energy fluctuations, and a space fleet is leaping towards the earth.

According to the time given by the Yiqu people, it should be the spaceship of the Yiqu people. Yu Zhigan knew that all this was inevitable, and immediately called a general mobilization order to prepare for the battle.

Soon a person on vacation was recalled and began to board the ship, and Yu Zhiqian personally boarded the Earth this time, ready to set off!

His goal is the stars and the sea! (End of this chapter)

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